Hopalong Hollow....

Hopalong Hollow, where the Blueberries grow sweet, and the moss feels soft beneath your feet.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Weclome Baby Peachicks!


 Moving on to the next.
The exciting news is this:
Our peahen had babies!

Her first set of eggs lain in the old tree stump was a fail, but her second nest, made in the garden, was a wonderful success! It seems things work out best when you're in the garden.
We have 4 Baby Pea-chicks here in the Hollow.

Thank you Hettie Pepper, You are a wonderful mother!


  1. So sweet, Jeri! Congratulations! Love the accompanying music to your charming video. ♥

    1. Choosing music for my videos is one of my favorite little jobs!

  2. Oh so sweet. Didn't know a peahen would make a good mother. Ours would roost on our rooftop at night right over the sidewalk. Couldn't control them, but I never minded their calling. What do you do with all the feathers? I've been trying to sell them in my booth.

    1. She's an even better mommy than a goose! I just give my feathers away, I have so many of them.

  3. Congratulations!
    Wow! They are adorable. Hettie is such a good mother, quickly turning around to see the chick lagging behind. Great video. Thank you
    Finished and Next are beautiful.Well done!

    1. It's almost as if she can count to 4! She always knows if anyone is missing and goes on a noisy search.

  4. Thank you so much for sharing! They are so darling. I too love your music choice so reflective of your menagerie! Congratulations Hettie Pepper ! Pam

    1. Hi Pam, It is a joy and a pleasure to share my funny little family with readers, thankyou for watching!

  5. Dear Jeri ~ I love your bonnet bedecked ladies and your next paintings are looking good too.

    Your little pea babies are adorable and I loved the way they followed their mother in the little video.

    Thanks for sharing your lovely country life ~ FlowerLady

    1. The babies are very friendly and come running up to me whenever I am outside, not sure mommy peahen likes that. But I have a secret weapon to make friends with my birds...it is called canned catfood.

  6. Congratulations!!...Adorable..Love your paintings..

    1. Thanks Missy, it is exciting to have pea-chicks because it doesn't happen often. This is only the second time we've had a hatch in 4 years.

  7. teeeeheeeee

    THE MUSIC WAS PERFECT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    The little bebies...the wee ones, oh, mummy is beautiful and is having a great time showing them where the juiciest bugs can be picked!!!!! Wow Jeri, The Hollow is brimming with life!

    We darlin', summer is slowly closing its shutters, but the fun still continues. I wish you more magic and fun as September comes in! Thank you for the fun.

    1. That music goes so well with the pattering of little baby pea-chick feet. It's still quite hot and humid here. The only sign of Summers end are the yellowing Mulberry leaves scattering all over the ground after every slight breeze.

  8. They are just beautiful! Not sure I've ever seen the babies. Question: is there a name for peachicks? (like goose = gosling, etc)

    1. Lady, Grown males are Peacocks, females are Peahens and babies are Peachicks. It is too soon to tell which are boys and girls.. I hope we have 2 of each.

  9. Congratulations on your growing family! They are adorable. -Jenn

    1. I was especially grateful for these babies, as we lost 3 adult peas in the last 2 years and were down to only one male and one female.

  10. Hi Jeri,
    The first photo. Will this illustration be the cover for your Gardening book? It turned out beautiful, and I really like your WIP.

    What sweet little Pea-chicks. How fun to watch them with walk along with their mommy. I really enjoyed the music.

    1. I think Penny, it would make a good cover with the title curved across the blue sky. However, I may change my mind as I work on other pieces.

  11. Wonderful artwork and cute cute cute family ! Theses babies are lovely !
    Thank you Jeri !

    1. Nath, Thank you! I love these little babies... I think I am the gramma.

  12. Those peachicks are certainly adorable. I wonder that you have time for painting----I'd be trailing along behind the peachick train to see what wonders they were busy investigating. Good thing they have Mama nearby to keep them in hand.

    1. No need to follow the little mites around the yard Vic, they visit me on the porch at least a dozen times a day, as I am painting. I ply them with canned cat food and now, whenever they want a snack, they come running to the porch for a handout!

  13. It will be exciting to see the peachicks grow! Just like your drawings growing into lovely paintings, they'll be colorful....that is if they're males. When will you know what you have?

    1. Cathy, I am pretty sure we have 2 and 2. The little boys are already fanning out their tiny tails and strutting! It is adorable. I managed to get some video of their prideful little prancing, to post at a later date.

  14. Gorgeous illustration and adorable little wee ones!

    1. You must make a Peacock quilt sometime, Michelle!


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