
Monday, May 7, 2018

The trouble with ducks....

         Oh the trouble with ducks! We brought home 4 female ducks today, to make up for the over-population of Drakes ( male ducks) . As much as I love duckies, the males have a dark side... if you're a lone female duck during mating season, WATCH OUT! A group of 6 males and one lone female, (which is what we were down to), spells certain suffering for the poor little gal. THAT is why I purchased  4 more females, to even things out a bit.

 This should have been a happy experience, as I love introducing new "family members" to the Hollow. But alas, after bringing them home from a long ride in a large cardboard box, the gals were anxious and confused. As soon as I opened the box top to put them in a temporary pen, THEY FLEW out of the box and OVER the temp fence. Well, that was bad enough, but hey, they caught sight of the drakes and began to tag after them. Good, thinks I, all is well.  NOT SO!
I turned my back on them for 15 minutes to tend to a chore,
and when I went looking for the new gals, they were nowhere to be found!
 I searched our enclosed property high and low, all the drakes were accounted for, but no girls.
 Fiona Goosefeathers, my wonderful nanny goose, was honking her head off in the direction of the woods behind a small pond; but, how could they be there? That fence is intact, duck proof and 5 ft tall. Domestic ducks aren't supposed to fly... but apparently, my new girls had picked up the habit, because they WERE in the WOODS, BEYOND THE FENCE... I could hear quacking.  How in the heck am I going to capture little ducks lost in the woods??!!! This is an impossible task. Unlike puppies and small children, new ducks DO NOT come when called, they run in the opposite direction. First, I have to find them, and 2 of them are tan colored, blending into the leaves and bark on the woodland floor. I lifted the wire fence and squeezed beneath it on my belly. I am wearing my nice leather red maryjane shoes, with slippery bottoms, Bermuda shorts and a short sleeved shirt. I don't have time to change my clothes, I don't have time to grab my gloves and  pruners to cut away all the brambles and wild roses,because TIME is of the essence when little ducks are in the woods, they could be ANYWHERE by now. After 10 minutes of climbing up ravines and scrambling through thorny brambles, I plead with God to help me find those little ducks. I turn my glance toward a jumble of fallen branches and there they are, huddled together in a bunch, quiet as a stone! That, of course was not the end of it, we still had to capture them and it took James and I at least 45 minutes to finally maneuver them to and thru a fence leading to the meadow. Scratched and Bloodied, poison ivied, filthy, and sweaty...that was me after this ordeal. James fared a little better.
 AND STILL, one duck was missing.
 I had to quit, I went upstairs to wash off the poison ivy and I prayed again.." Lord, I know it is a small and insignificant thing... in the scheme of life, but you said that not even a sparrow falls from the sky that the Heavenly Father does not take notice... so, if it is your will, please bring that last little duck back home". I kid you not, within an hour, our dogs were barking at some commotion beyond the northern meadow fence. I knew something was up, ran over to check and heard the loud quacking of duck number 4!  She was trapped between the walls of a fallen and bent wire fence, just waiting to be rescued! I could hardly believe it... but it happened. We have some neighbor dogs, who are NOT NICE to small creatures and she was in the meadow adjoining THEIR property... they would have certainly killed her.
 With great thankfulness, I calmly retrieved her from her "prison" and HELD her firmly, carried her back to her sisters and released her into the PROPER meadow.
Today, all is quiet in the HOLLOW, we have recuperated from our trying experience and the dear little troublemakers are happily  waddling among the grasses with the drakes... and their new nanny, Fionna Goosefeathers... as if nothing had happened. But I know better.


  1. How good your new little ducks were found. Lost and found, like some of us. Do you read the Louise Penny mysteries? There is a crabby lady in them whose close companion is a duck and they go everywhere together.

    1. Love a good mystery,and a duck could be a good companion as long as they don't get too many independent ideas! Holding those scrawny duck after catching them was such a joyous relief. Lost but found, as you say.

  2. Oh, farm animals. It is always something. The day my husband bought 7 heifers, they all jumped the fence onto the neighbors land. My poor husband tried everything. They were so spooked. I used to think the darn farm animals took ten years off my life.

    1. Ain't that the truth! I remember when we brought home 2 very expensive peahens, they flew out of the barn, over the fence, across the street and disappeared into the woods for about a week. I couldn't believe it when they suddenly showed up in the driveway pecking at their reflection in our black car!

  3. What a great story, little ducks lost and found. God does indeed care.

    Love you ~ FlowerLady

    1. Yes, it really was a happy ending, thanks to God.

  4. Dear Jeri - I think this story would make a wonderful book. Hope you have recovered too. Isn't God so good? Just goes to show He cares for all His creatures. Take care Jeri and God Bless!

    1. I am SO SORE today...my old bones can't handle this kind of abuse! I'll tell you, when I was led to duck #4, and released her to her friends, I just sat down on the grass and wept.

  5. Oh Jeri! What an adventure you and James had! All I can say is, "Lord love a duck!" I know you are really relieved that all four ducks are safely in their new home...plus I'm sure the former lone female duck is especially glad she has some female company. Several years ago, the very day that our neighbor brought four of his heifers to one of our pastures for a short while, our dog got so excited he ran them through our barbed wire fence. Thankfully no heifer, dog or human got hurt in the excitement. Oh, the joys of living in the country. Diane in North Carolina

    1. Oh those critters! You never know what to expect from them. It's official now, all the girls have names and I expect they will stay put.

  6. Prayers no poison ivy outbreaks or nasty bites! What an ordeal. You two are heroes!

    1. Oh that would be another miracle, if we escape without poison ivy!

  7. Oh my goodness gracious ! You should write a book ! LOL. Glad everything now is quiet in the Hollow.

  8. Goodness Jeri, I'm so glad your prayers were answered! I could just feel the worry from you as you unfolded this worrisome tale. God cares for our every need. Thanks be to God! ♥

    1. Martha,Wasn't that amazing?! God took an impossible situation and made it into something good.

  9. What a story! So glad the ladies are all back safely!

    1. When Duck #4( her name is now Trudy) was rescued, I was SO relieved. We've had some weird experiences with my animals.

  10. GOD IS SO GOOD! He comes to the aid of the innocent (and maybe even those with a propensity for shenanigans!) and saves them! Oh Jeri, what an adventure that I just KNOW will end up as a chapter in one of your books! Whew, what a close call! Ducks have GOT to be difficult to get to know and then work around their habits! Well, all is silent, for NOW, and I just know with your keen eye for detail, that you will capture yet again another adventure at the Hollow!

    1. Oh those ducks! You wouldn't believe the things that they can get up to. Who would have thought such docile little creatures could cause such havoc... but not half the trouble caused by Peacocks.

  11. I had a pet duck when I was 7 years old, till I was 16. Penny the duck. So I do know how they can be...I have to tell you though, that this story made me cry. For a lot of reasons-it's a good cry though. Bless you for all the trouble you take for your critters.

    1. Ah Debra, I know what you mean about ducks. They really do have personality, and can be so lovable and yet very funny. Your Penny lived a very long life!

  12. God is so good. Praying no poison ivy for you and your hubby. Am enjoying your videos and your posts. City girl enjoying country life through you.

  13. Hi Chris, so far, no telltale signs of the poison ivy, that's a miracle in itself! So glad you are living the country life through Hopalong Hollow. See you at the Book signing and open Garden in June.


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