
Friday, July 6, 2018

What's in the workbasket?

 I have a wide sampling of Hopalong Hollow folk I am working on this week. Mice, bear, fox, rabbit and lots of birds, in varying degrees of progress..

Heads waiting in line for limbs.....bodies......tails.

A swan who's feet are WAY to small waits for foot surgery so that he can stand properly.

 But I've been sidetracked and 
I'm trying a shore bird, as I have never made one...

Aside from having longer legs,

and a longer thinner beak,

They aren't much different than making any other bird....
 Except for an OWL.....
 I think I shall make a little barn owl next, the swan will have to wait for his feet enlargement.


  1. JERI LANDERS, how are ya, babe....

    I still have NO idea how you do what you do. I just know that I am swept away with the magic and fascination I KNEW existed, when I was a child. Now as an adult, I get to revel in my own magic, and that of friends like you.

    Get that swan his foot surgery before the summer is over; he's got a lot of swimming to do!

    1. I know, I know, that Swan needs his big honkin feet! I'll do it soon so's he can go jump in a lake.

  2. Shore bird looks nice
    Your adding creatures is a real treat to see with all the others.

  3. Your bird menagerie is growing exponentially! How do you keep track of where you are? It must be that you work by instinct by now. When you are working on a particular bird do you sense a personality coming from them? Do they start to take on a life of their own?

    1. Cathy, I just work on the pieces I am in he mood for.Funny you should ask about the bird's personality. I find when I'm making a mammal, the personality appears as soon as I put in the eyes but not so with the birds... it seems they require an extra something to give them a boost. I noticed that if I give them an accoutrement of some sort, like a hat, flower or acorn, they sell much better.

  4. Oh Jeri ~ These guys/girls have put a smile on my face. Birds are such happy content creatures.

    Happy Summer ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, I am working on a little Barn Owl today and he has definitely put a smile on MY face!

  5. Well, if anyone can do a swan foot surgery and enlargement, it's you!

  6. How cute all the animals are. I do believe you can make any bird or animals! and they all look so real.

    1. HI Henny, There are a few I have not tried to make yet... I would really like to make some supersize insects!

  7. God truly blessed you with amazing talent. Thank you for sharing it with us. Truly beautiful works of art.

    1. I'm grateful for the gift of creativity and art, Chris. I hope you found the perfect spot for your prints/!

  8. Dear Jeri - Your birds are amazing. Will be looking forward to seeing your barn owl. Have a happy day! Hugs

    1. I've not been very good at keeping things current lately, but the owl is finished and quite sweet.

  9. Look at all your charming friends, they are wonderful!!

    1. Thanks Tammy, I feel like I have a very large family.

  10. Hi Jeri
    Your birds are amazing,so beautifully made.
    And such a lovely garden,full of inspiration.
    I love watching your YouTube videos from Hopalong Hollow.
    The best wishes for the new week
    From Toril in Norway

    1. How nice to hear from you Toril. I am very curious to see how things grow in Norway... must visit your blog.
      The videos require a lot of time to make, so I really appreciate that you watch them!

  11. The blog are the best that is extremely useful to keep.
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