Hopalong Hollow....

Hopalong Hollow, where the Blueberries grow sweet, and the moss feels soft beneath your feet.

Thursday, August 3, 2017

The Gossips

"Tatum, did you hear about the mysterious and dapper grey squirrel that recently moved into Chippy Cackle's vacated hole in the  Mulberry tree?
" No one knows much about his past, but it has been whispered that he's been loading hoards and hoards of black walnuts  into that hole, by the light of the moon!"
  "Dinah, You don't say!  Tiddlywinks! Do you suppose he could be part of the "Fly by Night Nutters Gang" that raided and emptied the farmers barrels a fortnight past?"
 " If so,he must have an entire winters worth of vittles  in that tree.... no doubt  Merry Goodweather will dress in her finest frocks and come a tap, tap, tapping at his door with a fresh  basket of Acorn Scones and a twinkle in her eye... hummmph!"
"Hummmph! On that you can depend....tart!"
 "Tatum, I daresay she will use her charms to  get on the good side of a handsome stranger with the possibility of riches to be had, FIDDLESTICKS!"
  Speaking of Merry Goodweather, I hear-tell her Aunt Beanblossum had yet another husband spirited away by that beastly thug of a  Hooty Owl... Poor dear, she has now been  thrice widowed! No doubt the owl family is well-fed... it simply doesn't bear thinking about!"

" Well fiddle-dee-dee, what did her husband expect, gallivanting in the branches all hours of the night with a hungry owl on the loose?!" 


  "Nevertheless dearest, Aunt Beanblossum has at least a dozen little mouths to feed..."
 Perhaps we should tell Her about the wealthy stranger in the Mulberry tree before Merry Goodweather has him wrapped round her  long skinny toes!"
"Indeed Dinah, Indeed. Let's give her the news this very minute!"

"Must dash!"

  The Gossips are accompanying us to the Shaker Village in Pleasanton, Ky this week-end to the annual artisans show. It should be a very interesting drive.


  1. Delightful story! A squirrel escaped the clutches of an owl in this month's chapter of Gabriel's Tale. I love your gossiping squirrels!

  2. So cute and that should be a fun show too.

    1. Always love the Shaker Village show, we go every year.

  3. Replies
    1. The gals are quite pretty, maybe one of them ought to make a play for the elegant and dashing stranger.....

  4. Jeri,
    I see a book here... Such a sweet story and darling little gossiping squirrels. Simply enchanting.
    As always, your workmanship is superb!

  5. What a sweet post! Have a great show and trip to and from.


    1. Thank you for the well wishes... we did have a nice show!

  6. It will be a VERY interesting drive, with talking squirrels in the back seat!!!!!!!

    My goodness, are ya sure you want to sell off these skilled gossipers? Every farm needs a few good watch dogs (watch squirrels) to keep everyone in the know! teeehehehehehehehee

    FINE storytelling, excellent artistry. Jeri, wishing you a successful and fun artist show!!!

    1. We dare not speak a work in front of the gossips, else it will be broadcast all over the treetops!

  7. Simply adorable storyline and gossipy squirrels, Jeri! Have a successful show, my friend. ♥

    1. Love those fuzzy little gals, even if they like to tell tales.

  8. Now these two are the perfect pair of gossips...story is wonderful...hope you will let us know about that stranger who is up for grabs...wouldn't be fair if we didn't get to hear the "rest of the story." Have a great time in Ky. Hugs!

    1. The elusive stranger is still a mystery, despite the maneuvering of every single female squirrel in the Hollow!

  9. So cute and that should be a fun show too.្thanks for sharing!



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