
Tuesday, December 26, 2017

A year in Pippity.....

Looking at Pippity's Year..

 Illustrations began in March...

These are the endpapers before being painted.
Bit by bit...

and stroke by stroke,

the paints bring the pages to life.
I enjoy going back through my photographs to see how each page progressed.

You never really know what the effect will be, until you paint.
Sometimes I have to "fix" something that turned out completely wrong. I changed Pippity's bedspread 3 times.
Usually, I have to "imagine" my rooms....but I sometimes have a prop that I can paint from..

Such as this marvelous mouse-size, cast iron stove inside Trimble Manor.
 My Preying Mantis "models" had to come from photographs because no obliging insects would pose for me.

  In all, there are 20 illustrations.

This video shows the last illustration in the book

 All are completed except the Book jacket, which is the job of the day. That's the best job of all!


  1. Dear Jeri - just wonderful artistry. So enjoyed seeing Pippity come alive. Hope your Christmas was wonderful - Happy New Year! Hugs

    1. Thank you my friend. This is such a funny story that I giggled throughout the entire artistic process...

  2. Congratulations! Your artwork is beautiful.
    Merry Holidays!

    1. MAY,as an artist, you know the satisfaction of finishing a piece of work, imagine finishing 20: What a relief!

  3. Starting a book and finishing it must be the two most exciting times in a book project. Then when it comes back from the printers!

    1. Cathy, Spot on! It's always dicey working with the book Printers, you're never at ease until the proofs arrive and you either pull out your hair OR leap for joy!

  4. Dearest Jeri ~ How thrilling to have this much of your new book completed. The video had me tearing up with the music and seeing this last page come to life. It touched my heart.

    Love, hugs & prayers for you and your dear hubby & have a wonderful 2018 ~ FlowerLady

  5. I love Pippity's bedroom. Such a cute world you have created. A good way to remember the years as they pass.

  6. Beautiful illustrations. I can't wait to see the totally finished product. I love books------the real thing with pages to turn and margins to write in. I won't, though, be writing in the margins of any of your books---wouldn't want to cover up any of the gorgeous artwork.

    Hope your Christmas was happy and that all your New Year's wishes come true.

    1. Lorraine, I have to say, although this is my shortest and smallest book, It is the most humorous story I've written. It is truly a book that gardeners will like.

  7. Jeri Landers, you always enchant. The tenacity and VISION power you have to get all the details down to the smallest measurement is beyond my understanding, but I sure ENJOY IT!

    That little stove is so darling and your paintings again, are like modern day Potter magic. Thank you for all the years of inspiration and I wish you a great 2018!

    1. Anita, As Michelangelo said "Trifles are perfection, but perfection is no Trifle". My work isn't perfection, but I surely do love all those itsy bitsy details. Oh that stove! The doors open and it has a tiny drawer with a candle to light, making the stove appear to be lit. It came from a company in Germany and cost a pretty penny... but Pippity deserves the best in appliances, for she loves to cook!

  8. Replies
    1. Theresa, and I can say thank you very much! A task accomplished.

  9. Oh dear Jeri-can you believe I was actually close to tears viewing your movie-the art with that music did it! You are your art. I don't know how to say this the right way-but knowing you from your blog, and seeing your art-it would be impossible to say where one stops and the other begins. Your life on the Hollow is as beautiful as your books. Thank you for sharing your gift with the world.

    1. Debra, Now I think I'm close to tears; this is one of the kindest and most touching comments I have ever received. It is often said that you can read an artist by their work. I've found that to be true is most cases. Thank you so much

  10. Jeri, you are the most talented person I have ever come across!! You are amazing!!! xo

  11. Wow !!! absolutely fantastic blog. I am very glad to have such useful information.


  12. Hi! My comment at the time of this post never showed up so I'll try again: When you said you did Pippity's bedspread three time, how do you do that!? Watercolor is fairly permanent, but surely you don't start again from the beginning and redraw the entire illustration? Whatever do you do? White out, somehow? Paste a fresh bit of paper in place? I am so curious. thx

    lizzy at gone to the beach...


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