
Friday, February 1, 2013

Tea In England...

It isn't everyday I am invited to tea with an artist I have admired for quite some time. So when Valerie Greeley invited me "over" for a Cuppa Interview AND asked me to bring along any guests  that I so desired, I was quite honored, indeed. For those of you not familiar with Valerie, I will tell you that she is a most marvelous designer of textiles, illustrator of beautiful storybooks and artist extraordinaire. You will see exactly what I mean when you hop over to http://acornmoon.blogspot.com/ and have tea with Valerie and me.... and a few other surprising guests. Won't you please come along?


  1. That was a lovely tea party, Jeri. And fun to see To Everything There Is A Season which is my cherished bit of Jeri-art!

  2. Oh dearest Jeri, I was just over at the interview and left a comment. I am so thrilled to learn more about you AND also so happy to belong to a community of diverse artists. All of us do our art our own way and the results are just as diverse as the people who do it. And like you, my dream "tea guest" would be BEATRIX POTTER and you, Penny, Violet and many other dears from whom I have learned so much in these last five years of blogging.

    HUGS TO ALL! Anita

  3. That was a lovely post to read Jeri! I'm intrigued by the Red Rose Tea figures. I'll have to look them up on Google. I'm a huge fan of James Herriot too. Did you ever see the 'All Creatures Great and Small' series? I love the bookplates.

    1. Dan, I could probably recite the lines from "All Creatures Great and Small", I have watched it so many times! I first read his books as a teenager; what a fantastic talent for telling a story!

  4. What a lovely tea ~ interview. It was nice to be part of this morning.

    Love and hugs to you ~ FlowerLady

  5. A terrific interview. I was so pleased to learn that you are self-taught. What an inspiration!! I recently read a biography about Beatrix Potter, and I believe she had a similar experience with art "instruction". The world is so fortunate that artists like you and Ms. Potter have the courage to listen to their own voice! As someone who is in the process of teaching myself to make art, I receive great courage and inspiration from that. Hurrah!

    1. Starr, some of the best artists I know are self-taught. If you have a natural artistic talent, and you practice, practice, practice, you will develop a real personal style and be amazed at how much you can learn by keen observation and determination.

  6. HI Jeri. Valerie has long been on my blog list as I admire her work greatly. Now I have seen you work on her site today I admire yours too. I am going to attempt to put you on my side bar, My skills on the computer are not brilliant, but I can but try. Hope to visit you again.

  7. I came a day late for the Tea Party but enjoyed my visit over at Valerie's place and the interview you gave.
    Mama Bear

  8. Oh dearest Jeri,

    Thank you so much for coming to visit me! And you know, it is the story of my life, to be as simple as possible. I was once told by an old boyfriend who witnessed me "put someone in their place" that I am like a BALLERINA WITH A MACHETE..teeheee.....I guess I am able to get my MESSAGE ACROSS in simple ways be it lines on paper or short, simple words with a lot of PUNCH! So..."walk gently and carry a big stick" or "use simple lines and communicate a message" is what I was meant to do!

    I know one thing; I sure don't have it in me to be as detailed of an artist or even a writer as you and others are!!! LOVE TO YOU! Anita

  9. Jeri, I loved reading the interview. Someone once ask me who I would invite to dinner... One of my guest was indeed ms Potter. Your work is always amazing. Bonnie

  10. Lovely, lovely. I enjoy looking at every detail.

    Thanks for stopping by and also, thanks for the hook up with acornmoon, which I will hopalong to right now.

    You are a peach!


  11. Dear Jeri,

    What a lovely tea and interview! It's nice to see such a wonderful lady be given the honor she deserves.



  12. Good evening dear Jeri,
    I have just returned from Valerie's.. How kind of you to invite us for tea... I LOVED the interview.. It is so nice to get to know you a little better as time goes by, and I am proud to call you my friend. I am so anxious for this book be completed. (No pressure teehee). I have admired Valerie's work for some time... It was so nice of her to have you over for a Cuppa Interview..

    Thanks so much for visiting and your kind words... Yes, I dressed her with cheese cloth that I soaked in raspberry tea. I was pleased with the color... So happy you enjoyed it.
    Love and blessings,
    Penny & Bebe

  13. hi jeri, i just loved visiting you "at tea" just now! meeting you at dickens christmas in franklin was one of the highlights of my year!

  14. Bunnies and tea and a bunny tea pot? Perfect!

  15. Thank you for being such a charming guest, maybe one day you will visit in reality. In the meantime I shall carry on hopping over to your place.

    1. Thank you Valerie, It was fun! One day you WILL find me on your doorstep.

  16. Jeri - I really enjoyed the tea - thank you for sharing it - as always you know I think your art is superb! It was nice to know how you started with your career. Take care and God Bless.

  17. What a wonderful interview. I had to laugh right out loud about the egg "canvases." And thought, "She always thought 'outside of the box'."

  18. Oh how lovely it was to sit quietly with an ear to your tea with Valerie !

  19. Good morning my dear friend!

    THANK YOU FOR COMING to see my grandmother Marie. Oh how I had always wanted HER to know me, and me know her. But I felt I did, because of my mother's constant tales and reminiscing. Thank HEAVENS for storytelling!

    I wish you a FANTASTIC and creative day. GIVE A HUG TO A GOOSE FOR ME! teehee...Anita

  20. dear jeri,
    i just had to stop back by and tell you that i was so enchanted by the idea of "red rose" tea with a little figurine in the package, that i jotted a note the night i read your interview. the next day i looked it up online...and found that these little figurines are ones i've pored over in antique store curios for *years* and have never known their history or where they came from! it was like a mini-epiphany!
    i promptly went online and ordered a vintage wee willie winkle. :-)

    then, when we were out-and-about, we visited a store we infrequently visit, and they had red rose tea! when i picked up the box, even though it was sealed in plastic, this wonderful tea aroma with floral undertones drifted out...very fresh! for this first time, of course, i had to try the type with the figurine actually in the box, not the mail-order alternative....was it the mermaid? the sailboat? i felt like a little kid with a box of cracker jacks. it turned out to be the delicately-blue ship's wheel. i haven't brewed the tea yet; it will be a weekend treat. this is delightful. thank you.

  21. Fiordlisa, It was serendipity! I love the wee willie winkie set, but have none of them. You will enjoy the tea even more, now that you know it's history. I think I will brew a pot today to sip whilst I paint.


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