
Monday, June 11, 2018

Book Signing and Open Garden here in Hopalong Hollow on June 22-23

Pippity Trimble will have her first Book Signing of the year, here in Hopalong Hollow. You are invited to come, walk the country gardens, meet  our menagerie and view or purchase any  merchandise in my VERY TINY shop.
The cost of the new book is $15.

I am sure the ducks will be sociable...and maybe the peacocks will strut a bit..

Pippity's manor house will be on display, although only one of her rooms have been renovated so far. She is working on the others, very slowly and deliberately.

 I've filled my tiny shop with goods and curiosities..

The address is:

We are easy to find on your GPS.   Just pull into the drive, it's a big one; Ring the iron bell loudly and come thru the picket gate. If you need additional directions to Our place, just email me here: jeri@jerilanders.com

 If you know what day you are coming or have not yet contacted me about your visit, please do verify so that I have an idea of how many will coming to the book signing.

 We haven't done much advertising aside from word of mouth so it will be a small gathering,  and that is just fine; gives me more time to talk with you and show you around the crazy and wild gardens.
  Hope to see you here in Hopalong Hollow!


  1. Wish I could come! I hope it's a wonderful day for you.

    1. Thanks Debra, I know you're a long way from here. I hope to make this into a yearly event if I can manage to finish one new Pippity book per year.

  2. You know I'd love to be there.....Jeri, you are still such an inspiration.

    1. Anita, I know you'd be here if you were closer, that's the case with most of my blogger friends.

  3. I'd be there in a heart beat if it weren't so far away. I wish you all the best with Pippity's first book signing!

    1. Cathy, Thanks much, it will be a small gathering. I had a garden group from Nashville here on Saturday with 10 ladies at once, it was fun!

  4. Love your little shoppe. Is your Santa picture still available?

  5. Looks perfect. Wish I could come. The garden looks wonderful. Where do you find the time?

    1. Oh Donna, I have been working non-stop on our yard since February! I think we finally have it all together. Do wish you could come.

  6. Oh Jeri I would so love to visit you and your lovely gardens but alas I live a bit too far away. Hope you have lots of wonderful visitors. Hugs!

    1. We think it will be a nice little group, most live fairly near by, but I have some coming from PA, NC, GA and Ohio! I hope they will enjoy it.

  7. oh gosh! how I wish i could be there! hope it all goes well

  8. I'd love to come see your beautiful beds of flowers and get one of those little books but things are busy around her with one thing and then another in what seems a never ending stream.

    Maybe next year if it becomes an annual event!

    1. If I can manage to finish one little book per year, it WILL become an annual event.

  9. How did the open house go? I hope you had lots of lookers and buyers for that cunning little book.

    1. Vic, It was GREAT! we had a wonderful group of people come through, both days. Weather was perfect, everyone seemed happy to be here and we DID have a good sale on books and art. I wish the garden had been blooming better, the buds just held on and would not open for me, but the foliage was pretty anyway. We are doing it again next year, if I can finish the second book in the series on time. THANK YOU for asking!

  10. Jeri,
    It was such a joy and blessing to come to your open house on Saturday. I loved wandering in the gardens, meeting all the critters and just sitting on your porch rocking my cares away and talking to you. I am so honored to have a new sister of the heart. As our time together came to an end, not only did I take home some beautiful treasures from your wee shop, but my heart was imprinted with the beautiful memories of this very special time that God gave to us. I can't wait to visit with you again one sweet day. Be blessed! Love in Christ, Amy

    1. Amy, we are so glad to have had you here! I think the day went perfectly with such a lovely group of people. SO happy to have been able to sit and talk with a sister, next time you must bring your grandaughter. Loved your keepsake, artworked Bible, it will be a treasure to your family.

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