Hopalong Hollow....

Hopalong Hollow, where the Blueberries grow sweet, and the moss feels soft beneath your feet.

Tuesday, April 12, 2022

       My goodness, has it been 2 years since I posted here?!! I doubt anyone visits this blog anymore. But I think I will keep myself in the loop, just because this blog meant a lot to me for many years.

Spring is arriving here in the Hollow and I am  trying to keep up with over 10 gardens as they begin their lovely new growth in pots, tubs and earth.

 This year I'm determined to have success with my Sweet peas and Hollyhocks. I will be experimenting with dozens of  varieties and planting in several ways.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

A new passion for ROSES has increased the rose population here in Hopalong Hollow to 87 roses and we are hoping for the sweet and spicy scents to permeate the air this coming season.
 This is Raspberry Twirl.
 (stock picture, hope ours will look like this!)
Last year was marvelous for blooms, Peonies, Dahlia and Annuals were the Showgirls of the garden.

 Thats all for now.... see you on my youtube channel:
Jeri Landers of Hopalong Hollow:


  1. Hello!
    Beautiful flowers
    Spring brings thoughts of Hopalong Hollow. Recently, I've been thinking it is time for a nice cup of tea while watching your Youtube videos. They are

  2. i, for one, am very happy to see you posting again! don't stay away for two more years! do you still go to the country living fair and do they even still have them?

    1. I haven't attended that show in about 5 years, in fact we do very few shows now. After 35 years of show, I am tired.

  3. Oh Jeri! It is so good to see you here after all this time. I have missed your wonderful posts, and you know me and flowers, so this post makes me feel like a kid in a candy store, only better!
    I have also just returned recently. Hope this note finds you well.
    Love and blessings dear friend

    1. Hello Penny, I've been thinking about you lately. I hope all is well in your life. Good to be in touch again.

  4. A nice surprise to see your post, you are still on my follow list. I love roses too. I have 3, maybe I need 4. Imagine having 87, wow.

    1. It's a lot to care for, but not really difficult.

  5. Your post notification popped up in my email today. I watch all your videos while on the elliptical so it is not convenient to comment there. I love watching your gardens grow. Thank you for sharing!Your post notification popped up in my email today. I watch all your videos while on the elliptical so it is not convenient to comment there. I love watching your gardens grow. Thank you for sharing!

    1. Good to know you are here, good to know you are watching the videos, thanks Cathy!

  6. Oh yes, we're still here! I stumbled on your blog and followed along beacause there was so much good to read and such inspiration...so glad you're back. I have those same wash tubs...I never thought to put bulbs in them, what a great springtime pop of color. Do you remove the bulbs and fill with summertime flowers later in the season? Mary

    1. I will leave them in the tub. After the foliage turn yellow, I'll pull if off and plant some annual flower seed in the tubs.

  7. I'm new to this Gazette as well as your blogging or vlogging 🤗😍. You are a wonder and an inspiration to all that watch and learn from you!!!!! I have very similar tastes and interests and just enjoy every time I have an opportunity to tune in. 🐇🐥🌱🌼.

    1. I'm not here too often as you can see, but I pop in once in awhile..

  8. I’ve been watching your videos and decided to look you up today! You are living my dream!
    I just found your blog! I love your art, gardens, stories and your laid back simple life!

  9. Somehow I lost my comment, I hit something wrong. I want to say I am happy to see you back blogging. I hope you will post more often. I watch your videos and enjoy those. Love the walkabout in your garden and seeing your farm yard animals. A joy for sure. 87 roses! wow! I love roses.

  10. Betsy, thanks for visiting, as you can see, I don't post here very often, but once in awhile I remember... I have a bloG!

  11. Just discovered you on "You Tube" and what a treat you are. Your videos present all the kinds of things I really enjoy. Love all of your sweet animals - live and felted. Thank you for the work and thoughts you put into everything you do. New friend.

  12. What state are you from?

  13. Hej, jag tittar in här ett par gånger i veckan, läser och trivs. Jag bor på svenska höglandet i en lantlig liten by, som fanns redan på 1200-talet. Lever enkelt med mina och grannarnas katter. Odlar rosor, gammaldags perenner, bär och frukt.

    1. Hello, I check in here a couple of times a week, read and enjoy. I live in the Swedish highlands in a small rural village, which already existed in the 13th century. Live easily with mine and the neighbors' cats. Grows roses, old-fashioned perennials, berries and fruit.

  14. Your videos are so relaxing. I love to wander around your gardens with you. A bit off topic, I know, but can you do a video of you needle felting a Wind in the Willows character? I just love that book and your creations! When I first watched the Dominic video, I really thought it was a badger and got excited..

    These posts are much appreciated Jeri by all of us on this little blog!
    Love, Sugar Cookie

  15. Just wanted to let you know that people do still read your blog. I have followed you for years here and on YouTube. I knew that you are in East Tennessee but just recently realized that we aren't very far from each other. I'm in Corryton. I do believe I first saw your work at the Foothills show in the Jacobs building. I used to do Scherenschnitte as well, certainly not on your level, but my hands don't cooperate much any more. LOL. I really enjoy all your work. Carrie J.

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