
Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Spring has sprung Giveaway

At last Spring is here and isn't it grand?   The buckets of rain we had certainly did the trick.. It seemed that overnight the trees went into bud and bloom, the bulbs popped, and plants grew at least 6 more inches!


I really had my doubts about these bulbs, because I forgot to plant them until January. But they were very forgiving and proved it this week as they bloomed all along the new Pergola bed.

We exhibited at the Dogwood Festival near our home this past weekend and I spent a good deal of my profits in the "nursery"booth. I came home with loads of healthy young plants just itching to be buried in the Hollow so they can grow, grow, grow! ( at least that is my fervent wish)

   I have so many garden beds I don't know where to put everything, it requires some careful planning,  but I still end up with a modge podge  much of the time.
   But it  will be a PRETTY modge-podge, nevertheless.
Planning a garden is like creating a painting. You start with a blank canvas, then apply colors, shapes, sizes and textures. Just look at the beautiful pots of color I have to work with above!

My favorite spring flower is the Virginia Bluebell
 I purchased about a dozen roots off EBAY a few years back, and I am always delighted when they obligingly present us with these delicate blue, lavender and pink "bells". They aren't around for long, so you have to enjoy them while you can before they fade and disappear back down into the earth.

 And now, to celebrate our long awaited Spring, It is time to give away another Garden Print... just like last year.
This is the Painted papercutting I created last year entitled,
"With Loving Hands"
 It is dedicated to all who toil in the soil.
 Size is 16x20 , unframed and signed.
  For readers, just leave a message. Tell us what your favorite Spring bloom is.
 Drawing will be next week, at which time I will show you the book pages I have been finishing up!


  1. Good morning dear soul!

    My favorite bloom, if you can call it that, is LAVENDER! YES! I also love roses and white hydrangeas, but lavender is my flower of choice. DO YOU KNOW WE STILL HAVE SNOW? We had two sleet storms last week and it is freezing outside as I type. My birthday is a week from today and in California, it was always HOT for that special celebration!

    Hugs to you dear friend, and like always, your garden and world is the kind of world I wish we could all live in to protect the innocents. Love, Anita

    1. Anita, I have the worst time growing lavender, but to my amazement, 7 of my lavenders are sprouting fresh green leaves. I am beside myself with joy!

  2. My favorite spring bloom is really hard to pinpoint...one day it would be the lilac, the next the wisteria, then the spirea blooms...yes that's my favorite, but look at that flannel bush bloom and now it's the iris. Can I too many favorites? Just like my children they are all my favorites!

    1. So true! I love them all, it really is difficult to choose just one. Maybe I love the V bluebells because they are now in bloom.

  3. Being in the desert, the soil I till is ever so different than your lush green space, but the beauty of the drought tolerant plants is also vibrant in the spring....just different than yours. I love to see what is being "presented by Mother Nature" each day in the spring, it's always something new and treasured. Oma Linda

    1. Actually Linda, I dearly love some of those desert plants. Succulents and little cactus have incredible personality. I plant them in troughs and along walkways, just charming!

  4. I am amazed at the detail in your work. It's just stunning! There's something to be said for a hodgepodge garden I know mine is! LOL

    I would have to say seeing the crocus come through the ground put a smile on my heart.

  5. your flowers are beautiful. i can't wait to see your gardens after you plant all you have bought. it is good to know that there are other plant shoppers like me. i just got a shipping notice for a huge order that i forgot i placed. i have so many plants already that i need to find places for! i planted bluebells all through my woods.

  6. Warm greetings dear Jeri,
    Yes indeed, spring has sprung in the Hollow!
    Oh your tulips are just beautiful, and I love your garden bench.

    What was I doing this morning while having my coffee? Reading along with you again, and enjoying every moment.. How in the world do you keep all the voice straight.. I would get so confused, I am afraid I would give the frog voice to the crow and so on.. You have started my day off with joy and laughter.
    Thanks so much Jeri!

    I would be in heaven if I won this exquisite painted papercutting. Please count me in. So very hard to choose, but I would have to say my favorite bloom is an english rose named Ingenious Mr. Fairchild.
    Sending a big hug your way,

  7. HA! I think it was those years of High School Dramatics that helped me keep all the voices straight!

  8. Jeri your spring blooms are just so pretty. Looks like you are in for a lot of digging and planting too.LOL! It is all so much fun though that the aches and pains well be worth it. :) Have a lovely week.

  9. Pussy willows!!! It's the first sign of spring here in New England, middle/late March the pussy willows welcome in spring. I love your site, it makes me smile and prompts me to "get in the garden" and plant. thank you!!! Susan (meetinghouse@hotmail.com)

    1. I have a mini weeping pussywillow tree, I adore those!

  10. Since I live down here in the sub-tropics I don't have the normal spring blooms. My favorite spring bloom is Confederate Jasmine. I love the frilly edged blooms and the wonderful scent.

    I am glad to see spring having sprung there for you at Hopalong Hollow.

    Happy Gardening ~ FlowerLady

  11. Jeri - My favorite spring bloom is Siberian squill which has spread everywhere! Mustn't forget the violets or forget-me-nots or lily of the valley! I guess I love each little flower face as it opens for my admiration. Such joy they bring. Can't wait to see how you're coming with the new book. Sharon from Maine

    1. I planted 500 squill bulbs a few years back... but my chickens dug a vast majority of them up!

  12. Hi my friend, as always your post and photos have me smiling. The flowers are lovely and your new ones will bring joy as well. I have several memory flowers that I plant each season to keep them coming. Some of my favorites are from the memory flowers. I plant Johnny jump ups in memory of my Great Grandmother Newman, there are jonquils for my Grandmother Myra. And there are snowbells for my Mother-in-Law Barbara. I have others that will bloom middle of the summer for these special ladies but the spring ones are my favorite. I think it's just a helpful reminder that each of them are always with me.
    Your new acquisitions will tease us until they spread their roots and throw up lots of flowers. What a wonderful way to treat yourself!
    My best to you, James and all the Hollow critters,
    -Deborah R Mercy

    1. Deborah, I love the idea of a Memory flower, I had not heard of it before. I am sure your Georgia gardens will be wonderful.

  13. Jeri, with your talent I believe all of your beds will be masterpieces. I would love to walk around your lovely beds. I had the chance to start working in the garden this past weekend. We are being covered with pollen right now, sending me inside after a couple of hours. I have so many favorite blooms. My favorites are probably my lilacs and hydrangeas. I just read the above comment. I love the idea of memory flowers. I planted a blue hydrangea when my daughter became engaged, and a white to commemorate her wedding. I look forward to sharing cuttings from these when she has her own home. Gardens are to be shared, don't you think? Hugs!

    1. Absolutely, Bonnie! Come to the garden, come one, come all!

  14. YOUR LAVENDER IS DOING WELL? YIPEEEEE! And do you know, that I had read somewhere on lavender folklore, that the old name for lavender is spikenard, and that it is possible that it is the oil of this fabulous flower that was used to anoint Christ's feet? If so, imagine the fragrance...but what is more beautiful is the fragrance of our prayers and a life well-lived. Oh thank you for coming to visit and I think I know what Philadelphia trial of which speak. Unthinkable... and I too am grateful for our faith and an existence beyond our understanding. Love, Anita

  15. BEAUTIFUL! you are much much further along than I am, looks just great... I dug up and filled with dirt and planted my monarch garden today, swamp milkweed and joe pye weed, can't wait til it comes up! won't be missing that slopppy soggy part of the yard... always fun coming to your blog!

  16. Beautiful new plants are always exciting and fun to figure out who should go where. I've picked up a few myself over the last couple of weeks, waiting for the weather to turn around so I can get my hands in the dirt. Such a beautiful giveaway and my most favourite flower I love to see return are sweet violets. A beautiful spring scent to remind me that it is indeed spring! Patty/BC

  17. What beautiful blooms you have!

    My favorite is Forsythia and this year mine is the prettiest it's ever been!

  18. Elephant Head .... Blooms in the alpine spring. Denver.

  19. Jeri, I LOVE that print and need it. Your bulbs look beautiful and I wonder how you will find the time to plant all that you bought. I had to go to all perennials cause I just can't plant all those annuals anymore. I do still plant geraniums in pots and window boxes. And, how to pick a favorite spring flower? Bluebonnets from my days in Texas. The countryside is covered with them.

  20. Your gardens are beautiful, Jeri! This has been the most magnificent spring. I love watching the leaves on the trees bud out. I check them every morning when I have coffee on the front porch with my corgi girls.

  21. Your spring gardens do the heart good.

  22. Ok, this is the first time I've ever signed up for a giveaway, but I just couldn't resist this one! My favorite spring flower is the cheerful, reliable daffodil. My grandmother grew them in great masses, and they were always the very first thing to bloom in the garden. For me they are the ultimate harbingers of spring and a sweet and gentle reminder of her.

  23. Dearest Jeri - your gardens look like my favorite kind and the Virginia Bluebells are absolutely my most loved plant as well. They have naturalized in our woods so well and starting to bloom. As always I so enjoy my visit. God Bless.

  24. Hi Jeri, I just recently discovered your sweet hollow and I am so happy I did. I love everything I see!
    Here in my Central CA garden, spring is heralded by the fragrant Hyacinth and pink Jasmine along my front walk. They speak (and smell) of what is to come....a springtime explosion of happy flowers!

    1. Welcome to our Hollow! There is nothing on earth as sweet smelling as a Hyacinth. But I believe I just accidentally killed my Jasmine!

  25. Jeri,
    When you have a moment, please stop in, spring has sprung at home also..
    I can't wait to see your finished pages!
    Happy day!

  26. Thank you Jeri for coming over to see my roses.. Yes, I just wrap the tulle around the post and branch, tie in a bow.. Kind of silly I guess, but I like it because the white tulle fades into the post and it has a ~ give to it~ so gentle on the branch but holds nicely.

    I just came in from the backyard with more fresh cut lilacs.. I am so excited this year with my lilacs.. This is the first year I have had more than one or two blooms... It is a young bush, about 3 years old.
    So happy you enjoyed.. Please do try the tulle, I think you would like it.
    Enjoy your day!

  27. My favorite bloom is the ranunculus. I love its frilly petticoat of petals and the lovely shades. Alas, I am not too adept at growing it, but I have high hopes that this will be the year I succeed. Your Virginia bluebells are truly lovely, and the tulips and daffodils look much like the ones in our valley here.

    I wish you speed and joy with your painting, and hope you love how it emerges from your brush. I, too am busy with art, and so thankful for springtime again!

  28. Dear lady it is fun to hear of your gardening adventures plans and dreams. It will be fun to see your garden come to life. My favorite spring flower is a wild orchid, the fairy slipper or calypso.

    I look forward to your book art!

  29. Dear Jeri, your garden print is STUNNING!!
    And you have blooms all over the place...isn't it wonderful??
    We are still seeing snow...please send some warm sunshine our way! :))
    It is so hard to pick one favorite...I grew up playing in a garden of flowers...they are all magical to me...
    Right now, I will say it is lilacs...we have a very long hedge of gorgeous lilac bushes in the back of our apt. building, and they bloom around Mother's Day...when there is a breeze, our whole apartment smells of lilacs!
    Enjoy the splendor of the garden, sweet friend!!
    - Irina
    (Can't wait to see the book pages!)

  30. Hi Jeri....the print is wonderful!! So glad your gardens are starting to take shape....looking forward to future garden tours. I just finished my Fairy Garden...a bit early this year, but I needed a pick me up as we lost our beloved Sadie Pie...our 9 year old Bernese Mtn. Dog....this week. Gardening helps ones' spirits for sure!!

    Enjoy the season!!!


  31. Oh yea....sorry, I digressed. I love violas and violets...such happy little faces!!

  32. Always a joy to stroll through your beautiful gardens & nooks~ I saw my very first dandelion of the season today. I didn't pester it... the peek of yellow is welcome until our daffodils open :)
    Wishing you happiness!

  33. Thank you, dear Jeri, for stopping by the "dream cottage"! :))
    Everything I have seen of your place is dreamy too!!
    Oh, we are seeing sunshine today...hooray! (As well as trees laden with snow, but it's a start)
    Love and blessings,
    - Irina

  34. Hi Jeri ...oh yes, just about all my spare change from Spring to Fall is spent at area nurseries !
    I am constantly creating in the gardens, and loving it. So hard to pick just one favorite but my Spring bleeding hearts are fabulous ... so that be my pick :) Beautiful papercutting ... clapping wildly about it!

  35. Jeri you are utterly amazing. a total inspiration. a spring delight, indeed. As a favourite spring bloom I love the delicate tiny mauve and fragrant blooms of the daphne and I look so forward to the daffodils.
    Do you have tours of your garden in the summer. it would be hard to get the visitors to leave once they came. everything your do makes such a welcoming place, everything!

  36. Gwen, My gardens aren't nice enough to do tours... except the garden tours Fionna Goosefeathers presides over.

  37. I would have to say the iris is one of my favorite spring blooms. Besides the irises in my flower beds, I am really excited about the Irish moss I recently planted in my rock garden. I was told it is at its best in the spring and fall. It really adds a beautiful spring green to my yard.

    I must compliment you on your beautiful photos of your property. The cobbled brick and stone pathways truly add a special charm to your garden. And of course, all of the flower beds you have worked so hard on seem to have truly paid off. It all has a rustic beauty and is very inspiring for me.

  38. Chrystal, I would be very excited about the Irish moss, Moss is one of the most beautiful greens I have ever seen. I do love the rustic walkways. We purchase salvaged brick whenever we can!

  39. One of my favorite spring flowers is a little corydalis that blooms and then disappears quite like the Virginia bluebells. I always press a few of the tiny blooms so my granddaughters and I can use them for crafting.

  40. Jeri, Thanks for coming over again.. You know that is a hard one.. As much as I love the scent of my roses, especially Winchester Cathedral, it has a almond raspberry scent, the Lilacs this year are amazing to me.. This is the first year they have really bloomed.. There is just nothing as fresh as a lilac.. Maybe that is what I love about them. It is a shame we don't have smellablog!
    Would that be great? haaaa

  41. I would have to say the daffodil is my favorite spring flower. I love seeing them along the road side and in the fields.
    Your garden is lovely and I see you will be doing a lot of planting. Have fun!

  42. Dear Cousin Jeri,

    Congratulations to the winners of your lovely "With Loving Hands" print!

    Love your gardens and all your new plants! Very colourful and very pretty!

    Your cousins,
    Diane and daughter Sarah and Tillie Tinkham the seamstress mouse at the Corgyncombe Courant


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