
Saturday, February 4, 2012

Transforming UGLY... part 1 of a bathroom renovation

Whilst I have been sequestered in my studio painting "the book", the Lord of the Manor has been transforming UGLY. I am talking about the worst room in our house, an upstairs bathroom which had UGLY written all over it. He started with the doors...
The transformed door leading into UGLY bathroom .
Our house was built in 1890 and has beautiful woodwork, but these upstairs doors had been beat to heck over the years and needed a facelift. All four doors at the top of the landing, he removed, sanded, re-stained and varnished.
Below is transformed door leading into Master boudoir.
AND he restored 2 others! ( I think he is wonderful)
These door brasses were so tarnished, they were nearly black.
Now, just look at them sparkle!

And now, into Ugly land...
 And this is AFTER all the old wallpaper was removed, the walls were repaired, one wall was removed completely and the bead board had been applied. But, this room has great bones: the brick chimney is charming, the ceilings are 10ft, the pine floor has that 100 year old patina and faded antique stenciling AND  the room  is huge for a bathroom! (About 150 sq. feet)

Here are some of the pieces of a Butlers Pantry circa 1850's rescued from a Philadelphia row house. (It's amazing what you can find on E-bay)
BEFORE and After on the drawers

The frame had more nooks and crannies than Methuselah's face! It took James countless hours to restore it's beauty. 

He  is going to turn it into a 9 ft. long closet against this wall.
This open area will have shelves for towels and linens.

I can't tell you how happy I will be to have a large closet. This olde house has only 2 closets. They are only 1 1/2 ft deep! My gosh, how is anyone with a wardrobe of more than 4 garments supposed to live with that??!
  Another salvage find, floor registers needing a good coat of paint. The black cast iron piece has a date of 1900 imprinted on it.

Today, I was called into service to transform this:
The cast iron tub, already moved from it's former corner...and waiting for it's  freshly painted claws feet.
and this:
a antique utility sink we salvaged, soon to become a bathroom beauty.
 I am going to stencil both items. 
My base coat is also the ceiling paint. It is called "Honey Pot"
 Don't you just love that name??
 I have painted only the outside of the tub and the sink.

I painted with the Honey Pot and then I used a shade darker to sponge a texture here and there on the  surface.
 (The faucets will be replaced and the porcelain will be refurbished by James... you know, the Lord of the Manor, he can do anything.
Here is new tub faucet. 
I have chosen my stencils and brushes are at the ready.
If you have never stenciled, you should give it a try, it is an easy and quick way to create a lovely look on your walls or furniture....or bathtub.

Position your stencil and dip into an acrylic paint. I use a fairly dry brush to create a faint look... and then I tap, tap, tap away with the brush. 
 Stenciling gives you instant gratification. And believe me, after spending 10 hours a day working on fastidious, detailed painting in "the book", I NEED some instant gratification!
I tap away, until I have the look that I want.
All the way round the tub.
I tried to mirror the colors from the wallpaper and the painted bead board.The bead board paint is called "Thyme" (another great paint name)... I would really enjoy naming paint colors.

Now, my help is no longer required and James will continue the work without me, till it is time to wallpaper, at which time I will emerge from the studio once again to hang said wallpaper, my specialty.
Okay  back to my studio  to decorate the rooms in Mamseys house...
 She likes "honey pot" yellow

  as much as I do.

Next week, I will show you everything James has done in his quest for transforming UGLY in that bathroom. It will be simply marvelous!


  1. Honey Pot looks scrumptious! I'm way too picky about my yellows--they have to be just right or I'll start tinkering with them.

    And your wallpaper reminds me of my little laundry room valance. UGLY is going to be a swan when she's finished!

  2. Jeri, I loved reading about and seeing the transformation underway. What a marvellously talented team you two make. I honestly cannot wait now to see the finished bathroom. It sounds as though it's soon to emerge as your favourite room in the house. The refinished door looks beautiful and of course the lovely old door handles are priceless. Your home has so much character and is invested with an enormous amount of love. I can just imagine the warm, friendly vibes it must emit to all who enter. Your book is coming along beautifully. What an inspiration you are!

  3. oh my goodness, you are so lucky to have a James! I think he also is lucky to have you. A great team. thank you for sharing what is going on in your home.... dreams coming true!

  4. Dear Jeri ~ What beautiful work you and James do. Those doors turned out beautiful and I just love the color and stenciling for sink and tub in your renovated bathroom. The color of the beadboard and the wallpaper are wonderful too. You will LOVE this little room once it is all finished. I look forward to seeing this finished space.

    I love Mamsey's beautifully decorated and colorful room. Your work is so lovely, detailed and joyous.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady


    I love transformation. Cinderella for example, always was and always will be one of my favorite fairytales because of the rags to riches dimension and I still carry that over into my surroundings today. I love a BEFORE AND AFTER STORY and this is just a great example of taking something with GOOD BONES and making it BETTER!!!!!! I LOVE THE STENCILING and this is going to be a place you are not going to want to leave!!!!


  6. I love seeing transformations inside beautiful, old houses. Your bathroom is going to have that an old charm look that gets me swooning. Oh and how I dream of soaking in a big,claw-footed tub! Wonderful!

  7. oh Lovely.. I love having a vision and seeing it come to life.. in house renovating/building as well as drawing and painting.. it is satisfying in many sensual ways, isn't it?

  8. Oh my gosh, your doors are beautiful! And made to last now. The hardware is awesome!
    I love your old sink and tub. We are looking out for the old kitchen sink with the drain boards. Some day our kitchen will get one
    As usual your paints are beautiful too! I can't wait to see the book.

  9. WOW. I'm so envious of the great "bones" of your home. Many of us in newer ones ache for vintage woodwork and floors. And a fireplace in the bathroom!!! *swoons* There seems no end to your talents and your husband's amazing skills.

  10. Looks like someone else is busy renovating...were still at it at my place but things are progressing nicely...love the doors and that bathroom...envious to say the least. Cheers, Susan

  11. Oh Jeri, thank you for coming to PLAY! Yes, youngISH is how we stay when we play! Go enjoy that toy airplane....I still have stuffed toys (antiques) that I JUST ADORE holding and making into drawings!!!

    LOVE! Anita

  12. Looks beautiful so far....love the stenciling job!! Your bathroom looks like it belongs in Mamsy's house!!

  13. Oh my Jeri I love what you are doing with the bathroom. Those doors just gleam now since the Master redid them. I love the old claw tubs. SO deep and roomy. The stenciling work is just beautiful. I know it is going to look just as lovely as Mamsey's room.

  14. The bathroom aready looks like one of the rooms in your drawings..from the floral wallpaper to the happy colors! Honey Pot yellow! Yes!

  15. Love, love, love the bathroom! The clawfoot tub is to die for and so is your stenciling. How fun and how great it will look when it's all done. Can't wait to see it all. Have a great week.


  16. Another job well-doing by the
    talented duo. That historical
    period rendered hardware that could
    be polished to a gleaming, to last
    another century..how I miss that
    about our old house; built to last,
    with materials of solid beauty.Ugly
    will become your haven to go to
    for a lavender soak and a proud
    reminder of your artistry. Kudos!

  17. Everything looks great so far. Will be nice to see it completed. Nice work by hubby also.

  18. Bravo Jeri for the renovation and stencil work. You live in a beautiful old house. I like your artwork.
    Goodbye for the second part of renovation.
    Nice evening Jeri

    Nathanaƫlle x

  19. FABULOUS! Just fabulous. I love everything, especially the tub and the wonderful sink. That hardware is utterly amazing too.

    Must be the kind of men they are, but my husband stripped the hardware of years of paint and restored it to its past glory. Love the patience and handwork going into even the tiniest detail.

    Joys to you,

    Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island

  20. Wow! It is looking amazing. I do love the Honey Pot!

  21. Industrious team, I have one of my own as you know. He doesn't like to do so much around here as he doesn't get paid for it. Bravo on your tub, keep us posted !


    Oh dearest one,YOUR PRINCE TOO is a real prince for he will take his tools and craft the perfect nook for his princess. Oh what a joy it is to see these guys swing a hammer!!!! MUCH LOVE TO YOU BOTH as you celebrate the love of life and each other on your beautiful farm. HUGS TO THOSE FUZZY WUZZY CREATURES! Give a Valentine's greeting to Hamish! teeeheeee


  23. My goodness, such work said Gretta from Gothere from the land of Nowhere (via Anita and Penny from Nowhere, I write along with them, write by their sides) but in the end and back around the bend, it will all be worth it.

    Splendid decor and worth a few ugly times for sure!

  24. Oh my gosh Jeri! What a fabulous transformation it's going to be! I love the tub, the sink and those doors are soooooooo incredible! I can't wait to see the finished look!

  25. JERI DARLIN'!!!!

    Hey, how is this bathroom coming along?

    YOU BET we are both a tad bit MAD...anyone who KNOWS that animals talk has to be mad, but we no better that to be mad and brave is better to be SANE and boring! Having fun, yes...indeed. I can't wait to see what you have cooked up for spring! HUGS! Anita

  26. Oh Jeri what a wonderful job! You and James have done an amazing job and I love the stenciling! I have stenciled and it is a cozy, homey way to finish a project.
    I love how you go from renovating your home to working on the little home for your book.
    The paint looks so creamy, which company makes that shade?
    Oh and thank you so much for stopping by my blog and leaving such a sweet comment. Knowing what you have been working on makes it all the more special that you took time out of your day to visit!
    Tina xo

  27. Ooooo JERI! FRENCH HUH? Oh I am sure that if is suits you it is going to be a most COZY and happy place. I will look forward to seeing it! I hope you are having a great day; I have a day off and I am creating. FUN! Anita

  28. Dear Jeri,

    I'm a little late in commenting, but I am in awe of your bathroom-in-progress. It will have so much love in it by the time it's finished, that it will seem like part of the family!



  29. LOVE what you all are doing, very pretty. :)

  30. How in the world did I MISS THIS!
    Oh Jeri, what a great team you two make! The wood on the doors is exquisite! ALOT of labor, I am sure... and I love what you have done with your tub! Looks beautiful! I have always wanted a claw foot tub...
    I have gone back to working on dear little Jemima... I am afraid the real Jemima will be all grown up before I finish.. Her legs are such a challenge with me... and I believe I will need to work on her ears a bit more...
    I cannot wait to see this bathroom completed!
    You know I could look at your work for hours and always find something I did not see... Thank you for sharing a few more pages..
    Beautiful work Jeri.
    fondly, Penny

  31. Ooooooo! Aaaaaaaaah!.........

    Ooooooooooooooo! Aaaaaaaaaaaaah...

    What a GRAND Bathroom it shall be!!
    LOVE-love-love the wall paper, and the stenciling is perfect!!
    and-and the brass and woodwork!!
    You and "Lord" James are transforming another beeeeauteous room ;-)

    Lots of Blessings and plenty Mamseybear Hugs! Linnie

    Did I mention
    "Ooooooo Aaaaaaah" !! ;-D

  32. Oh, Jeri...I love this post! I've been away too long! Nose to the book grind;)) on the brink of publishing. Going through lightning source (have you heard of them?) also doing a line of greeting cards, so life has been crazy hectic!! I know you know! I love what you're doing with the bathroom ...the woodwork is magnificent and your tub! Oh my goodness! It is as charming as it can be!! Looking forward to spring...iris are popping up and it makes me think of you;) hoping to see you soon, dearest friend!

  33. Hi Jeri, absolutely fabulous. Great to have a hubby around. I'm just stopping by to say how delightful your blog is. Thanks so much for sharing. I have recently found your blog and am now following you, and will visit often. Please stop by my blog and perhaps you would like to follow me also. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Chris

  34. Hi Jeri
    Jemima is finished! Finally.. If you would like to meet her come on over when you have time... I also listed her on Ebay today..
    Enjoy your week!
    fondly, Penny

  35. Oh Jeri! That WAS YOU that bid on her? Oh I am so happy you like her. I so hope she will travel home to you... I will keep my fingers crossed for you..
    Thank you, thank you!!!
    With great admiration and friendship


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