
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

When it rains in Hopalong HOLLOW....

 And little wet donkeys seek shelter in the barn,

 Blaming a bad hair day on the weather, and asking the sheep to pass the lipstick, Ursula declares,
"Rain is for the Birds!!"

 "Not THIS bird!" Protests Moses.
 Wild water spits and churns, gushing down the hill...

 and Croaky toad creek turns into a raging river,
 Little wet hens try to hide from the raindrops and perch high in the cedar trees.  (This is not a smart ,water-proof solution.)
  Only one sensible rooster, who claims he is "feelin
poorly",  takes to his cozy straw bed, in the safety of the barn. 

The muddy pond becomes a spacious lake!

And suddenly, in a chorus of little quackity voices, we hear...
 "Singin in the rain,
" I'm singin in the rain!

"What a Glorious Feelin,
"I'm Happy again!

"I'm laughing at clouds.

 "So dark up above.
The sun's in my heart and I'm ready for love!
"Let the stormy clouds chase.
Everyone from the place,

  ,"Come on with the rain, I've a smile on my face!

 "I'll walk down the lane, with a
happy refrain, 

 I'm just singin.,
 "And dancin.....
In the RAIN!!!!!!!"
(This post was brought to you courtesy of : Fiona, Ivan, Attila, Hamish, Minerva, Trudy, Pittypat, Feather Duster,Winston, Mia, Jeremiah Fisher, Jangles, Pickles and Escargot. All of whom are still, "Singin in the Rain")

(My first feeble attempt at movie making, but it sure was fun!)


  1. Oh Jeri! What a great post... You just made my day... Great photos.
    Enjoy your week and stay dry..

  2. That is so sweet and happy, in spite of the rain. I'm sitting here with a wide smile on my face.

    It's gray, windy and the temperature is dropping. It's supposed to get down to low 50's and feel like the high 40's tonight. I've got a potato/corn chowder simmering, it ought to taste might good later on.

    Have a nice evening and hope your see sunshiny skies tomorrow. If not, then everyone just keep singin and dancin in the rain.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. Penny, I'm enjoying the rain from my window, love it!
    Rainy, I would love to taste your cooking! There is always something yummy cooking on your stove.

  4. Jeri, this post makes me smile because those birdies look so happy - glad that you enjoy the rain too. x

  5. Smiling here too. What a magical, blessed home and surroundings you have. Really unbelievable, priceless. Take care, Gina

  6. Your animals are very cute ! In France there is snow! :(

  7. I'm glad that your webfooted folk are happy at least!

    Here the Bombshells are thrilled with our current temps which are actually above freezing and feel positively tropical! (My girls feel exactly the same way about rain as your burro, peacock and poultry.)

  8. nice post. it makes me happy to see birds around us with world of their own.... cheers ~bangchik

  9. AWESOME! ENCORE! AUTHOR!!!!!! THAT WAS MAGNIFICENT! Oh dear, I love animal spectacles!!!! THIS WAS PERFECT and I am laughing so hard at that donkey and goose close up!!! YOU ARE BRILLIANT!!! Anita

  10. My first time here! I have added you to my favorites list...this is the most enchanting blog I have ever visited. God has really gifted you with a way with words and the artwork is so charming, the little creatures are so life like. I love the stories from your farm family.You seem to like everything I do, antiques,animals, old house in the country. I went all the way back over a years worth of posts, I kept seeing the one about the cat and the chipmonk at the bottom and kept wondering, when I knew I had to STOP after hours of reading, I just had to see what that was all about.Almost fell out of my chair laughing, I had a picture in my mind of you trying to pose a frozen chippy.Thanks for the GREAT time! BE BLESSED:-)

  11. Look at those gorgeous animals! I really want to wrap my fingers up in one of those donkey manes. Awww.

  12. Jerri ~ I love your added little video. It just makes this post so much cuter, and happier because you can hear your duckies singing, and see them dancing and swimming.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  13. Dear Jeri~ So good to *see* you!!! Thank you for your visit!*grin*
    I am glad to see that your animals are all well. I know *exactly* what you mean by pouring!!!
    Yes, my kitchen is so much bigger now and the center of our home... that is where my heart lays.... I love to bake bread on my wood stove... it is the best. I don't do biscuits because I only use my own milled spelt or red wheat flour berries but perhaps I should try to make biscuits with that.... I will let you know.... smiles,

  14. OH DEAR, first of all, thank you for coming to tell me about this because this is UP MY ALLEY! I may be a city woman, but give me animals of the feathered or furry kind and I am happy. I have dealt with city "animals" way too long and this is what I LOVE!!! And, your first attempt dearest at movie making was successful, indeed. At the end, the happy little floatilla just swam away IN TEMPO WITH THE MUSIC! THAT WAS PERFECT! Oh Jeri, you get me in the right spot!!!!

    BRAVO!!! Have a splendid day; we are having about 10 degrees at the moment with snow coming in later this evening! Anita

  15. how could I have missed that before???
    It's great...you have wonderful animals and a great talent of telling stories!
    It was really fun, this made my day!


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