
Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Country Living Fair in RHinebeck, NY

Greetings my friends; It is time to advertise a GREAT SHOW....
I will be here signing books, selling scherenschnitte, paper-gardens, prints and this and that.There will be some of the finest Early American Traditional art you will see anywhere. I have known many of these artisans for over 20 years and they are still going strong and creating beautiful work for you to add to your collection.  Antiques, great food, lovely and festive atmosphere abounds. If your are within distance, I hope you can come! If not, maybe the fair in Ohio in Sept or Atlanta in Oct.
Sorry for the brief post, but I am sicker than a dog. James had the flu and now I have it.
  By the way, the ducklings are doing fine !
Fondly from the Hollow, Jeri


  1. Hi Jeri - I was wondering how Tilly and her babies were doing. Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope you are better very soon. Sending a hug, Deb

  2. I hope you soon feel more like yourself and can enjoy the normal things of life...a good night's sleep, some energy, a well-regulated tummy...those simple things that we miss so much when we're ill. Hugs!

  3. Good morning Jeri! I so hope you get better - this is such a bad time to be so sick, with all the fun activity waiting for you outside! This spring, so many of us are celebrating the season with new eyes due to the harsh and long winter, and just hearing about a country fair and working in our gardens this weekend made me feel like a kid again!

    Be well my friend. Anita

  4. O dear Jeri. I am so sorry to hear you are sick and hope your are soon feeling much better.

    Glad to hear the little ones are doing fine.

    That country fair looks wonderful.


  5. Prayers and good vibes your way you all feel better soon.
    I heard this year's flu has been hanging on late in the season.

  6. I hope you will feel better IMMEDIATELY. I wish you every success at the Country Living Fair. They need to do one in the Mid-Atlantic region!

  7. Hi Jeri ~ after watching the Pollyana movie on Sunday, she visited people who were not feeling well and encouraged them to play the "Glad" game, to find the good in all things....so hoping you can find something to be glad about even though you are not a hundred percent, just remember "this too shall pass". Kindly, Tammy @ Scattered Seed Samplers

  8. Rest and recuperate, sip something comforting. Hope you can allow yourself some time to simply sleep, and that you'll bounce back better than ever.

    Wishing I lived close enough to visit with you. We would have a grand scissorish visit and splash in the paints for joy! Perhaps better I am not there after all, as it would be a terrific distraction. Wishing you success by the boatloads.

  9. Oh dear I hope you are feeling better. Nasty stuff for certain. I hope you have a wonderful show. My daughter and I loved our first visit to the Country Fair in Columbus and are making plans again for this fall. I was glad to have gotten to met you there last fall. Feel better.

  10. So sorry you are not feeling better, Jeri. Rest up and drink plenty of liquids. I wish I could attend the Country Living Fair--it would be lovely to meet you! ♥

  11. Surely this is a site well worth seeing.

  12. Hi Jeri! Thanks for coming by last night to my blog...you dear heart, YOU! You must still be sick? The flu, especially in spring is not easy to kick! You asked about my vertigo - I am MUCH BETTER, but I am learning to live with it. I have had it for almost two months and of course, I am much better. It all started with a terrible imbalance, but now on occasion when I turn my head to quickly to the right, I get a short 10 second episode of real vertigo, where my head spins and my eyes jump about! The MRI came back negative, so this must be benign vertigo that the doctor originally diagnosed.

    THE ANIMALS are coming alive in my yard, Jeri! So many birds have set up housekeeping in my bird house, shrubery and bittersweet vines! I am having fun watching them, and spying out the rabbits that come to lay out on my grass. Life is good! Be well my friend. Anita

  13. Jeri,
    Oh that nasty flue caught up with you... Oh no! You take care of yourself, I know you never stop, so rest when you can. .
    I sure wish I could attend this fair... Happy to hear the ducklings are doing ok.

  14. Oh my oh my, I sure hope you'll feel better soon!!
    HubbyBear and I are still toying with the thoughts of coming to the Fair :-)
    It is surely sounds like my kind of Fair.
    Take care you Dear one, many many Blessings, Linnie

  15. oh, i am sorry to hear that you are not well, but perhaps you are better today. Sending you healing vibes and wishing you a wonderful show!

  16. Dear Geri, feel better soon! Let me know if you venture to Massachusetts of Maine!


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