
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Transforming Ugly Part 2 Bathroom circa 1905

 I hope you won't mind if I gush and giggle and squeal a bit here. I am so IN LOVE with my bathroom...really, I am.
 The Lord of the Manor has worked steadfastly, non-stop for nearly a month on this job. It was a major remodel and I must give him all the credit in the world.
Plaster repair, plumbing, carpentry, drywall, electrical, painting, antique restoration, 16 floor hole repairs, and all that cleanup work.. every single day... Is there anything this man can't do?! 

My Hero
He just came down from the attic, so his face looks a bit smudged, like a chimney sweep... but I think he is quite cute that way.
If you read the post below you will know how far this room has come... from total  Water closet DESPAIR to bathroom  DELUXE!
How about a before and after tour?
This may take a while.. Lets's go!
This cast iron tub was stenciled in pink on one side, green on the other, the faucets were unspeakably ugly.( I tossed them out as soon he removed them) James moved the tub to the other side of the room, I re-stenciled it,( see post below). All the old wallpaper was removed and this old wainscot was replaced with vintage bead board. All the plaster walls and ceiling were repaired and re-papered. I can only take credit for doing the wallpaper, other than that, I have been working on my book illustrations 24-7, (which is why I haven't been able to visit you, my friends... sorry)

This is dimensional wallpaper. It is made to look like pressed tin ceiling tiles.

It gives you the same look at a fraction of the cost.  You can purchase this at Lowes, and then paint it the color of your choice.  James chose"Honey Pot" paint. Have you ever papered a ceiling? Oh my gosh! Talk about whiplash.

 This hole in the ceiling was the only entrance to the attic... no wonder we never wanted to go up there, what a hassle it was.
 But no more!  A ladder to the attic... You just pull on that little knob, 

 down comes the ladder and up you go.

 He put in an attic floor while he was at it. Did I mention, our attic had no floor?
(It's really difficult to stash your Christmas boxes while walking on beams), I plan on spending a lot more time in the attic, now that I can arrange things without the fear of crashing  through the ceiling.

One of the most important aspects of this remodel was the clothes closet which was created using the antique Butlers Pantry we picked up in Pennsylvania ( a YEAR after purchasing off ebay) You can see the bits and pieces in the blog post beneath this one.
James built the frame, and reconstructed the  Butlers Pantry... 
to create the best darn closet this old house ever had.
It just about hits the top of the 10 ft ceiling.
We can put nearly EVERY GARMENT in here!!!! This is one side. I collect (and wear) vintage Laura Ashley dresses.. and here they are, all in a tidy row.
 We are ready  for  the linens and towels. 
Okay, James built the bones of this room... they are good bones. Now, I get to come in and have some fun doing the decor.
All my years of collecting have paid off. For this room, I don't need to purchase anything to add finishing touches on this "turn of the century" lieu.
 Here is that funny little sink.  We picked this up for  $50 off Craig's list.
 I found one, nearly identical,  in my Sears Catalog 1910. 
It is advertised as "the most sanitary sink  on the market today" For $10.10... that was a lotta dough back in the day.

Sears began   selling entire "houses in kits" starting in the late 1890's.

I love the sink, just hanging on this wall. I even like the little chips along the rim, but James is changing the handles because they are not original to the sink and very out of place. I can imagine this little sink  in an old Normandy farmhouse. It looks very Country French.

This is the first time I have been able to buy YELLOW towels... I like that.
"HONEY POT" towels!
Garden statues do not necessarily belong in the garden, they make fine soap dishes
And if there is one thing a lady loves it is soap..soap and more soap!
In all manner of containers.

This simple oak dresser was also available for a mere $5 in the 1908 Sears catalog.

 In this century it will hold little treasures, such as:
Pretty  ladies used to perch your hat upon, these were popular in the 1920's and 30's.

 There is also a manicure set, and a curling iron.

 The small razor was one of the first antiques I ever bought. It was the only thing in the shop I could afford at the time, stamped EVEREADY, one of the first razors.

These vintage bottles have names such as Glostora (which imparts a lustrous gloss and sheen to your hair), Mother of pearl,( which does the same thing) and Superior Pomade.

 Edwardian ladies were on a beauty quest , just as we are.

This fabulous old print is actually a puzzle from the 1930's, that was never cut into the puzzle pieces. 
  Enchanting little apple pickers in wooden shoes,it's a one of a kind piece and perfect for this spot.
 I can't decide if my bathroom is Victorian, French country or 1930's style. I guess it is all of the above. This is hanging above the dresser.

 Now for the other side of the room... this is a very large room.
 OOPS, I forgot to clean that clutter off the toilet tank.
  When I was about 20 yrs old,  my best friend gave me the tiny Victorian stick  bird cage for my birthday. It is very delicate and the paint is old, cracked and chippy. It is perfect for this wall. AND, it is "Honey pot" yellow!
Beneath it is an old wicker tray with pressed flowers and butterflies.

I had to snatch part of my butterfly collection from the studio.
A great view from the window!

And into the hallway.

This was used as a shopping basket on wheels, once upon a time, now it will be a clothes hamper.

The worn stenciled floor was re_varnished..

 When you walk into this room, the ambiance is  calming with a sense of history and warmth.
 I feel like I have stepped back in time.....

Maybe I have...

 For a few relaxing moments

Ahhhhhh.... Calgon, take me away.


  1. It looks just beautiful! The two of you did a great job on it!

  2. Oh my gosh! What a charming bathroom! We're working on a bathroom, too! I call my style shabby chic goes to the beach. I love the colors, but what I really love is the rocking chair! What a grand idea.

  3. Beautiful! I am so in love with your sink!!!

  4. That looks amazing - hop in that steaming bath and back you go to a simpler time of beauty and refinement. How nice to be able to use all the pieces you have collected and saved to add the final,perfect touches. Happy days chris.xx

  5. Hi Jeri,

    You have every reason to gush, your bathroom is beautiful
    I love how everything is so charming and you and your husband did a brilliant job.
    Yes, we have wallpapered a ceiling with Anagylpta and it is a hard job but looks gorgeous once you get there.
    Enjoy your new bathroom, aren't the old claw foot iron baths, wonderful - we have one too.

    Happy March

  6. JERI!!!! THIS IS MAGNIFICENT! And your Lord of the Manor is quite fabulous himself! These men of ours, huh? BRAVO TO HIM and to you my dear, for waiting for this to happen! Ruben did the same thing with our bathroom and now it is splendid. ENJOY IT MY DEAR!!!! Anita

  7. Hi Jeri, Oh you must be so happy to everything all put together and just the way you wanted it.. You and your husband have done a wonderful job.. Your Butlers Pantry has really turned into a handsome vocal point.. your vision has come to life...

  8. An Edwardian Bathroom ! Wonderful work you made ! You have a lot of talent for decoration also. Your house has beautiful personality.

    You are wonderful Jeri !

    Nice month of March.

    Nathanaëlle x

  9. Oh my Gosh Oh my Gosh....Oh my Gosh...
    all I can say is Oh my Gosh.....it is WONDERFUL!!!!!
    WOW!!! Oh-MY GOSH!!!!

    :-D :-) :-D

    Blessings and Hugs Linnie

  10. thank you for the amazing tour! it all looks dreamy wonderful! you must both be so proud. I love that hamper and floor, well everything really. I am so happy for you in having a handy and wonderful husband. lovely day and beyond to you!

  11. Jeri,

    I love everything about your new bathroom! I have several of the gold framed boxes I saw in one of the pictures. They are old candy boxes and I use mine for a jewelry box. That is, if I'm seeing it correctly on your shelf.

  12. Completely charming in every detail! You've created the perfect retreat, Jeri. I hope you enjoy it!

  13. This is the most spectacular remodel of a bathroom I have ever seen! On HGTV, they always try to throw in something contemporary, and I'm always so frustrated when they do! You have nailed it, Miss Jeri, in every way...and 3 attaboys to your dear laboring husband!
    I am finally able to post my photos and will be playing a bit of catch-up for awhile:)
    Cant wait for April in Franklin, dear friend!
    Iris bed longs for more East Tennessee friends:))

  14. Jeri, ugly no more.... your bathroom can be called the Relaxing Room, looks like it is right out of one of your books. James did a fantastic job. yip, yip hurray for both of you.
    love you both, Deborah RM

  15. Oh my lands Jeri. It is like stepping back in time. It is beautiful. The Butlers Pantry is fabulous. Your hero did such a fantastic job. I love all of your antique pieces and they all just fit there like they have always been there. Wonderful job!

  16. GOOD MORNIN' EVERYONE! Oh Jeri, how kind of you to ask and seek about my bathroom! No, I do not have pictures of my renovation on my blog, but I would LOVE to share some pics with you. Email me sometime when you have a moment and I will send you some pictures! WOW....Ruben had ripped out (with a sledge hammer) our old 1960s tub and built a walk-in 3x5 foot shower. It is gorgeous. So when you can, reach me at:


    Have a splendid day and enjoy your new TUB!!! Anita

  17. Dear Jeri,

    Wooooow! I think I'd be tempted to spend a little extra time in the powder room! :)

    You both have done an amazing job; may you be able to enjoy it for many happy years.



  18. Dear Jeri ~ I just love it. You both are so talented.

    Wow, a collection of Laura Ashley dresses. How cool is that?

    Your whole way of life is charming and peaceful there at the Hollow.

    Thank you for sharing. Truly inspiring.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  19. Oh Jeri! What a magnificent job you and the Lord of the Manor have done... He is quite the handsome man... The work you two have put into this restoration has paid off... You are right, just like stepping back in time... ahhhh.. I love the photo of the steam coming up from the bath... BRAVO Jeri! So many details... I am going to re visit this evening.

    Received you message, are you at the art show? Wishing you the best this weekend... and yes, I am keeping my fingers crossed for you...I know Jemima wants to travel home to meet the real one.
    Thank you so much Jeri...

  20. It just looks wonderful!
    I could easely live there ;o))
    What charming taste you have...

    sorry I haven't been around much, I have been very very sick and glad to be alive, Still!!!
    lovely greetings from holland!

  21. What a blissful space! Absolutely perfect in every minute detail, as is everything you undertake.

  22. I just want to crawl into that tub with a good book! I am in complete awe of the amount of work you both put into this room. BEAUTIFUL!
    fondly, Penny

  23. It looks fantastic Jeri! And I absolutely LOVE your butler's pantry.

  24. Incredible! Truly incredible! Good work you two!

    Got my parcel Jeri! I loooooooove it! Northcott is sooooo soft. I can't wait to create something very special. Thanks so very much!!
    HUGS! :)

  25. What bliss! It's just delightful and I love the clawfoot tub. What a great place to display all of your treasures. Thanks for sharing.



  26. Hard work and attention to detail - that's really impressive and now you have the bathroom of your dreams Jeri. Well done. Lesley x

  27. Very beautiful, very Victorian bathroom! I thought, on one of the last pictures..there's a ghost in that bathroom...oh, no, it's the steam from the bathtub! Lol! I LOVE the butler's pantry turned closet! Love, love, love it! Daughter and son in law were up there last week..went thru the tornadoes..very scary..hope your neck of the woods fared well. Our little valley was spared...

  28. JERI! You won !! Jemima is all yours. I am so happy she will be traveling home to meet the real Jemima!!. Thank you from the bottom of my heart!

  29. The transformation is simply splendid! Proud Hero looks as though he jubilates in this joint
    project,so well done. The butler's
    pantry redux is outstanding. That
    lavender soak will be ecstasy in
    those charmed surroundings. Enjoy~

  30. Good Grief!! Phew, This was a long one, but oh so satisfying. Good work James, and great decorating Jeri.
    Glad it was you and not us, but believe me, we have plenty or work to do around here. It never ends.

    Loved seeing all this and thanks for stopping by my posting. Your words mean a lot to me.

    All joys,


  31. Message for Dimity Doormouse... You are invited to join the celebration at Nowhere..
    Hope to see you soon.

  32. Dear Jeri, thank you so much for your warm welcome to Hopalong! Your world is fabulous and enchanting, and your art is simply amazing. I had the pleasure of seeing one of your beautiful books at dear Anita's home!
    This bathroom is a romantic's dream come true...and I too adore Laura Ashley.
    Looking forward to getting to know you :)
    - Irina

  33. JERI DARLIN'!!!!!!!

    You came with the mouse clan to Nowhere.

    You came to sit with me in my Castle, wearing a Crown, while perusing my Cottage....you are a real pal and THANK YOU FOR CELEBRATING WITH US! It is almost spring dearest! How are the animals behaving? AND DID YOU GET JEMIMA YET??????? I love her so!

    Enjoy a bright day! Anita

  34. I want to use your bathroom now!!!! May I visit and bathe?*grin*
    wonderful jeri, truly wonderful and cozy!
    hey thanks for the comment and visit! i love, loved the show and i am already getting ready for the next although is not until nov.grin.
    Great to see you!!! smiles~

  35. Hey Jeri, I know your bathroom is amazingly gorgeous but you must be out by now !! What are you up to? Happy Days to you. Chris xx

  36. What a big transformation! I love it! Good job, James! Our hero!

  37. Oh Jeri, you are so kind... What a review! I am so very happy that you are so pleased with Jemima.. Oh yes, I am having a good ol time with the farm animals... but the duck! oh my, I thought it would be so simple.
    I am truly humbled by your kind words.
    Blessings to you dear friend,

  38. Dear Cousin Jeri,

    Your husband after he came down from the attic reminds us of Tom Kitten when he got lost in the chimney! Your painted tub and sink are lovely! Your Butler's pantry is magnificent, it must be great for storage and looks so beautiful too! How nicely you and husband have finished the whole room and we love how you have used pieces of your collection to make wonderful, old fashioned scenes! What a delightful room to linger in!

    Your cousins,
    Diane and daughter Sarah

  39. Wow. I cannot even find words. THIS is just beautiful - all the details and collected treasures, your husband's artistry. That is a well done team effort! I think a bottle of champagne is in order if you haven't already.

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