
Monday, March 12, 2012

Donkey love

8 months old, and the apple of my eye... Jemima, that is.
 This was her at 0ne week old!
Her surprise birth turned a depressing day into unexpected joy and she has been making me smile ever since with her exuberance, affection and sweetness.

Something else made me smile just as widely today, when I opened an awaited package from a talented, delightful person that you should meet...
Penny created this wonderful little Jemima using the wool from one of my own sheep.
She is just 5 inches tall.
She looks so much like Jemima, she nearly brought tears to my eyes.
Penny needle-felted, sculpted and breathed  life into this amazing little creature. All she had to go by were a few photos of my donkey gal, but she captured her personality brilliantly.
 When I opened the box,

I fell in love...
 All over again... with a mini- Jemima!
Just look at those little hooves.  I wish you could hold her, she is so tiny and adorable.

Penny makes the most minute and wonderful little creatures:  Delicate mice in teacups, tiny cherubic fairies and angels, little bears,and rabbits, , DONKEYS( I think Jemima was her first... what a masterpiece), sheep, and she is working on a duck now... Not only is Penny a marvelous mistress of the needle, she is also a sculptress and a wonderful painter. Penny's wares are available for sale and at this very moment, she has a darling little white sheep up on her site (she used the wool from my very 2 of my sheep ladies, Beatrix and Sophia)

Jemima thinks you should ALL go and visit Penny ... right away!
( I would post a more recent photo of Jemima, but she has been rolling in the dirt all day and is not as finely coiffed as she should be.)

Here is a link to Penny's place.

Have fun!


  1. Oh, Jeri..yes indeed, Penny is a brilliant and magical human being! The beauty of her heart is evident in everything she creates.
    And what darling Jemimas, yours and now the wee one!! Too cute for words..
    Have a splendid week :)
    - Irina

  2. Dear Jeri ~ I love your real Jemima and your sweet little felted one is precious! Now I need to go visit Penny, thanks for the link.

    Have a wonderful week there at Hopalong Hollow with all your wonderful critters and your DH.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. Jeri, you have been blessed with two beautiful creatures! I never had a donkey in US, but farm I grow up the had.
    The blessing is beyond words!
    I love your farm too. You keep all things so beautifully and magical.

  4. What a DEAR likeness to the
    DEAR DEAR SWEET Jemima Girl!
    Penny has a very endearing talent!! She sure did capture a twinkle in the eye of that cute little likeness!!
    Blessings and Hugs, linnie

  5. Hi Jeri....Penny is wonderful. I just ordered a tiny mouse in a nut shell for my Mom for her birthday! Thanks for the head-up!! Oh, and your long ear is beautiful...Have you seen my two new gals?? I just love donkeys!

  6. Oh my goodness...this little donkey is just adorable and so detailed. No wonder you fell in love with mini Jemima, too.

  7. Ahhhhhh, Jemima is so sweet! And so is Penny to have made this little Jemima for you - I'm off to visit her site.
    Have a wonderful week, Jeri!

  8. Hi Jeri. Oh my what a great job she did creating the mini Jemima. I love the eyes! It is the sweetest thing.

  9. Oh my! Your Jemima is absolutely adorable! Thank you for posting pictures.

  10. Oh Jeri, I am deeply touched and honored that you have posted little Jemima... I am so very happy that you have fallen in love with her.. Yes, she was my first donkey that I have needle felted or sculpted with clay.
    It is so good to see the sweet face of the REAL Jemima here... Thank you so much Jeri, and thank you Beverly for your order! So nice to meet you, and to everyone for your kind thoughts and words of encouragement.

  11. OH DEAR...I have been missing all day long! I was in my basement (off from school today) to finish up a large order for bunny wands! OH JERI, first of all, thank you for visiting. I love seeing you come to see me!

    AND THEN....drumrolllllllll.........

    I FELL IN LOVE WITH PENNY'S JEMIMA. When I first saw her, I literally BEGGED PENNY to sell her to me! But then it dawned on me that she was FOR YOU! OOOOOOOOOOOO was I happy for you, but I told Penny that she has to continue to make FARM ANIMALS! SHE IS SPLENDID, isn't she? Isn't it so fun how we all have our own styles????

    YOUR "real" Jemima is one cuddly and SPECIAL little girl. Oh Jeri, in my wildest dreams, I would go grab Penny and then fly us both out to see you!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE and I so agree that Penny has a special gift to capture magic. You should see the TEA RAT that she sculpted for me, along with the other prized works of art I have from her. She is a blessed soul and friend to us all.

    HAVE FUN, JERI! Anita

  12. oh my both Jemima's are adorable as can be! such a lovely package you received.

    lovely week to you ~

  13. oh my gosh,Jeri... Your Jemima and her name sake are both so adorable.. one to hold in your hand and one to come to you when you call.. I always wanted a donkey when I was a young girl. they both are to cherish.. I LOVE them.

  14. The best present ! How wonderful, how talenbted your friend is !

  15. Oh what a wonderful pressie from Penny! Her work is fabulous! Sweet little Jemima brings a big smile to my face too. I could squeeze her!

  16. Dear Jeri,

    What a little cutie (both of the Jemimas)! Penny is indeed very gifted with putting life into her creations; I am amazed how she can make her mice look so similar!

    Thanks for sharing your happy day with us.



    p.s. The book arrived safe and sound, but we have to keep it under wraps till the 28th! :)

  17. Hi Jeri!
    You wanna ducky too? I must say, this little one was a challenge... Sometimes the things you would think would be so simple, surprise you! I am felting away. Thanks so much for coming over to visit and kind words.. Right now I am finishing up a piece I started in February and had set aside...

    I really did enjoy felting that little ducky and will probably make another.
    Thank you again Jeri for this beautiful post and for your purchase of little Jemima... I truly appreciate your kindness and support.

  18. I love donkeys, and yours is a beauty! 4yrs ago I lost my Jack to the Equine Protozoan Virus, transferred to him by either opossum or raccoon, although we did the prescribed treatment, he still passed on. He is missed dearly. The other 4 horses on occasion stand on his grave in the pasture all in a row, I will have to take a photo of that sometime. It's quite interesting and a bit eerie...I think they miss him too.

  19. I have to admit, but don't tell the sheep and goats, MY DONKEYS are my favorites! They seem very much like dogs, in that they love attention and are genuinely happy to see me even when I don't have a treat for them.

  20. and your friend Penny is a super talented lady, what an amazing doll...just gorgeous


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