
Wednesday, April 4, 2012

The Easter Bonnet Craze

It all started when a yellow duckling arrived in the post... carrying a small satchel...containing 3 little bonnets. Her name is Eloise.

 When the news circulated that this baby duck had THREE Easter hats... and only one head to put them upon, the "chicken folk" began to gossip... and plan... and devise sneaky schemes  .. Before Eloise knew it her bonnets were sitting upon the heads of various hen folk... and none left for herself!
Hat ONE on Ezmeralda 
( a sensible knitted bonnet with a distinct New England flair)

 Hat TWO on her twin sister Gertrude
( a lacy job covered in ribbon roses, very chic, very feminine)
Hat THREE on Miss Merryweather,
 ( a stylishly simple hat which sits atop ones head like a wee button)
 When the news circulated that the hen folk each had little Easter bonnets, the sheep and donkeys began to gossip and plan and devise sneaky schemes ." If lowly chicken folk can have Easter bonnets why can't we??!!" 
 Before long, the donkeys and sheep were trotting pridefully about the barnyard in straw and floral splendor...


  Margaret, stubbornly refused to remove her great grannys old pioneer bonnet.

 "Take off that old rag!" Ursula scolded and yanked it from her head."Are you trying to shame all of us in the Easter Parade??"
  "That's better, now go wash your nose!"
Before you could shake a stick , the news had circulated from the barnyard to the house...
and Peepers was spied admiring herself in the mirror for nearly 3 hours!
 When the news circulated that the sheep and donkeys were all wearing Easter bonnets, the Mistress of the manor got suspicious... Lo and Behold, All of HER hats were missing, kaput, not on a single flowered hat in it's proper place!
The mistress began to devise sneaky schemes.. 

 She returned Eloise's favorite bonnet to it's proper place upon little fuzzy noggin.
(and advised the girls in the barn to keep those other hats clean, or else!)

  The Mistress.. and Eloise, will get all their bonnets back after the Easter Parade. We wouldn't want to spoil all the fun.

PS: Eloise is another masterful little needle felted creation of Penny. Lovingly sculpted from Merino wool she looks just like a real duckling! /http://angelsdoor.blogspot.com/
I had planned an entirely different Easter post, but when Eloise arrived in the mail today, I just couldn't help myself.
I hope you have a meaningful  Resurrection Day and reflect upon all that is good and beautiful in your life .  I will ponder on  the rebirth that surrounds us,
the joy and jumble of creation from its simplest forms,
 TO it's most fun...
like the happiness of a violet's face,
and the humor in a frogs.
 The elegance of a feathered bird ,
and the pure joy of it's glorious songs in the trees each and every day.
 I will thank God for all the wonder of this world, 
especially in this Easter Season.

Happy Easter... now go don your bonnet!


  1. I'm now singing "In your Easter Bonnet with all the frills upon
    it. . . .

  2. Oh JERI! Look what you have done.. How very kind of you to include Eloise in your Easter post.
    They all look so stylish! You have just made me smile from ear to ear.. I don't know how you do it.. They all look so happy to wear their hats, even your CAT! This is GREAT!
    I am honored to have Eloise come live in your home..
    What a great post!
    With love and blessings this Easter
    In friendship,

  3. I am so happy. I am beaming with pride first of all because I know and LOVE this fabulous artist. HEY JERI, we are now THE DUCKLING TWINS!!!!!!! You have Eloise, and I have DUCKY. She is sitting in my studio wearing a similar bonnet, next to TOBY the BEAR!!!!!!!!!! Isn't Penny's work just magnificent? GIVE A SQUEEZE to both Jemimas for me; and may your reflection of the resurrection bring a HUGE SMILE on your face because we are gonna LIVE ON FOREVA if only we believe......



  4. Dear Jeri ~ This post was absolutely delightful. What a joy to see and read.

    I thought Eloise was real as she is so life like. What a sweetie pie and she set your mind to telling and photographing a tale to make us smile and appreciate the simple things in life.

    Have a great weekend and a wonderful Easter/Resurrection Day.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  5. What a wonderful parade! This is such a fun post Jeri and has made me smile so big this morning!
    Happy Easter to you, James and all the beautiful critters at the Hollow.
    Hugs and friends,

  6. oh Jeri, these are too cute.. got me chuckling.. I love your sweet family and how you bring them to life!!

  7. Lovely post....oh my donkey gals will be so jealous! It seems Miss Minerva May Honeycut has donned the last hat in my closet! Note to self....we must find more hats!

  8. Oh my I thought Eloise was a quacking duckling, she looks so real! What beautiful artistry. Each of your clan looks quite spiffy in their Easter bonnets.

    Happy Easter! Happy Spring!

  9. Our hat parade in kindergarten happens tomorrow. Take wrapping paper, add liquid starch, let dry and decorate with a gazillion ribbons, pompoms, feathers, bows, flowers...you get the idea. Over the top cuteness.

    I myself will be sewing a sun hat for the new grand-daughter over spring break!

  10. Everyone looks so lovely dressed in their Easter Bonnets.What a fun posting. Have a Blessed Easter weekend Jeri.

  11. Your post captures my heart and the huge love I have for animals.Thank you for sharing I love them all,oh and the hats too!
    Happy Easter & Hugs

  12. How delightful and charming! The
    Easter parade at Hopalong Hollow
    puts 5th Avenue to shame for shear
    individuality. Penny is such a
    gifted artist..her little creatures
    are enchanting. Our best wishes to
    you, Jack and Family for a blessed
    and fulfilling Easter.

  13. What a beautiful, adorable post, dear Jeri! Smiling and giggling with every beautiful image..thank you!
    And how about the lovely, very talented Penny...
    the most charming creations, adore them all.
    Have a glorious Easter!
    - Irina

  14. Oh so Cute ! I love animals, they are allways moving, with these hats and bonnets, your little friends are very nice.
    Thank you for this wonderful item and photos.
    I wish you a beautiful Easter,

  15. you have so much fun
    i smiled and smiled as i enjoyed your post and photos

    lovely weekend to you~

  16. Jeri,

    I LOVE this post! Each picture made me smile more. Thanks for sharing!

    Lily gets a new Easter dress and bonnet tomorrow. I'm a little late 'cause I've been sewing all week.

  17. Jeri,

    I LOVE this post! Each picture made me smile more. Thanks for sharing!

    Lily gets a new Easter dress and bonnet tomorrow. I'm a little late 'cause I've been sewing all week.

  18. Jeri,

    I LOVE this post! Each picture made me smile more. Thanks for sharing!

    Lily gets a new Easter dress and bonnet tomorrow. I'm a little late 'cause I've been sewing all week.


    And isn't that rendition of Amazing Grace a great way to start any day?


  20. I'm popping over from "A Brit in Tennessee". Love this post and Ezmeralda reminds me of the story of the little red hen. I haven't thought of that story in a while. :)
    Wishing you a Happy Easter,

  21. What beautiful, adorable post!
    Soooo cute.
    Happy easter.

  22. This made me laugh. So many comical faces under those hats. I wish you and yours a very Happy Easter, Jeri. Many blessings. Hugs, Deb=^..^=x6


  24. Ohhhhh ho heeee!!
    I just realized that I missed this EVER SOOOO CUUUUUUUTE POST!!
    Oh ho hee belly chuckle!! I am going to look at it again!!
    Heee, Linnie... I LOVE IT!!


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