
Thursday, April 12, 2012

Pickets , Paints and Gardens


With trusty jigsaw in hand,

and my design drawn upon the picket ,


I cut, cut, cut, (two at a time)
until I have enough pickets to make a scalloped fence.
We built this section of fence to anchor the "new" olde stone wall .

These  picket fence corner sections are on both ends of the stone wall to enclose this perennial border.

It isn't the first time I have cut these pickets. I previously cut 320 of them to make the main fence that runs along a side yard. People see this fence and do a double take, when they realize that the pickets are bunnies, squirrels and woodpeckers.

Think about making a picket fence with your own designs. Picket fences add a lot of charm to a cottage garden, and isn't charm the very soul of a country garden? 
When I am not cutting pickets, I am in the garden,

Or painting up in the studio that looks out into the garden..
and what am I painting??
Well, Picket fences and gardens , of course.

I still have a way to go on this illustration.

 I really should stay inside and finish it.
If only the garden would stop calling  to me...



  1. Oh my gosh your pickets are adorable! Yes! Every country or cottage garden needs a picket fence.

  2. Let me brush the tear of joy from
    my eye that YOUR Spring evokes...
    Be careful or you will be receiving
    beaucoup orders for those delightful pickets...your studio
    setting is ideal for inspiring the
    likes of your new book...get to it!
    Loving you with blessings ~

  3. What a wonderful idea, and how perfect for your dear garden - just any old picket fence wouldn't do at all!

  4. I remember the first time I realized your pickets were bunnies and other critters! It's the small but time-consuming touches that make life WonDerFul!

  5. Your pickets are wonderful. It reminds me to remember it's the little things in life we need to enjoy. Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Amy Jo

  6. Jeri Landers,

    You are UNBELIEVABLE. I can draw the bunnies, but I would have to commission Ruben to cut. I am not PATIENT ENOUGH! AND THIS IS THE BEST PICKET FENCE!!!!!! Our house is more of a French stone cottage and I have often wondered what a picket fence would look like. I wish more people around in my neighborhood would put them up, but just today, I saw that someone down the street painted a sweet little cottage YELLOW and PUT UP A PICKET FENCE!!! YEAH!!!!!!! So this is inspiring my dear. JUST DUCKY! And how is your little Eloise? I just bought a sweet tweety bluebird from Penny!!!!!

    Enjoy your days, Anita

  7. LOVE the fence!
    Makes me dream of what could be...
    Thanks for the inspiration! XO

  8. Oh Jeri, we are birds of a feather. My picket fence surrounding my herb and garden shop Heart's Ease was topped by quail on every picket. A dear friend knew I didn't want to dessert the quail in my hillside garden so he said, "don't you worry, you'll be surrounded by your quail." A quarter of an acre of quail tipped fence. Pure love.

    Jeri, you won again. This time one of the tins of seeds from Peaceful Valley Farm Supply. Jeff sent them your address and they will mail the collection of seeds to you. Congrats and it was all above board and chosen by the random number generator.


    Sharon (love what you're doing in all stages of completion)

  9. The pickets are precious. Everything is lovely! It looks like you are having a wonderful spring. Bonnie

  10. Too darned cute!! And you are too darned talented-CUT IT OUT!!! Your'e making us all look bad out here!!!!!!!!:)

  11. What a wonderful, magical idea...those pickets!! I love it! Your garden is wonderful...no wonder it calls to you!!!

  12. Your fence is OVER the top in cuteness!!!

  13. that is the cutest picket fence i have ever seen, and i sooo admire that you did it yourself!! and of course your illustration is absotootly charming!

    happy spring,

  14. Jeri, you are amazing!
    What a fabulous idea, and what a happy place...and your paintings..I could go on and on!
    Love the little kitty getting some shade:))
    - Irina

  15. Jeri, this post makes me want to go buy some pickets and dig out my jig saw... What a magnificent job you have done..
    Ahh the garden, I know just how you feel.. I should be spending as much time as possible out in mine, for in a few short months the horrid heat will keep me inside.
    Your artwork here just makes my heart full of joy... Beautiful, just beautiful.
    Wishing you a great weekend at the art show..
    Talk soon,
    fondly, Penny

  16. Oh it is very charming, pickets and Art work ! You are talentuous on all. Your cottage and his garden are very beautiful.
    I like you little cat in the little house !
    Nice Springtime Jeri !
    Good afternoon,
    Nath x

  17. Love your fence! As always, I enjoy your posts so much, Jeri!

  18. Jeri you are just too energetic and ambitious...wow, that fence is amazing and so beautiful. I haven't even started the clean-up in my little garden yet!
    Have a great weekend and if you have extra energy please ship it here!
    Tina xo

  19. Well now that is just the best idea Jeri. I love your rabbit pickets. Looks like the drawings are coming along. They are always so pretty.Have a lovely weekend.

  20. I love gardens that are never quite finished! I can't imagine driving past your garden... I would sprint out of the vehicle and join the rabbits and chipmunks... birds and butterflies!
    I'm so thankful you left a little note~ your blog, your art, your heart is a treasure! A new favorite for me to visit~
    Thank you for sharing that you have MY artwork in your purse! A compliment... a kindred spirit :)
    Wishing you every joy!

  21. Precious Jeri!!!

    THANK YOU DEAREST for your birthday wishes! The 23rd is my big 54th and yes, I agree....I would NOT want to be that girl I once was again. I think I am smarter now, better looking (I think.....teeehee) and MORE FOCUSED! Now to stay healthy and carry on! Oh how I love this picket fence. I saw a rabbit staring INTO OUR WINDOWS TODAY! Once when I was in the basement, I saw some BUNNY EARS through the egress windows! They are peeping bunnies!


  22. Hi Jeri
    Thank you so much for wandering over and leaving such sweet thoughts about the Anita's bluebird and my chick... I know you must have a busy day with the art show.. Wishing you the best!
    Have a great day Jeri,

  23. Oh! Break out some food.. Duffy is looking forward to traveling out your way...I am sure he will be hungry when he arrives.

  24. I came upon your blog on a suggestion by a friend (who is an even better friend than I knew). I am just overcome with emotion by all that I have seen so far. Every where I look is beauty. I adore what you do and I am now a follower. I look forward to digging into your archives and seeing what is current. A new follower, Oma Linda

  25. I came upon your blog on a suggestion by a friend (who is an even better friend than I knew). I am just overcome with emotion by all that I have seen so far. Every where I look is beauty. I adore what you do and I am now a follower. I look forward to digging into your archives and seeing what is current. A new follower, Oma Linda

  26. Oh what DELIGHT the fences are!
    All you touch becomes BEAUTY!!!

    I can't stay out of the garden here either ;-D

    The paintings are just blooming like flowers!!
    Blessings and Hugs, Linnie

  27. Adorable picket fencing, incredibly beautiful artful books, and you Jeri have a heart of gold. So glad I met you!


  28. Hi Jeri,

    Beautiful! you are so talented making this wonderful picket fence.
    Hopalong Hollow looks magical and I love everything there, and how cute your little studio is.

    Happy new week

  29. Your picket fence is the prettiest I have ever seen...just magical.
    I could spend hours pottering in your garden, or looking out of the window at your garden, so much to enjoy !
    Such a pleasure to visit your homestead, like stepping back in time.
    Be well friend,

  30. Precious JERI LANDERS!

    You give your husband a big hug and birthday wish for me! teehee......Ah, April 23, Shakespeare's Bday as well!

    THANK YOU JERI for your kind and understanding words. I DO BELIEVE that this is the time in my life to try this road I have chosen because WE ARE NOT GETTING ANY YOUNGER. But while I am still in my early 50s, I think this is a good time to experiment. I will still be a substitute teacher in September and will keep my licenses up to date in case I must return back to working full time. But my focus will change and rather than working in the public schools in elementary education, I would rather teach ONLY FRENCH to adults. So while I am on this rocky adventure, I must keep my eyes open for community college opportunities, since universities require a Ph.D....NO WAY BABY! NOT FOR ME! One Ph.D in the family (Ruben) is ENOUGH!

    SO...here I go. Nice thing is that yesterday I was contacted by a local HIGH END shop that is interested in selling my cards and other paper wares. Yeah!


  31. Oh, Jeri, I so wish you were not so far away. Our hearts are beating to the same rhythm. I am trying hard to get time to cut a few pickets myself, though I'd have to admit that our garden is far more unruly than yours, and much smaller, too. One day I hope we get to meet in real life but for now our blogs and email are a delight. I admire you no end and love that you, like I, weave our real lives into the art and the art into our real lives. May your paintbrush fly! Sharyn

  32. Dear Dimity Doormouse.. Would you like to come to the Tea Party? Are you up to traveling to Nowhere? I would love to see you there.

  33. I came via http://practicallymagickal.blogspot.com.au/ Oma said to come see & so happy I did, I LOVE this post & all your creations - WONDERFUL :)

  34. oh these creatures are lovely, so charming.. what a sweet idea. You are amazing.

  35. Beautiful artistry on Hopalong Hollow Gazette . . . .i am visiting at the suggestion of Bee Haven. You remind me of one of my favourites . . . Tasha Tudor . . . I will visit again!

  36. I am in love with your blog! I came over on a recommendation from my friend Susan @ From Beyond My Kitchen Window, we both follow Bee Haven Acres, and Susan asked me if I'd been to Beverly's yet . . . Long story short - I'm your newest follower! Please stop by when you have a moment, I love company and new friends are always welcome!

    Have a great day!


  37. Hello Jeri,
    We have watched all your youtube videos.
    Can I copy your picket pattern for my wife's fence?
    I am an illustrator/artist myself, but she loves your design.
    I am not going to sell them.

  38. hi
    best picket fence in surrey bc
    best picket fence in surrey bc
    thanks for the blog!
    kindly visit the link.


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