
Friday, December 15, 2017

Eight Christmas trees....if you can stand it!

Since beginning blogging in 2008, I have always done at least one Christmas post each year with images of the seasons decor and, of course, the TREE.
This is the first time in my life, I have NOT put up a Christmas tree. I don't know why.... I just seem to be woefully short of my usual Christmas spirit.
 It was all I could do to put wreaths on the windows!
But, because of tradition, I hope you won't mind if I put up the images of our last 8 years of Christmas trees.....it would just seem weird  not to post anything.
                       Besides, they were  all quite beautiful and each one very different.
This one was Victorian. 
This was a feather tree with antique toys. The plaster
Father Christmas is a candy container

This was an artificial Charlie Brown tree decorated with my Hopalong Hollowfolk.
 I no longer have ANY of those little critters, except the little rabbit in plaid trousers..

Another feather tree with Antique glass baubles, little woolen sheep and a treasured Santa made by a friend.

I put this tree on the porch for the Chickens! It was decorated with fake fruits and Peacock feathers
The gals and guys gathered round and admired the tree greatly.

A small tabletop tree with glass birds and glass bead chains and old books and puzzles.
This one was  a stunner!

This was a sparse Cedar tree from the woods, decorated with orange slices, gingerbread, paper stars and nuts. It was a pioneer tree, it smelled wonderful.

 A tree in the kitchen with little star lights. My kitchen is Yellow now!

The old paper mache Nativity IS set up..
and it never changes. 
Because that is really what Christmas is about anyway.

I've been preoccupied with finishing up the book I started at the beginning of this year.
I have only to finish the book cover......

  This book will be completed by Christmas..... It took me less than a year. That's pretty fast for me!

                 Many thanks to those of you who have followed this blog faithfully.
There aren't many of us left, it seems that blogging has gone out of fashion for many.
But not us!! Right?? 
Merry Christmas to all of you!


  1. Congratulations on getting your book almost finished, Jeri. I imagine you are tired. I do hope you are okay, my friend.
    Your Christmas trees from the past are gorgeous! And I adore your beautiful Nativity. You are so right, it is what Christmas is all about! Merry Christmas! ♥

    1. Martha, I think I am just tired, it's been such a busy year with all sorts of goings on. I'm just happy to finish the book!

  2. Your trees are fabulous, so charming. You still have time to put up a tree...
    I don't have a creche but I do have a Noah's ark with many animals, handcarved by my dad, painted by my mother. Tomorrow I plan to bake snowflake cookies [gluten free, sigh] and set up my Ark as the cookies bake. I'm sad this year but am going ahead, making lonely cheer.

    Is your new book, your garden book you've mentioned? I am very excited to order it.

    Merry Christmas!

    lizzy at gone to the beach.

    1. Liz, NAH, I think I will pass on the tree this year. I'll make up for it next year. Why are you sad?
      This is not the garden book, but the garden book only lacks a few illustrations as well and will be printed at the same time as this book. Merry Christmas to you too!

  3. Your trees are(were) lovely. I think we've all had those years. We'll go get ours tomorrow- always the weekend before Christmas and down within 2-3 days after. Curious to see your completed book. I need to read back as I've not kept up with blogs very well.

    1. Lady, I've not kept up with blogs either,but I plant to change that.
      When I was a child, we sometimes waited till Christmas eve to put up the tree, depending on finances. That was tough on this kid, who loved Christmas so much!

  4. Lovely and unique trees one and all. I can understand not being in the spirit for setting up a tree. Your Nativity is really dear and quaint.

    Congrats on having your latest book near completion. What's this I hear about a book on gardening?

    You have been so busy creating, going to shows, taking care of home, gardens and critters. Do stop once in awhile to care for yourself dear Jeri. Maybe after this book and the holidays you can rest a bit.

    Happy Christmas holidays ~Love, hugs & prayers for you and your dear husband ~ FlowerLady

    1. Dear Lorraine, I am resting for the next 3 months or so. I always have the winter off. It's so nice to stay home and just do artwork. Yes, a garden books been in works for about 2 years. I will be painting all the drawings over the winter, Hopefully to have the work complete in time for a late Spring Release! If I can pull it off, I will have an Open Garden Book signing here at the farm, just when the late Tulips are blooming.

  5. Dear Jeri Landers, I've missed you, woman!

    It's a busy time of year; I teach, so the days are full of planning, grading, entertaining my students, etc. I am spent. But I have managed to put up the Christmas spirit in my home, and I did something different this year. I took an antique trough and filled it with dropped antlers, old ballet point shoes, grapevine wreaths, a small tree and a few other antique toys. When i look at it, it takes me back to my childhood. I am however, loving these table top trees, of which I have three in my home. But I think my garden needs one, so I'll be filling up an urn today with a green beauty.

    Your ideas and style will always be close to my heart.

    1. Anita, I miss you too! I've been simply awful about visiting my friends this year, especially since you've been on Instagram.I have gotta see that trough with such an array of elements only you could combine with style!

  6. Merry Christmas, Jeri. Can't wait for the new book... It needs to join your others on my end table in my living room... favorites of my grand babies!! Yes, there are not so many of us left... many of the blogs I used to follow have fizzled.... all the more reason to keep going!

    1. Bev, I am happy your little ones like the books!
      It's a bit sad to see so many bloggers moving to another format, nothing is quite as personal and friendly as blogging.

  7. I love all your trees! Feather trees are a favorite, and now the Pioneer tree is competing for number one.
    Merry Christmas to You & Yours, Jeri!

    1. May, I do love those feather trees, they were very popular in from the late 1890's to the 30's. The pioneer tree smelled delightful!

  8. Well, I think you deserve to skip the tree, just for this year mind you. The previous 8 are exceptionally beautiful.

    You have had a very busy year and your book is very nearly done so you should just sit around eating Christmas fudge and drinking many many cups of hot chocolate.

    1. VIC! I just happen to agree with you, I am taking it easy for a few months....ahhhh, so nice.

  9. Love your trees, they are all beautiful in their own way. Your nativity set is wonderful! I really do enjoy the antique and vintage things so much more than what can be purchased nowadays. I can commiserate with you on lack of Christmas spirit as that is the way I felt with last years Christmas. After the passing of both parents within a month of each other near the holidays, I was just not in the spirit of things. This year has seen it's issues also but I am trying not to be too Scroogey. Congrats on the{near}finishing of your book! I look forward to seeing it. Blessings to you and have a peaceful and joyous Christmas!

    1. Wendy, It must be terribly difficult for you, having lost your parents... I am so sorry. I think some of my dismay lies in the fact, that last year I had a little foster grandchild at Christmastime, and this year he has gone back to his birth mother. I can still see his happy little face when he opened his gifts, sort of makes me tear up when I think about it.

  10. Your trees were lovely, I have had years where I just don't have the energy to put up a tree, this year I did. I hope you continue to blog, I love your posts and your drawings are beautiful wish that I had your talent.

    1. Marie, Yeah, Energy is in short supply this year, My tank is on empty!
      I will keep blogging as long as people keep reading.

  11. I also am not doing a tree this year. For me Christmas comes too often. I would enjoy it more if it was once every 3 years. That is the decorations, gifts, songs and all. Getting together with loved ones, well that is wonderful regularly.

    Loved the glimpse of your new book. I still have one of your books awaiting grand kids getting old enough to not tear pages before I hand it over ;-)

    Thank you for your lovely message and support, means so much coming from you. xo

    Lovely holidays to you and yours Jeri.

    1. Thanks Tammy. I get sort of burned out doing art shows the 2 months before CHRISTMAS; all the shows have a secular Christmas theme... it is just tooooo much after a while.I just want to peacefully sit and sip spiced tea as I watch the flames dance in the fireplace...and think about the true meaning of the Holiday for now.

  12. All the Christmas trees are simply beautiful. It almost looks like Christmas year round at your home, everything is so pretty. I loved seeing the eight trees.

    1. Hi Henny Pen! Instead of putting up a tree this year, I hung wreaths on every window....cleanup will be easy. Spent a lot of time preparing the garden for winter and planting over 800 bulbs!

  13. Love all of your beautiful trees. I have been only reading blogs for a few years and am so glad there are still some of you out there. I have read that many have disappeared. I enjoy all of the blogs I follow and hope to be able to continue. Merry Christmas Jeri to you and yours.

    1. Fran, please do stay on board with the blogs. Instagram and Facebook are fine, but I believe blogs will make a return as they are more substantial and interesting.

  14. I do hope you'll feel better after a bit of rest he Christmas holiday Jeri. Merry Christmas to you and hubby and give a special kiss on the head to all the little beasts at Hopalong Hollow for me :)

  15. Michelle, thank you for that, I will. My critters love this time of year, they, especially the donkeys and barn folk, get so many extra treats as the cookies and baked breads come their way. James and I cannot eat all that stuff so it never goes to waste! Merry Christmas to you!

  16. Dear Jeri - loved seeing your Christmas trees of the past. I understand being short on finding that Christmas spirit...sometimes we can get so covered over with projects and such that we forget what this lovely day is all about. I adore your nativity scene...Yes that is really what the season is all about. I know I will adore your book. Take care and have a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year. Hugs!

    1. Deborah, I nearly gave in yesterday when we went to the coop and they were selling fat pretty trees in the lot. But then I said to myself, NAH, I will spend that $35 on bird seed.... and so I did.Now the birds will be well fed for a few weeks at least.

  17. It's nice that you have photos of your various trees from years past--you can enjoy them without all the work!

    1. Cathy How true that is! I do miss the scent. I brought in some holly, rosehips and cedar just to spruce things up a bit.

  18. Were it not for my grands still living here (they did most of the work), I wouldn't be of good cheer to decorate either. Love your trees of the past. I have gone the way of the dodo as far as blogging is concerned but always love to see what you have been up to in Hopalong Hollow. Merry Christmas and smooches and squoozes, Oma Linda

    1. Oma Linda! long time no see, I miss your funny self! Half of the blogs I used to read are NO MORE. The rest of us are just stubborn. Merry Christmas!

  19. Jeri dear ~ Bless you for the feast of beautiful trees...I can
    catch the scent from here. Remember our tall tree?..dispensed with
    it with Rob gone and you and James not here to pay for your
    dinner by placing 6 ornaments each on it. I erected the della Robbia tree on the entry chest and the lights shining through the glass fruit casts a lovely glow. Excited about your new book and
    am already in line for the garden book. Our Children treasure
    theirs and I will always be grateful they learned the love of reading through your exquisite art and imagination. I suspect you
    are just tired from the year's activities and that the respite at
    home over the Winter will restore you... We are holding on tenaciously to your blog...may it and your message ever prevail...
    Praying the Babe in a manger destined to be the Savior of the World be with us all during this hallowed season. Love you both.

  20. Our Mary, Miss you so much. I do remember that wonderful tree and the fun we had with Christie, Rob and Tim. Your sparkling glass fruit is clearly seen in my imagination.
    I have high hopes that an open-garden book signing will occur, here in the Hollow in Early summer,it's something I have planned on doing for years; 2018 seems right. I hope you can come!

  21. Just started reading your blog this year. Simply fascinating and beautiful. Love your trees!

    1. Happy to see you here Theresa! I will try to keep things interesting, there is so much coming up in the new year.

  22. Merry Christmas Jeri!
    I too have been short on Christmas spirit this year as it has been so busy. Congratulations on finishing your book! I can't wait to get a copy! Yes, blogging seems to be going out of fashion. I get your posts in my e-mail and enjoy reading them even if I don't hop over to comment. Wishing you all the best in the New Year dear friend. Hugs! Shell and the fuzzies

    1. Shell, we will continue to blog, Stubborn ladies
      that we are!

  23. Enjoyed seeing the trees again...
    I wish there was a ways to save all my posts and photos from my blog...I don't have copies of many of the photos....
    I still like to visit with all my blogging friends...
    Merry Christmas
    Mama Bear

    1. Mama Bear, you can just copy your old photos right off your own blog.... that's what I did. Happy Christmas to you and the bears!

  24. Dear Jeri,

    I just love all your Christmas trees.. I did not do much decorating this year, and only put up a small table top tree.. I don't know where this year went.

    I am looking forward to your new book. I know a little one that would love to put it next to her other books of yours.

    Wishing you and family a blessed Christmas. Thank you for your friendship, Jeri. I am blessed to know you.
    Sending you a hug

    1. I know you will have a wonderful Christmas with your precious little Lily, what a doll she is! Love to you!


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