
Friday, April 7, 2017

First Spring show of the Year....

We had our first show of the year last week at the Watermelon Moon Plantation.

 The Hopalong Bears made an appearance though I had not even priced them, put in their whiskers, or given them name-tags.... Therefore, they were only making a debut.

My bunnies were thrilled to be taken out of the studio and into the fresh Spring day.
 I've had these darling gossiping squirrels with me for over a year, but I am fine with that, for I love them dearly.

The show was on the grounds of  Emily's 1835 Farmhouse, which is her shop as well as her home.

 Emily's Plantation house was decked out to inspire anyone who loves this charming style.

 She and her team have a wonderful knack for table decor and their were at least a dozen tables set up throughout her shop and porch of the  Plantation Home.

 I got so many ideas , and came away with a few bags of BUNNY GRASS. You can see the grass growing in various containers on the tables.
 I will be making several containers this week and will show you how to do it, great Easter decor!

This is an extremely long porch... but you could take many of these ideas and apply them to a small porch or deck.


I took a gazillion pictures of the inside shop, but I don't want to overload you. I'll post those later.

I couldn't wait to come home and give my own porch a makeover, I am working on it today...
Have to say, I've been so busy with artwork and critters that my blogging has suffered a good deal, if I haven't visited your blog in a while that is the reason. 
Cheers to you and Welcome Spring!


  1. It's going to be in the 80's up this way next week and I'm looking forward to bringing Spring to my porch! Your bears turned out beautifully.

    1. YEAH! I will be outside today planting strawberries.

  2. I am in LOVE with your stuffed creatures! Squirrels and rabbits and bears oh my! :))))))))))

    1. Thanks Melody!I love making these creatures great and small..

  3. What a beautiful place for the first show of the season. A great backdrop for all her antiques and your adorable bears. They are just as cute as the rabbits, mice, squirrels, and cats. I love the little lady with the ruffled pinafore and the wooden shoes. Love them all!!

    1. Vic, I was so happy to find that the shoes fit her perfectly, she does need them for gardening.

  4. Your critters are all so wonderful!

    What a lovely place to have a show. I look forward to seeing photos of your redecorating.

    Happy Spring dear Jerri ~ Love & hugs ~ FlowerLady

    1. Lorraine, loved the location of the show, the old house was so delightful, every nook and cranny was filled with delightful things.

  5. What a beautiful place in which to showcase your work! Those squirrels are precious! -Jenn

    1. Thanks Jenn, It was very nice inside her shop, which is also a B and B. (Those squirrels can live with me forever)

  6. Jeri, your bears are just the cutest! Their expressions made me smile. The clothing on all of your critters is just perfect. What a lovely venue to showcase your art. ♥

    1. Martha, I haven't made many bears, so these were an experiment in style. Think I had it down after making 10 of them!

  7. I am totally in awe of all your furry critters! Actually, I am in love with them!!! I must go back and look oh-so-closely and carefully at that l-o-n-g wonderful porch!

    1. Chip Butter, those critters are hard to part with sometimes!

  8. JERI DARLIN'!! I've missed you! I can see however, that you've been busy creating more enchantment! What a wonderful market place and the goods, WOW! Hey, have you thought about putting your wares on Instagram? I have been on Instagram now for almost 3 years and it's a great way for your art to be noticed. More people must see your work, Jeri.

    Come and join...I'll follow!

    1. Anita! If you think my work would get more exposure on Instagram, it would be worth the time. I just never seem to get around to doing it, I promise to give it a try soon!

  9. Oh my goodness! I haven't visited in way too long . . . your creations are unbelievably enchanting and your blog is like stepping through the looking glass. I want to live in your world :)
    Thank you for a breath of fresh air from the modern world of hustle and bustle.
    Connie :)

  10. Thanks Connie, Hopalong Hollow can be a peaceful retreat in a hectic world. Glad for your visit!

  11. Dear Jeri - your bears, bunnies and squirrels are so adorable. Loved the pics of the porch too. Will be looking forward to seeing more photos. Have a great week. Hugs!

    1. Debbie, I brought most of them back home with me, but that's the way it goes. They will be traveling to another show in 2 weeks.

  12. Jeri,
    This is what I have been waiting for.. All your Hopalong friends make my heart happy! I just adore the bears. They have such a wonderful vintage look about them.
    I absolutely love this porch! An 1835 Farmhouse. Hard to imagine. It is just beautiful, and a perfect place to show your work.
    Blessings dear friend


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