
Monday, October 3, 2011

The little possums on moving day...

There were 4 little possums here in the Hollow that were becoming a nuisance. They had taken up residence beneath this old house. WHY? Because something smells  yummy and just a hop, skip and a jump.away... through the tunnel, along a dark, twisty stairway, meandering along the alleyway, and up through a mousey doorway is a tasty bowl of
  In other words, CAT FOOD.
In the MUD room, is where 4 possum tykes gather in the wee hours of the night.

 It is time to take action. We catch the sneaky little thieves one by one, day by day... 10 days in a row! We take them into the woods, but they keep returning.

  We decide to spray paint the tip of their tales to determine whether or not we are capturing the same possum over and over again. Blue, green yellow and red tailed possums.
The little red tailed possum came back 3 times!
 So we took him further into the woods.
What self respecting adolescent possum would not love to live here??
 Moss, mushrooms acorns and seeds!!! 

Little possums timidly cross the threshold

and discover.... 
the sheer joy,
and happiness,


 I bid the possums a fare thee well, wish them the best of luck and tell them,
" No offense, but, I never want to see you again!"

Update: It is 11:00 in the evening, and so far, so good.


  1. Cute post, Jeri! Don't be surprised if you see those little red tails again.

  2. Our dog enjoyed chasing possums up the fence many years ago. It was good exciting fun for all concerned--except a new mom who needed her sleep at 2 a.m.!

  3. C'est quand même bien mignon...A presto !

  4. Great pictures....we don't have possums in Holland..they look kind of cute..:))


    WEll, I know these critters well. Here in Minneapolis, I have not SEEN A ONE. But out in Massachusetts, there were PLENTY of them and they were like BIG RATS! But the babies are super cute, and well, gotta respect nature. But here,all we have to contend with are rabbits but they are our friends. One rabbit still comes to the French doors and peaks in while we are watching a movie and she/he faces the house when I cook with onions! FUN INDEED, even in the city!!!!

    LOVE TO YOU, Anita

  6. Your pictures are cute, but I think possums are ugly and really dirty too. Haven't seen any in awhile, but we do have dang racoons. I hope you took those critters far enough away so that you won't see them again, but I bet you'll be seeing some of their offspring.

    Have a great week ~ FlowerLady

  7. Oh my gosh, he's cute. I wouldn't want him in my house either, though.

  8. Cute as a button, but unwelcome he would be at my house too! We had a black snake that wanted to live with us. She would sun herself along a stone wall and watch me garden all summer. In the fall last year she decided she wanted to live in the garage and we had to shoo her out numerous times. Finally we had to take her a distance, just like you did the possums. They will make new friends, but they will always remember "cat food buffet!"

  9. What a cutie pie that little fellow is, but oh, do I ever understand about their being a nuisance. Last year a possum took up residence under my potting shed. She determined that this was a fine place to live, especially since like your place, there was cat food in abundance nearby. Little did I know that she was carrying two of the prettiest babies I ever saw. So I let her and them live a while under the shed, that is until they proceeded to eat the ornamental cabbages to the ground that I had planted less than twenty-four hours earlier! We caught them all in a humane trap and relocated them deep into our woods. Didn't see any of them after that, but I'm getting ready to plant more ornamental cabbages in the same spot in a week or so. We'll see if any hobo possums show up for a feast. Mercy sakes, I surely hope not!!

    I am hoping to see some wild turkeys soon. Last year I came upon a hen and her little flock (about eight poults) as I was coming down our drive around dusk. What a sight to behold. Moma led them the entire length of our driveway (a quarter mile)softly clucking to them. Then she led them into a patch of woods where I expect they spent the night. There is not enough money to buy the enjoyment that living in the country and observing all the plants and animals who live here...even the possums who have to relocated every now and then.

    I'm so glad you have the wonderful attitude that you do about the critters around you. Sweet little possums deserves to live; just not so close to your house. I'll keep my fingers crossed all are adjusting happily in their new neck of the woods.

    Diane in North Carolina

  10. Oh my goodness...your possum story is so darn cute. Sure there's not a book there?

  11. I hope they stay away and do not find their way back. Great pictures. It actually looks like its smiling. LOL!

  12. Adorable little things...but much better suited to living in the forest. Nature looses something when it's at close range like that! Like Mice running across your pillow, Squirrels in the attic and racoons in your ceiling; it's mildly amusing when it's happening to someone else, much less so when it's your own pillow! :)))) I'll keep some fingers crossed that they continue to like it out there with the trees, and don't return to your kibble dish! (well, your cat's dish...not saying YOU eat the kibble....) ha ha :))))

  13. I'm sure they are a nuisance, but they make cute pictures.

  14. I don't really know where an appropriate place to leave this comment is so I hope you'll forgive me for leaving it here. We just received two of your books for my daughter's third birthday. My mother-in-law somehow had them autographed by you and I just wanted to say that they are the most amazing, magical, beautiful books. I've been following your blog off and on for a while and was so surprised my MIL purchased your books, but I'm so glad she did because they're amazing. Thank you for doing what you do!

  15. They look so cute!!! When we had possum visitors at our old house (this is in suburbia by the way) the adult creeped me out (specifically it's tail. Lol!) but the babies are always so adorable.


    PS - My doggie, Maddie Kate, thanks you for complimenting her smile. ;o)

  16. Dear Jeri,

    What little cuties! But easier to love at a distance. . . :) We have a groundhog who thinks he's one of the chickens, and comes out to get his share when I feed them!

    I do hope that the possums mind their p's and q's from now on.



  17. I just can't resist those sweet little faces...

    We had possums show up nightly on the covered porch, eating the cat food I would leave outside, but was afraid they would find their way into the house via the A/C unit and so with much regret I stopped supplying the food, and within two weeks, nary a sign of them again :(

    Little red tail knew he was on to a good thing :)

  18. your photographs are wonderful and can only think that someday a likeness will find it's way into one of your books!

    Yep, they do not belong in our houses or under them. How smart of you to paint their tails.

    your story read like a wonderful tale.

  19. The possums are too cute for words...although I have seen their sharp teeth and would give them a respectable distance if I were to come across them! I hope they are happy in their new woodland home!

  20. so funny - spray painting the tail!
    Why can't cute things just be cute and not a nuisance?

  21. dear jeri love your blog e'um dream to come back here to be very good child and I love you know this information even without a kiss and a good Wednesday

  22. Okay...I understand now what you were talking about!!! Oh my goodness!! But what precious photos you were able to capture. You're a good woman, Jeri Landers, and God knew you would help teach these little critters which path to choose;))
    Much progress on the illustrations..yay!! I've hit my stride and I'm just reaching over the halfway mark!!! So I ordered myself a large pizza and I'm savoring a co-cola ...as my grandaddy used to call them...husbands at a ballgame, so I'm gonna curl up with my old Anne of Green Gables book.
    Hugs and blessings, friend,

  23. Oh my sweet and wonderful Jeri!!! How wonderful that you mosey on over to my corner of the country to say hello! I am honored that you would take the time to come see me in your busy life! I saw the most wonderful Public Television program last night called HORSEPOWER. I love horses and to see how experts communicate with horses and who can actually get them to trust humans enough; the things that they can do like DANCE and play....it is these things and YOUR WORLD that I love. The world of animals and quiet, creativity and whimsy.....my teaching job is getting squeezed tighter and tighter because of different systems being implemented and the magic is slipping away. Give little Jemima a hug for me and I SEND YOU A HUG. THANK YOU FOR YOUR MAGIC! Anita

  24. Oh Jeri, You are so kind.. You have just made my day! Yep, pretty much, if it does not move, I will paint it...
    I have always wanted to paint on an egg.. That is one thing I have not done..
    I would LOVE to see one of your painted eggs... If you still have them with you maybe one day you would share...
    Thank you so much for your most welcome visit.
    With great admiration

  25. Oh Giggle giggle!! How the painted tails did make me laugh!! Oh Hee hee hee back they were three!!
    Silly little guys what sweeet faces in the picture!
    My Charman the Great Pyr thought she killed one once to my horror as I watched helplessly, but after things quieted and Charman was in the house..up he rose and off he ambled..to my relief, never to be seen again ;-)
    Blessings Love and Hugs, Linnie

  26. YOU are a sparkler yourself my sweet Jeri Landers! I was just thinking of you as I am sitting here scanning my newest drawings. Lines, lines and nothing but black lines. But that is who I am. Funny, if you were to see me, you would think I was a detailed person. But when the rubber meets the road, I am a very black and white and gray area type 'a gal and my drawings reflect that. Either that or I am just too plain lazy to get into coloring!!!!!!!

    WEAR YOUR DIAMOND TIARA PROUDLY! Love to all, and to that sweet Jemima Puddle Donkey! teeeheee


  27. Hi Jeri,

    Another sweet post, and do hope that the little possums live happily ever after out in the woods.
    Reminds me of the time my husband brought an amplifier that had been stored in a wool shed - he brought it into the house and I knew the minute our cats took great interest in this.
    We found a family of about 5 little mice who were eventually caught and let go outdoors.

    Happy week

  28. Oh, I loved this post, Jeri! They have such appealing little faces and you caught their expressions perfectly! I'm a bit late visiting as we have been away on and off for a couple of days at a time and this last time, we returned home to no internet. It took a few days to remedy the problem.

    I hope those dear, sweet little possums stay put in their beautiful new home and leave you in peace. We had to take more drastic measures to get rid of the rats that discovered great nosh here. We captured them on camera stealing the bird food from the various feeders at night. They looked so healthy and happy and we found their little burrows in several places in the garden. Sad to say, we just couldn't allow them to continue breeding like the rats they were :( Our owl(s) just weren't snacking them fast enough with all the easier to capture birdlife around.

  29. Dear Cousin Jeri,

    Oh, my! Possums in your mud room! We can see why you needed to swiftly relocate them! You got some cute photographs of their trip into the woods! We hope that they continue to stay where they belong!

    Your Cousins,
    Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant

  30. They are so cute - we do not have them here.
    Thanks for your visit over at my little blog, Jeri - the transfer image on the dishtowel did fade when I washed it, but I washed it in hot water. Perhaps cold water would be best.
    Wishing you a joyful day!

  31. Oh Jeri dear ~ Take that full front head shot, snout
    too long in profile, diminish the cute black nose a smidgen and crop the
    ears to scale and he/she
    would illustrate beautifully
    as a beguiling mousekin...
    You are such a treasure to
    share your world....and you
    inject the imagination with
    unsuspected wonder. Bless
    you, bless you.

  32. Oh Jeri dear ~ Take that full front head shot, snout
    too long in profile, diminish the cute black nose a smidgen and crop the
    ears to scale and he/she
    would illustrate beautifully
    as a beguiling mousekin...
    You are such a treasure to
    share your world....and you
    inject the imagination with
    unsuspected wonder. Bless
    you, bless you.


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