
Friday, March 8, 2013

Anthropomorphic..... Market day in the Hollow.


          Anthropomorphic is the term used for bestowing  human traits onto  animals. It is most  common in storybooks, where Mr Toad recklessly drives his motorcar, in "The Wind in The Willows",  Rabbits fly kites in "Uncle Wiggly" and little mice sew the delicate threads on the Mayors coat in the "Tailor of Gloucester" .  I could go on and on and on.
  Of course we know, that in our imagination, anything is possible, and that in reality,tiny birds do not stitch your quilt while you are fast asleep... (or do they?) 

However, anyone who has spent any time with animals knows for a fact, that animals do indeed share human qualities. Animals exhibit, jealousy, faithfulness, bravery, selfishness, selflessness, love, anxiety, loneliness, generosity, sadness and joy. I am constantly amazed at the human-like antics and social order that goes on here at our farm. Take for example the chickens. A rooster can be very gallant. He finds a tasty tidbit on the ground, he picks it up, drops it, cackles to his wives, picks it up again and drops it, until one of  his lovelies comes to retrieve said tasty morsel, which he could have had all to himself. I call that a real gentleman! He jealously guards all his "women-folk" from any other suitors and will fight, to the death, to keep his family intact.

 Our Chinese goose, Fionna Goosefeathers, is very motherly, whenever a new waterfowl moves to our farm, she becomes instant Nanny, guiding the newbies to ponds and creeks, swimming with and caring for them until they are accustomed to the place. It is very endearing. 

Ducks are also quite interesting folk. Ducks form family groups and if anyone gets out of line, they are often shunned. It is one of the few things I dislike about ducks.  These "outcasts" are not allowed anywhere near the family  I have two such ducks, Lewis and Clark, who were booted out of their family group for reasons unknown to me, and I took pity on them. I had been looking for two little wives for them to call their own, for weeks and weeks. At last I found an ad with 2 female, Blue Swedish Ducks, looking for a home. Best of all, they lived just over the mountain from our farm...  Well, talk about ingratitude, it has been a full week and those little bachelor ducks will have nothing to do with the  "mail order-brides" from over the mountain. In fact THEY are shunning the females!  I think they re playing "hard to get", which is normally a female trait. 
Or am I, perhaps,  engaging  in Anthropomorphic fancies?

 Well, is it really any wonder? I have been painting  tiny anthropomorphic folk  for 14 days now... I think I am going bats!

There are 79 small characters in this illustration. Some are no bigger than 1/4 inch. And that doesn't even include all the teeeeeny tiny baskets, crocks, leaves, barrels, tortoise pies, etc, etc, etc. I paint under a magnifying light, but REALLY!

 The otter is quite tall at 1 inch!

   I am lucky I haven't gone  bonkers AND cross eyed!  Can you believe that miniaturists paint smaller than this ALL THE TIME?!

      It is an intentionally busy piece, full of color. But I  am afraid the colors on this blog are way OFF as I have a new camera who's settings I have not learned to use. I am nearly  finished with it this piece, Thank goodness!   Just a few more areas to paint, a little hat, a tiny apron and a wheel or two.

But no more pies!!! I think that tortoise has had enough already!
(The mousey milkmaid is 1 inch tall)
 This chipmunk is 1/2 inch.... which reminds me...
The next illustration has over 40 tiny squirrels and chippys!  That means I will have to thaw out the chipmunk again. And put on the TEA! This weeks tea is:

 and this weeks soup? Well, we got a bit tired of soup and decided to cook tacos today instead.
 One more picture of Miz Stickywig, I really love her! James says she is ugly.
 By the way, can you find Fionna Goosefeathers in these illustrations?? 
   There... all finished.
 Now it's time to paint 40 chips and squirrels.


  1. Your illustrations always leaves me in awe. I am particularly fond of the beautiful books shop. Tacos are a yummy soup break.

  2. BEAUTIFUL, just beautiful work you do!

    I remember when I was 5, Mom and Dad got use some geese. Every time my brother and I'd go to the pond to throw them feed, they would chase us all the way back home. The geese didn't stay too long. Mom and Dad moved them on to another home?!?!?

    1. Geese CAN be very naughty! My first Fionna disliked all humans except for me. She would let me carry her around like a baby, but went after everyone else and would try to bite them on the bottom!

  3. Jeri,
    I would have gone bats a long time ago! How you manage to paint that small with such detail, even with a magnifying glass, is beyond me..

    I found Fionna! (I think) 6th photo down? Looks like her at the veggie stand.. That is the only photo I see her in.. Although, I do see a few geese, but they do not have Fiona's famous bump on the nose. As for Mz Stickywig (love the name) I think she is great!

    Oh Jeri, I love reading your posts.. This piece is just amazing!
    I must come back tomorrow and view it again.. I am sure I will find more characters. Exquisite work Jeri, Bravo!
    With great admiration,
    Love, Penny

    1. Yes Penny, she is buying some tasty cabbages from the Badger!

  4. Hello, Jeri.

    This is utterly delightful. It is wonderful to see your imagination...or maybe this is how the creatures in Hopalong Hollow behave all the time, and you're working from a snapshot. I wouldn't be surprised. We have a whole gang of teddy bears here who eat chocolate, have tea parties, and drink from pink milkglass mugs. If they ever get hold of one of the credit cards, they order pizza.

    Love your work. I especially love the Tea Thyme wagon. And the way you can see into the Beautiful books wagon, to see someone climbing the library ladder. Very charming. Amazing crafting of details. Thank you for your posts and the tales of the creatures with whom you live, from James :-) to Fionna.

    (Loved, loved, loved your Watery World post, too.)


  5. Jeri, did you see that PBS special this week about the emotional lives of animals? It was fascinating, and your post speaks to the very same topic. Of course, it doesn't take a scientist to figure out that animals share some of the same feelings we do!!

    Your illustration is, once again, amazing. I think this is one of my most favorite - especially the bookshop! I just want to step into it and be a part of this sweet and beautiful world. I just have to decide who I want to be!!

    Love it! What a delightful way to start the weekend :))))

  6. As always, your post is wonderful. I agree that all creatures have their own personalities, just as humans do. Sometimes we would be better off if we remembered that we have animal bodies instead of just being in our heads all the time.

  7. Interesting your thoughts about animals and their feelings. I read the other day that scientists are undecided whether dogs really feel sorry when they have done wrong or whether they are just jolly good at putting on a sorry face.
    I do know that my Buff Orpington rooster also finds the juiciest titbits and then calls his hens over to eat them. Also I have two farm cats and one is adept at catching baby rabbits (yes, I know that's awful). When he catches one he brings it back to the barn and calls the other cat as he comes so that they can share the spoils.

  8. Wonderful, colorful, happy and oh so intricate are your illustrations. Yes, I did see Miss Fionna. :-)

    Love and hugs to you Jeri. Have a wonderful weekend ~ FlowerLady

  9. Jeri, delightful post! Your artwork is amazing. Loved reading about your farm animals personalities. How are those peacocks doing? I have talked to my brother about getting a peacock for his small farm. He told me they were very noisy. Darn, I was hoping he wasn't aware of that. Have a lovely weekend and thanks for sharing your beautiful paintings and your farm.

    1. Mary, we were always told that peacocks made a horrid racket, it kept me from getting one for years. BUT, they only do the peacock scream during mating season and at other times, when excited or as a warning to strangers. It isn't constant at all. Our geese make a lot more noise!Peacocks are so smart and beautiful and funny, your brother really needs a pair!

  10. I FOUND FIONA! I FOUND HER at the book seller's caravan! I SAW HER! teeheee

    Well dear soulmate, we too here at Rabbit Hill engage DAILY in anthropomorphic activity, as we look out our windows at the rabbits. They display a social habit of this DANCE that I thought was a mating ritual, but I am not well-versed in rabbit behavior! It sure is a hoot however to watch! Then there are the squirrels that gorge themselves on acorns, then lay down on the concrete, belly up and stained muzzle as if they were saying, "I ATE TOO MUCH!" It keeps us sane. Yes, and I know you know what I mean. The world of ONLY HUMANS is nuts. Include some of God's creations and run off to create their dialogue and thinking and soon you have a story. I LOVE IT, and I don't want it any other way.

    Your attention to detail astounds me. Jeri, I LOVE YOUR STORYTELLING as well as your colorful world of animals that will never die.

    Hugs my sweet friend! Anita

  11. hi jeri! i found you from bev at bee haven and i love your blog. i signed on to follow and added you to my sidebar. i will mention you on my post today too! you are incredibly talented! i see a version of your fence in my future! i am thinking witches!

    1. You will have the only witch picket fence for miles and miles around!

  12. Beautiful art as always! ~ LOVE the little wagons! You have an amazing amount of patience for soooo many details! :))))))

    1. Melody, thank you! I forgot to tell you how adorable is your little mouse holding the string of birdies is, just sweet!

  13. Stunning drawings and soo tiny! Delightful.
    We enjoy watching our animals they all have such personalities. We are having trouble with male geese and rams here trying to throw their weight around - Big bullies to us humans!
    Love Leanne

  14. Jeri...I spied Ms. Fiona standing next to the fox at the badgers shop. I adore you work. It always makes me so very happy. Joy is a great commodity to give away and you do so abundantly in your portrayal of lovely animal folks going about the busines of living. Thanks for stopping by Olde Baggs n Stuft Shirts. I was in awe of the fact you had.
    I so love your new puppies and will be anxiously waiting more posts on their progress as agents of protection. Being the proud owner of St. Bernards, big dog puppies are the very best. Ears and tails sometimes grow at different rates than the rest of the pup......so funny. And as I have shared with you in the past....I love the donkeys, so seeing your girls tickled my heart.
    Blessings on this Saturday morning. Oma Linda

    1. Those pups are growing too fast! I want to cuddle them more and more, but soon they will outgrow my lap.I will update their progress in the law enforcement dept with regularity.

  15. I love Miz Stickywig! And you are amazing to be able to paint like this - really beautiful work!

    1. Me too! She has wild and crazy hair and could stand to lose a few pounds, just like me.

  16. Oh My Goodness! You have a delightful, charming, creative beautiful blog. I came over from OctoberFarm blog where jaz had a link for you. I am so glad I did. I now picture myself spending many happy times here. You are a wonderfully modern-day Beatrix Potter, who I have always adored. Very nice to make your acquaintance. Robin Larkspur

  17. Oh, you have outdone yourself on this post!!! I can't wait for the next book to come out. I agree with Robin... you are a wonderfully modern-day Beatrix Potter. Love this post. If only we did not live so far apart, and could snip an afternoon away sometime!

  18. Hi Jeri... you are right about animals, I have seen it so many times on the farm. I lost my very bestie horse Sanders, last Thursday, he was my very first love of my life, and now he is gone,watching the other 3 horses now you can see the anxiety and quietness as well, as they take on a new leader, and mourn the loss of Sanders, they were all babies when they came to him, he taught them how to be horses...having lost my best dog less than 3wks from losing my horse, I see the house cats wondering what the change is...it's uncanny ... I miss them every single day, but am happy I have my other pets to see me through, specially kitten Murphy, he sits in my lap most of the time.. he knows I need him.. thanks so much for being an inspiration Jeri...and it's always a joy to keep up with your blog.. have a good weekend, robin

    1. Robin, I am so sorry about your horsey, i wrote you an email last week, but I guess you didn't get it. I will try again.

  19. It is a true work of art! Congratulations on a beautiful job.The truth is that we should learn more things about the animals.
    A hug.
    Mª Carmen Duque

  20. I love every single line that you made come to life in these awesome little mini's. I would do anything to have your eyes. Mine are old and weak so I envy you.
    Having had the most delightful pet goose years ago ( goosey lucy)
    who sat on our laps with her head under a chin you continue to make me smile with memories.Hugs

  21. Jeri, you have such an amazing imagination.. so many beautiful details.. I love looking at each and every one of your drawings. all those sweet little characters in their darling clothes with little pies and books and so much more. what a fantastic world you have created!!!


    I so love to see your comments!

    OK, regarding those moving pictures. THEY ARE GIFS. I think you have to have a sophisticated program to make Gifs of that quality that I find for my blog from TUMBLR. I have made Gifs of my own with those on-line freebies, but they are not the same. My dream...my absolute DREAM is to make my own Gifs with my silly little drawings. I can see your animals moving, Jeri, I can!

    I have Photoshop but do I even know how to use it? NO! Do you have a good program where you can make Gifs? FIND OUT!

    OH HORSEFEATHERS! I did not spot Fiona? Hmmmmm....that clever goose! She is hiding from me! I shall try again. Back in a minute! Anita

  23. I SEE HER! I SEE HER in the picture where you show the ruler! She is at a picnic table with pies! OH, do not tell me I am wrong! teeheee.....

  24. I GOT IT! I SAW HER! Whew....my vision is not what it used to be, so I admire what you do Jeri! I WON! teeheeee.....mmmmm....tortoise pie! You are so adorable. I wish we could stay up all night and never sleep. Imagination seems to spark when the sun goes down and the stars shine brightly!

    HAVE FUN JERI! Anita

  25. Hi Jeri,

    Truly beautiful work and admire your patience and skill at doing such intricate work.
    Market day in the Hollow is wonderful and yes, I do spy Fiona Goose-feathers.

    Hope you are enjoying the weekend

  26. Such fabulous work! I just got my magnifying light, and I'm having a wee bit of trouble not closing one eye to work through it. Hmm. I have noticed the feeling and behaviors that echo humans in animals as well, but I must say my very favorite is when a cat embrasses themselves (mine has no grace, so it's a frequent thing here! :)

    LOVE all the work you put in on this one! I bet you're going a little crazy with all the detail, but it's fantastic!

    1. Kyra, you need a bigger magnifying light, mine is huge. Our cats would never admit to being embarrassed!

  27. Please don't tell anyone you modeled Mz Stickywig after moi following our last group evening of regalia... You are such a treasure-trove of detailed beauty, Jeri, and I forever marvel at the
    depth of your imagination and skill; this entry being no exception.
    I do not know how authentic it is, but the quality of compassion I
    find in some animals is heart-rendering. Perhaps it is merely tolerance of we foolish mortals, for they also carry that air of
    condescension at given times, haven't you noticed? Thank you for
    another captivating blog entry ~

  28. MS Stickywig, indeed! You are so funny!
    I do notice a certain condescension at times with my male geese, they are quite noble. But more than anyone, is a senior cat who is very wise and thinks we people are very foolish.

  29. You are so funny Jeri! A plastic pool and diving board...
    Thanks for coming by to meet Daphne.. Good grief, does this mean if she stays home that I have to make her one?
    Thank you so much for your kind thoughts, they are truly appreciated.
    Enjoy your day dear friend!

  30. Oh Jeri how I truly love your busy, fabulously detailed , work of amazing fun and witty creatures !
    Then again they have an amazingly witty and fun one, bringing them all along!
    And I just have to ask how those adorable puppies doing ?

    1. Willow, growing too fast! But they are spoiled rotten already, we love them so.

  31. Oh Jeri - this is lovely - I do not know how you are not nuts painting all these tiny creatures. I so agree with you about the animals too - definitely show joy and grieve and being bored as well. Now as you paint those squirrels don't go bonkers!

  32. Your detail and imagination are mind-blowing, dear Jeri....truly incredible!!!
    What a joyous post this is!! Of course, animals feel, and have personalities...it is so wonderful...if only we could talk to them! But through your stories, at least they can talk to US! :) And I do believe the lovely Miss Fiona is on the right side under the large parasol?
    Amazing, amazing work!
    Love and blessings,
    - Irina

  33. Jeri,
    You can rest easy knowing that Fredrick packed his bags as soon as I read him your comment.. He has left town, never to return..
    You just crack me up.. When I read your comment I laughed myself silly! Thanks so much for coming over to visit.

    Waiting anxiously for the next painting.. I can't wait.
    Wishing you a beautiful day tomorrow,

  34. Oh my! I'd have gone boss-eyed by now. But the delight is in your wonderful details. So many things to see!

    As for drakes Lewis and Clark, how do I put this delicately, maybe they like each other? You might need to find some suitors for your two new females.

    Found Fiona! Love her bonnet!

    1. Well, I did think about that.... BUT the good news is that nature kicked in and Lewis and Clark finally figured out how much fun girls can be!

  35. Jeri darlin'!

    I see that you went to see that sneeky FREDERICK, the so-called inspector! You ran him out of town, (for he sold for Penny!) ehem.....but you saw his REAL motives....pinching those plump thighs, snatching a few eggs under the guise that he was going to "save them"...HA! You've got his number! teeheee

    Thank you dear one for coming to visit. Have a super fun day at the Hollow today, and I hope you are getting your "work" done so you can go outside and play with the furry folk!! Anita

  36. I love this painting Jeri. Is this for your new book? As always, your talent just blows me away. You are incredible.

    1. Hi Shell, yes this is one of the last few pages....

  37. Wow, wow, wow! I am amazed at your talent! I'm in love with the attention to detail in your work!

  38. Hi Jeri,
    You know I could sit here for hours and ~play~ with all your wonderful characters... You know, you truly are amazing, and you have to know that you are such an inspiration to me. Sir Percival inspired Fredrick..

    Thank you so much for your most welcome visit and comment on Gatsby.. I realize he may not be a perfect study of a Fox Terrier, but I was pleased with him.. So happy you enjoyed..

    I am on pins and needles here waiting for the next page... Do you feel a bit squirrelly about now? teee

  39. Penny, I reallllly do! I'm sitting here now painting a teeny leaping chipmunk. So far, I have painted 32 lil bushkys and countless tiny acorns. I am going to finish this piece by midnight, I hope!

  40. Jeri,
    Bebe loves PIE, and most certainly would enjoy one made by Dimity!
    She asked me to stop in to let you know she will bring the TEA to go with the pie.

  41. Only one word : Wonderful !
    You are great ! Thank you.


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