
Monday, June 16, 2014

Hopalong Hollowscaping

       I am obsessed with gardening and creating "garden bones". Really, I am. In the month of June , all other endeavors go to the wayside, I don't paint or illustrate or cut paper or do any needlework  (although I got a good start on a "punch needle" piece on a rainy afternoon); naturally it has a garden theme.

   But when there is no rain and June is bustin' out all over, I  go outside and partake of the magnificence of Mother Nature. My day pretty much goes like this: Rise and wash and make the coffee, dress in grubby garden duds, eat one fresh egg and some fruit, and head out to the porch to gather my tools.

 I may be laying stones, or making wattle fences or planting  or weeding or digging holes and sinking poles. It is a sure thing  that by 6:00 I will be filthy but well pleased  for all I have accomplished. My garden style is a mixture which  I have come to label: Hopalong Hollowscaping. Much of it is a reflection of my books:  life imitating art.

Sometimes, it is visa-verse and my illustrations imitate my gardens.
       There is a touch of English cottage, country, old-world rusticity and storybook in my landscape. By using natures gifts of stone and twig, vintage doo-dads , native plants, old-fashioned cottage plants and seeds and an array of charming details anyone can create this garden look.

All you need is an imagination and the desire to do it. So I am recording my bits and pieces on a few videos to introduce you to Hopalong Hollowscaping.

Maybe you will like it too.


  1. Oh my goodness, you are way better than Tasha Tudor! How breathtaking, outstanding, amazing, beautiful, lovely, I could go on....but most of all SO peaceful and filled with serenity! I would love to just sit and stitch all day in your gardens!
    Kindly, Scattered Seed Samplers

  2. Wonderful ! Thank you Jeri for this vidéo, you lives in a paradise, and your imagination is your pretty garden with your lovely animals.
    Nice evening, Jeri ! Thank you again.

  3. Jeri, your gardens are just perfectly charming! I love the hardscaping in your gardens--such good bones. The stone walls are a great backdrop for all your lovelies. My husband and I laid leftover bricks into a walkway on one side of our home this spring. It's not perfect--made with old bricks, and fire brick--definitely not built by a mason--but I love taking old things and putting them into our garden. I'm looking forward to more of your videos! ♥

    1. Martha, Old bricks are an absolute must around here, I love them!

  4. Your gardens are magnificent, truly the workmanship of a craftsmen/lady.
    I share your love of all things timeless, and your love of creatures, great and small.
    Thank you for sharing your wonderful video, my heart is filled with joy !

  5. Hopalong Hollowscaping is just my style. I thoroughly enjoyed your lovely and serene video and look forward to seeing more to be inspired by. Thank you for sharing ~ FlowerLady

  6. Bonjour,
    Un jardin extraordinaire où j'aime me perdre...
    Une très jolie vidéo...
    Un environnement qui vous ressemble et ressemble à votre art.

    Gros bisous ♡

  7. Jeri, I want some of what you're having! I surely don't have as much energy and it is already too hot here to go outside except early morning or late evening. Guess that means fall planning. It is all beautiful.

  8. Good evening Jeri,
    I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this video... I have watched it twice today...
    Your garden is touched with love and I am sure a ton of work.. I love your stone wall and all your beautiful flowers.. Everything surrounded by greenery.
    The gentle sound of your voice is perfect for the tour of your garden..
    Thank you so much for taking time to put this together for our enjoyment.

  9. I love that you spend time in your garden like that. I always liked the idea, and envisioned myself in some sort of small english cottage with my lovely roses everywhere... and then it turns out I don't actually enjoy spending much time in the garden because I get motion sick weeding. I'll have to figure out a way around that, because I know I'm missing out!

    1. Kyra, If you plant thickly and use ground covers neath your plants, the weeding is minimal.

  10. Make way for JERI LANDERS! My wonderful artist and friend, that was a pleasant tour of your world, and the world I LOVE! Thank you for presenting your heart to us! I believe with you that as long as it's green, WHO CARES! The bunnies are our weed control, for they come and eat the plantain and we are happy.

    I directed your blog to Michelle May; I'm not sure if you know each other, but she loves bunnies and the moment I saw your punch needle project and bunny cut-outs on your fence, I took your link and sent her over here. I hope she will amble on over to see your magic.

    Thank you for this gift. I am spending time in my little urban, formal garden and watching our birds make their nests.

    Much love, Anita

    1. Anita, yes, I know Michelle and have met her, she is a sweetheart>

  11. Thank you for this, Jeri! I so enjoy seeing other people's gardens, and yours is delightful. I always enjoy your videos, and I look forward to seeing more :)

  12. Oh Jeri, this tour of your world was so wonderful. I look forward to more. Thanks for making me smile with the delight of Hopalong Holowscaping. Oma Linda

  13. Dear Jeri - this is fabulous...the music, your voice, and of course your artistic garden expertise! I like Penny have watched your video twice today...probably will come back for more again yet this week. Such a lovely setting and you do so live in beautiful place. It is really very generous that you are sharing not only your home but your loves as well. Thank you friend!!

  14. Jeri,
    It is as charming and wonderful as can be to come over and enjoy your lovely, lovely garden!!!
    You make a happy artistic pallet out of nature without disrupting the naturalness of the space! It is a sanctuary to be sure!!! :-D
    Putting life on hold for the garden is a joy indeed!
    Many warm Blessings Linnie

  15. so charming, so dreamy....so much work .....bless your energy.... and wonderful eye

    Annie vanderven

  16. JERI LANDERS, how are ya.....

    Thank you so much for coming by! You are one busy gardener extraordinaire, but you took the time to fly overhead to Minneapolis, where the wild turkeys roam (yes, they are in our neighborhood) and the lakes shimmer like diamonds. What a fabulous summer I'm having, and yes, my little formal gardens have exploded in neon green boxwood leaves, and my ultimate favorite garden chore is pruning them! Do you know that when I was in France visiting one of the château, that I saw a gardener Jeri, pruning the boxwoods with tiny scissors! No secateurs for them! It is therapeutic, isn't it?

    Enjoy the noise, song, chatter of the birds, as I am. Happy day dear and wonderful Jeri! Anita

  17. A charming movie-how I wish you could see my own little patch here in New York-we are sisters in gardens....I can't wait for further adventures!

  18. Oh Jeri! I LOVE YOUR GARDENS!!! If my grandmother were alive, she would too. Your style is very much the way her gardens were and she never tired of asking folks, "You want to go outside and see what's growing right now?" And of course, I never tired of following her around. Truly, you are such an inspiration. I'm going to be watching your Hopalong Hollowscaping over and over again to try to capture some of your beautiful ideas for my gardens. I have a little spot about 12' x 18' feet where I'm thinking of laying up a small rock wall (only about a foot tall, I expect) and then filling it with plants that make me smile. Thank you, thank you, thank you for sharing your gardens with me...you've spurred me on to get started on this new little garden!

    Diane in North Carolina

    1. Diane, DO put up that stone wall and make a nice raised bed. It is so easy to do and rock walls have a wonderful timelessness and charm. The fact that they needn't be perfect is nice too.

  19. Jeri, I enjoyed your video immensely. Thank you for taking the time make it and share it with us. Your posts are always inspirational!

  20. Thank you Jerri, I really enjoyed a stroll through your garden.
    You have got me motivated to use all the old flea market finds
    and old wheelbarrows we just couldn't part with.
    Please keep doing the videos when time permits.

  21. Sounds like wonderful fun,but for me having a willing mind....I am in need of much energy and two new knees :) Someday maybe. Your artwork on paper and in garden work is beautiful my friend....I love my visit to your hollow....blessings

  22. There's nothing like a beautiful garden to soothe the soul! I enjoy gardening & using unique pieces in my gardens too! Thank you for the tour!

  23. Oh, Jeri...I do dream of having a garden....but you, dear friend, weave MAGIC.
    Your hands and imagination are such tremendous gifts from God....you entice and inspire....what JOY!
    Thank you!! Have fun in le jardin magique! :)
    (Always love your videos..)
    Hugs to you,
    - Irina

  24. Thank you so much Jeri! I am so happy you like Abby.. Your thoughts are always, always appreciated..
    Enjoy your evening,

  25. I have been charmed with dear Jery the video, am as if you had invited me to go to your house and to give a walk with you. What peace, green what, in a word, is a paradise in the land. An embrace. M ª Carmen.

  26. There is a party going on in Nowhere... If Dimity Doormouse is quick, there may still be some cake left.


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