
Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Answered Prayer in a Beautiful way.

 I'm delighted to tell you that 
 "Pippity Trimble and the Cunning Green Stranger" 
is going into print as I type. It is always a thrill to finish a book. After months of persnickety artwork, and the inevitable countless editing and hair-pulling episodes, the elements at last go to Book Layout where all is prepared for the Book Printers.

I am delighted with the final book jacket.
Here you see the front of the book, (with the mouse), the spine, the back of the book and both book flaps. 
 However, as James and I are the publishers, our expense to put out a book is quite breathtaking at times, and it often leaves us with very shallow pockets. 

  We really needed a good show to cushion the blow to our bank account and see us through until the new books arrive. Our show in Nashville over this last weekend was very important to us.
As Christians, we don't normally ask God to help us with monetary blessings, it's just not what we pray about.
But for this show, we did.... we reverently and sincerely asked God to give us a decent show, nothing outrageous, just enough to get us through the lean times.

 So get this: My first sale,  in the first hour,  on the first day of the show,
was to one woman who purchased SEVEN birds; yes 7 birds.
I can tell you that, as beautiful as these felted birds are, they are pricey starting at $125 and going up in price according to size.

 The fact is, I rarely sell 3 0r 4 birds during an entire show....even one at a time.
Now, if you are  Christian or Jewish, you  probably know this: Seven is God's number.
So what makes this even more special is the following:
The customer had placed 8 birds before me and after I had tallied up 7 of them, her husband asked me for the total thus far. When I told him, he said to his wife, " We'd better stop there".
Thus, the 8th bird stayed with me.

  Now you may call me delusional if you wish, but I found this incident to be a very beautiful answer to prayer, not only was it SEVEN, but it was also BIRDs
  My first sale was Seven Beautiful Birds

 The woman and I talked quite a bit, and I learned that she had been a long time friend of Tasha Tudor, had worked with her for years and also, that she and her husband live in a stone house with a thatched roof! (He showed me pictures)
 Now, You don't get more Hopalong Hollow than that!

For the next 2 days, the  show went very well, and we had quite a gratifying end result.
 What more can I say?!!


  1. So well deserved, tho the story gave me chills, a bit---in a good way. May god always bless your kind soul.

    lizzy at gone to the beach

  2. Thank you for sharing your faith, dear Jeri. I believe God cares for all of our needs. The seven birds have clearly flown to the right home. It's exciting to hear about your buyer's relationship to Tasha Tudor. The layout of "Pippity Trimble and the Cunning Green Stranger" looks wonderful! ♥

  3. God is faithful all the time. The birds are beautiful.

  4. Bonjour cher ami,

    Toutes mes sincères félicitations pour cet ouvrage précieux... Je suis certaine qu'il emportera un vif succès !

    Vos petits emplumés me ravissent. Léo le toucan, ma mascotte ne me contredit pas !

    Gros bisous 🌼

  5. Amen! I like those subtle "messages" from God. Also, she knew TT and lives in a stone house - swoon. I am so very happy for you both.

  6. Jeri Landers, CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! You are lesson number one on persistence, perseverance, skill and all the good things that go into making art. And your bird collection....those nimble fingers of yours are priceless!!!

  7. God has made His presence known to me, as well, through birds. Yours are beautiful. You put in the hard work and God has rewarded you mightily!

  8. Oh dearest Jeri ~ Thank you for sharing this wonderful story of faith, prayer and God's working in your lives. This was truly beautiful. This post has so inspired and encouraged me. Thank you.

    Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

  9. Jeri-you don't know how your story has touched my heart...It is wonderful of YOU to be faithful too-to share the story, to pray, and yes-the number is even important. There is nothing too small for God, and your faithfulness and His answer to prayer is truly sweet. It's just what I needed today. Thank you.

  10. What a wonderful story and answer to prayer. I can see why the woman bought so many--how could she choose from all those artful possibilities Now you can relax a bit and think about flowers and spring!

  11. It all sounds good Jeri. And, spring is nigh. Nothing better.

  12. God is good and he is faithful. He hasn't forgotten us. Thank you for sharing that testimony.

  13. You are blessed with your beautiful handwork that you can share with us. Can't wait to order ! Thank you.

  14. How wonderful, what a blessing for you! Your birds are very delightful and I am sure she will get a lot of pleasure from them. God always provides! Thank you for sharing this uplifting post.

  15. That is so wonderful. They are lovely Jeri.

  16. Another very encouraged reader here. Thank you for sharing the details.

  17. God is so good to us. Jeri I wanted to ask if you purchased bees for your first bee hotel, or did you simply rely on Mother Nature to bring them in? If you did buy some can I ask where you ordered them from?
    Many thanks,
    ps...I almost forgot, I've order some Icelandic chicks that I hope will be hatched sometime in May. I can't wait to hear a rooster crowing around here again! It has been so quiet around the old farm since I lost my little flock last year.

    1. Michelle, You don't need to purchase solitary bees, they will just appear on their own, all sorts of little and big ones. Just be sure you put your hotel near a garden.
      How exciting about your new chicks! Their is nothing quite like hearing the sound of a rooster crowing...unless it is 3 roosters crowing, yikes! I hope most of your wee ones grow up to be hens..

  18. Wow, what a wonderful answer to prayer....God is faithful to those who ask and believe. Seven birds to the one customer, what a wonderful blessing... :)

  19. Ah Jeri - God is so good and I certainly believe He worked in your situation perfectly. In the big schemes in life isn't it so amazing how God works to bring good to us. We serve an awesome Father and Lord Jesus and Sweet Holy Spirit. BTW - just love your book jacket - it is beautiful friend. Hugs!

  20. I really like your new decorative designs! it's so beautiful so much and good idea on site.



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