
Sunday, December 16, 2012

Christmas in a funny OLDE House.

 Welcome to Christmas in the Hollow

 Our old house was made for Christmas. There is just something Scrooge -like about creaking stairways. Nothing reflects twinkling lights quite as nicely as wavy window glass and ceilings tall enough to accommodate a 10 foot tree, if you so desire, are ideal.
 Christmas is all around the house.
The first  Christmas tree you will see at this old house, is on the porch.

This is what I call a Charlie Brown tree. I bought it 20 years ago at a folk-art show. It was made to look very wiry and wild, crooked and primitive.

 I've adorned it  in birds, nests, fruits and feathers. The dozens of peacock feathers dropped by the boys this year, were perfect for this tree.
Even the chickens are in the Christmas spirit when confronted with their very own tree!
Jolly good!


 Just turn the crank and ring the doorbell .It is loud enough to wake Jacob Marley!

Welcome, to Ochre Moon Manor.

 See the little bells above the window? They are "shop bells" and sound the sweetest little "tinkle, tinkle", when you open the door.

The warm pine woodwork has the perfect patina.

Please step into my parlor...

 Our house was built in the late 1890's. I have never been able to ascertain the exact date, although I have given it a thorough study.
I know that in 1899, Sears Catalog began selling "house parts".  I have  a copy of the catalog and in it are the exact window sashes, mantles, doors, stairway spindles , finials and balusters, as in this house. This is most certainly a house built with parts from the Sears Company.

 There are two fireplaces, and mantles are perfect for adding seasonal frills, but not too many.
The one above is in the parlor.
Ever since childhood, I wanted to live in an OLD house and fill it with old things.
I love our old house. It is very simple, a box really. It is a Square house with a hipped roof, large bedrooms and tall ceilings.
I'm not a purist when it comes to a particular period style. I like warm, old, worn and comfortable.  This is our  Americana room.... it is Red, White, and Blue. 
  I have stenciled the entire room and the walls all the way up the stairway, to the top of the ceiling
I can't remember if this was a Ralph Lauren Stencil or a Raymond Waites... it was one of those guys.
. ( That was a scary job, standing atop that ladder which was perched on the stairs)

  My tree of choice for this Early American room is my "Appalachia" tree, cut from our woods, it is a scrawny cedar. It is tall and skinny, just like Bob Crachet.
It is bedecked the old- fashioned way...
Dried oranges,
 (Slice them 1/4 inch, bake on greased cookie sheet at 200 for about 3 hours,

and German folded paper stars, fun and easy to make, especially for children!
 Directions abound on YouTube.

We added
Cranberries for the COLOR RED!

The tree is set upon a table near the stairway, it is so tall, that it pokes up past the parlor ceiling and up to the landing.

Little old dolls and bears make their yearly appearance neath this tree.
Toys, toys and toys, from a bygone era. No video games allowed.

 Beeswax bunnies, cloth hearts and dozens of rusty sleigh bells hang from the branches.


 Some one under that tree is wearing Fiona's bonnet!

 The "Southern belles" admire the tree from their shoefly rocker.
Do you love snow balls?  A BEAR,  PENGUINS AND A CARDINAL, and little puzzle blocks too.

The paper mache nativity is very old,  and is a combination of sets. We have 2 Marys, 5 wise men and 2 baby Jesus! I let them take turns every other year.

 There's always an over abundance of animals as I pull them from  collections all over the house.

 I had to empty the entire bottom shelf just to get my donkeys and cows.
 You can never have too many sheep!

    Golly, I hope I am not BORING you to death!! It's just that I reallllly like to decorate for this holiday, and I have to show  SOMEBODY!

     Up the stairs and into the bathroom, we've  created a more Edwardian look, early 1900's. On the dresser is a Feather tree with Blown glass ornaments. Feather trees were the first artificial Christmas trees. They are made from turkey and goose feathers, dyed green, and wrapped round wire boughs. These were produced after the Civil War. They came in sizes from 5" to 8 feet tall.

 IF you are still with me.... and I know you have things to do, but IF you are still here, please come into my Keeping room, where we have been making POMANDERS.


  I had a marvelous 3rd grade teacher, who taught us how to make these in class. That classroom smelled so good!
I hope you feel as though you've stepped back in time, our home is for the nostalgic hearted folk.

         This tabletop tree is a Frasier fir, and it has my very BEST ornaments on it. Some have memories of childhood, mine and my children, others are simply delicate old beauties I have gathered from here and there. You know how it is with ornaments... they hold memories, they have meaning.

 The tree is sitting upon an antique "washing Machine"(hand cranked and made of wood and tin)

         The first candle holders to appear on trees had  a long wire and a weighted ball on the end, these appeared in the 1870's, followed by the little tin "clip-ons". Both types are clinging to these branches. Of course, we are not crazy enough to actually light the candles. I love authenticity, but I am not taking any chances.
The use of candles on Christmas trees ended in the 1920's, with the advent of ELECTRIC Christmas lights!
This set still works!
 Our little tour ends with the rocking horse above a cupboard, even though I could show you 2 more trees, I will relent.

  And since you have been good enough to keep me company all through this tour, I would like to reward one of you. If you are a READER of this blog, you needn't be a follower, you can even be a lurker, but to thank those of you who read my Gazette throughout the year, I have a Christmas gift for one of you.
This is a very special gift,
 one of my paper gardens.
On Christmas day, someone will win this "Hopalong Garden under Glass".
Leave a comment, let yourself be known.
On Christmas day I will pluck a name from our 5th Christmas tree, the one I DIDN'T show you.
 In the meantime, As Tasha Tudor would say, "Take Peace, Take Joy!"


  1. ahh.... what a lovely walk through your home all warm and inviting. I remember well making pomander balls with my mother. I hadn't made them in years, and she passed over 5yrs ago, I miss her every day. This year, for some reason, my sentimentality has really been awakened and I purchased cloves and oranges and made pomanders for the first time in years. Oh why did I waste so much time getting back to the joy, memory and wonderful aromas of that craft? well it's back now, and here to stay.. but man are cloves EXPENSIVE???? thanks for sharing yourself with us.. it really takes me away to a place I want to be..

    1. Robin, those clove prices are sky high! But the pomanders last for years and years, so it is well worth it.

  2. Loved this tour of your lovely home!

  3. Wonderful warm home.Love how comfortable it looks.Trees are darlings.Merry Christmas-Denise

  4. Now that's what I'm ultra liking about when you say old fashioned Christmas. No blow up santas, lighted reindeer grazing up and down, snow falling in side a blow up merry go round.

    I LOVE you house. Peace to all who enter rather it be in person or on your blog.

    Merry Christmas!

  5. I loved your tour and it wasn't too long at all! I love old houses too and everything that goes with them. Seems like life was a lot simpler back then. Oh I wouldn't want to be without my electricity and bathroom, but when I think back to when I was a child that things were not nearly so complicated or dangerous as they are for children these days.

    1. So true, We do tend to romanticize the past, but on the other hand, life in this century is so tense.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Beautiful tour of your gorgeous home! Thank you :)

  8. I thoroughly enjoyed your tour! You inspire me to finish decorating...and maybe share my home on my blog.
    Thanks for opening your home and your heart to us! HaPpY Holidays!

  9. Thank you for the lovely tour! You have a beautiful home and have decorated it in a very sweet way.

    Have a Very Merry Christmas!

    Lily, WA, USA

  10. I love your trees decorated with ornaments you love and have loved for years, Jeri. I've felt like the only person in the world who doesn't change her tree from turquoise to burlap to whatever the latest craze is. Don't get me wrong, I like those trees, but I'm traditional to my toenails at this time of the year and I want the same treasured ornaments to appear like old friends when our tree comes inside to be decorated.

    And no, you can never have enough sheep at your manger. I have so many that I'm now looking for a sheepdog to gather them up!

  11. Oh my goodness Jeri ~ I just stepped out of my life into an oh so lovely wonderland of Christmas. Your dolls under a Christmas tree, made me jump up and gather up an antique baby doll that has seen better days, and an ancient teddy bear. Thank you for the idea. I love all of your trees and the stories about them. Your 'olde' home is beautiful any time of year, but especially at Christmas.

    I always enjoy setting up the nativity every year, and haven't done so yet. It just seems too much at this time, I'm being really low key under the circumstances.

    It is always with joy that I leave your blog. Thank you so much for your love of life and sharing it with others.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady Lorraine

  12. Jeri, Such a special treat to wander through your beautifully decorated home. Even the chickens are enjoying it!! Sweet... it is Adorable!

  13. Jeri - It is snowing here in Maine as I'm enjoying your beautiful post. Brought back memories of decorating the tree at the one-room school I went to in PA in the 50's. We had to save all the keys you used to open SPAM lids and carefully pull the wound-up metal down to make icicles for the tree at school and we made designs in metal can lids with a nail and would hang them in front of the lights. Great fun! How the simple things delight.

    I love your trees and your home. Sheer happiness. I'm glad the chickens get to enjoy them too. I received your books and can't wait to read them to my granddaughters. Have a wonderful Christmas! Sharon

  14. Dearest Jeri...Again you inspire...I must run out and gather some oranges and dig thru my spices (I know I have some cloves hiding somewhere) such wonderful memories of sights and smells you invoke...and isn't that what Xmas is about...along with remembering the REASON for he SEASON, it is also about peace, love, friendship, family and memories of years gone by laughter and sharing...

    Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Year from our home to yours...Hope to see you either at your open house or Country Living Fair (sorry I missed you this year)soon.. Yasmine & David from Beautiful Eureka Springs, Ar...You must come and visit.

    1. Yasmine, I was looking for you in Atlanta! It is funny about cloves, the only time they are used around here is for mulled cider or pomanders.

  15. OH DEAR....


    You know I am a follower, but I am a friend and admirer of your wisdom, talents, and storytelling Jeri.

    It has been a marvelous time knowing you and chatting with you about this wonderful world of art. Your home is brimming with the kind of Christmas any child would dream about. In fact, your home is exactly the kind of home I wanted to visit as a child during the holidays. That rocking horse is magnificent. One of the things I always wanted for Christmas was a shiny red bike, but most of all, a horse head on a stick. To this day, I still want a horse of any kind!

    I recently saw an antique Sears catalog and was amazed at how house parts were sold! The Hollow is splendid and even the animals are enjoying it.

    Well my dear, you have enchanted me and have given me a taste and whiff of what a old-fashioned Christmas is like. Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a GOOD NIGHT!!! LOVE! Anita

  16. Oh Jeri how I do love your home. It's so warm, welcoming and full of art. Just like you! :) All that stenciling you did is so pretty.
    Of course, I would love to win your paper garden. I would be doing the happy bunny dance for sure! :)

    Hugs and Merry Christmas!

  17. Your home is a treasure and really sparkles with your Christmas touches. Thanks for sharing!

  18. Your little home tour was a sweet and unexpected treat on a dreary S. Louisiana Monday morning! I just love your little cedar especially--reminds me so much of the ones we used to cut from the woods to decorate for my Mawmaw's house each Christmas. And what did we watch while decorating those crooked little trees? The OLD, old "A Christmas Carol"!
    Your house is just wonderful. Thanks for sharing SO MUCH with us!
    Merry Christmas!

    1. A Christmas Carol is Still a must see movie every year. I must confess, that my favorite is actually the musical with Albert Finny as Scrooge.It is so good>

  19. Oh I so enjoyed the tour of your lovely home. I would have loved to see the other trees as well.
    I would be delighted to be entered in the giveaway for one of your gorgeous paper gardens.......Thank you, Oma Linda

    1. Linda,Oh dear, don't get me started on the other trees!

  20. I want to spend the holidays at your house...to dream. Hugs Susan

    1. Susan, please come out, and bring a mouse or two!

  21. I loved seeing your Christmas decorations, Jeri! I also have a tree on my front porch with natural trimmings. Thanks for sharing and happy holidays!

    1. Sharon, Of course you have a Natural tree on your porch, I knew o=you would!

  22. I love your old house, too, Jeri! We were just in Bethlehem, PA where the Movarians, who are famous for the German stars you showed, settled in 1741. I came home determined to make some of those stars for my tree. Now I'm also going to dry some oranges....I didn't realize they were so easy to do. And a cranberry string or two. I don't have room for a tree in every room so I'm thinking I could add very small trees to my guests' rooms this year to hold all these new ornaments. Thanks for inspiring me to do this!

    P.S. I loved that you have real birds of the feather "decorating" your porch.

    I hope you will show us the other 2 trees!

    1. Cathy, Do put tiny trees in your guest rooms, we have very small feather trees in the guest room and Antique Santas in our room. The stars are fun to make, I made about 25 of them. You know, You can also dip them in Parafin wax to preserve the shape for many years to come.

  23. Hi Jeri,
    What a treat for the eyes this is! I had to wander around the house a few times to truly soak it all in... The shop bells, I love them! What a warm and welcoming home Jeri... It is so you! Every time I see your carved fence I am in awe.. It looks so pretty. Such a grand welcome to those who visit..

    I love that you have several trees, each adorned with special ornaments. I really love the look and feel of the candles on the tree, and your Nativity is just beautiful. Is that a bear I see wearing Fiona's bonnet? And look who I see under the tree.. I am honored Jeri.... The orange slices, clove covered oranges, I made those as a child.. I think I will make a trip to the market..

    You know there is nothing I would like better than to be the winner of your most generous and beautiful Christmas gift. Please do count me in.
    Thank you so much Jeri for sharing your home at Christmas.. This was a gift in itself.
    Sending blessings your way,

    1. Yes Penny, that is a BEAR! I also hope you noticed the llama, and Jemima Donkey too.

    2. Jeri,
      I thought so... What a great Bear he is! Oh yes, I saw Duffy and I see Jemima back there... This just warms my heart.I really love your old world Santa standing next to the tree.. He has such a loving expression and looks very wise.

  24. Dear Jeri - your trees, your home, your bells, everything is so warm and inviting - I certainly appreciated the tour and it definitely helped put me more in the spirit of things. Take care and have a blessed day.

  25. This is probably one of the most beautiful Christmas homes I have ever seen! Thank you for sharing your lovely home! Merry Christmas

  26. Dear Jeri,

    How wonderful to be able to visit someone whose ornaments stay in one place! :) All my visions of decorating all through the house have downsized to one tree that gets a lot of re-fashioning (and that has unbreakable ornaments). I'll bet that your house does smell truly wonderful, and that the peace of Christmas pervades.



  27. Dearest Jeri, I love the pictures of your house and the Christmas decorations. Your scrawny cedar reminds me of my husband's and my second Christmas together. We had a brand new tiny son, barely a month old. My husband's mother kept little Matt while Jimmie and I scouted the woods for our tree. Even though I married the boy across the street (teehee - knew him all my life and married him anyway)Jimmie was raised with a cedar Christmas tree each year and I was raised with a white pine Christmas tree each year. So we spent two hours in the woods behind our house arguing over which tree was the perfect one. We couldn't decide, so we cut two trees - a cedar for him and a white pine for me. We decided to let Ma decide. I just knew that she would choose mine over Jimmie's because she loved me as much as she loved her son. I was blessed with a wonderful mother-in-law. Well, Lord love a duck, she chose Jimmie's tree! So your cedar reminds me of our second Christmas. Now I love cedars, but I surely didn't way back almost 47 years ago.

    Thanks for the memories and I'm going to keep my fingers crossed that I'm the lucky winnder of your beautiful paper garden.

    Diane in North Carolina

    1. Diane, what a great story! I must admit, I prefer the smell of pine, but our pines are even scrawnier than our cedars!

  28. I am a huge fan of your work. Your talent is amazing. I would be so happy to win your give away.
    Thank you for the tour of your home. It is wonderful. Merry Christmas.

  29. What can one say??? Enchanting ~ I capture the scent of the pomanders from there, over the river and through the woods...I can feel the smoothness of the patina of the furniture and millwork.... Is that spice
    tea you are brewing? I hope you are saving the extra trees for another
    post, otherwise, it would not be fair. I feel as though I have just visited my Grandmother's home with all its sights and fragrances...you are a creator of peace and joy, par excellence, dear Jeri. Bless you.
    Our Mary

    1. Mary, It IS spice tea, how did you know?! I never had a Gramma, but I did have ANNA, mom's best friend, who lived in an OLD Victorian house, it was divine at Christmastide.

  30. oh..no words..i am speechless with the beauty in your home. the trees..the decorations..the warmth..the love oozing from every corner...ooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!
    it is an enchanted wonderland of Christmas........oooohhhhhh!!!
    your prorch...windows..doors...rooms....oooooooooooohhhhhhh!!!
    i did not want to leave!!! i have gone through twice...and still don't want to leave,but,my grandkids need to go to bed,so off to tuck!!!
    thank you for sharing these photos!!

  31. Oh! I found you through Ann's Imagination Creations. What a lovely house. What a lovely collection of trees. And what wonderful bunnies in your blog background! Bunnies guarantee I'll be a follower.

  32. Happy to find your Blog today. Your Christmas decorations are all lovely! So wonderful your pictures!

  33. You have been a very busy bee. No 1 question, tell us all your beauty routine. Your skin and hair are so beautiful. This has nothing to do with Christmas, but please do tell.I just saw your pics on the side and thought I woudl ask ( again). we all need some good beauty advice! Gina

    1. Bless your ever-loving heart, Gina! Just like Jo, in "Little Women", my hair is my ONE beauty. I don't color it or blow dry or use any chemicals.. just wash and condition with inexpensive products. My face.. I have LOTS of lines in my face, I AM 59 years old, after-all. But I have a micro-dermabrasion machine, I use once a week. Every woman should have one,it makes your skin soft and "sands" away the bits and pieces. Skin products I use are "Night Skin", "Complexion M.D. and Olay face cleanser, twice daily.. That's it!

  34. Oh, Jeri! What a delightful tour that was; just as I thought your house would look at Christmas. And now I wish I could see the other 2 trees. You have so many authentic items, that it is like looking back in time and really being there! I just love that. I want to say Merry Christmas to you and your family, and thank you for all the peaceful visits to the Hallow that literally soothed my soul each and every time I visited. You have been so good to us, your readers, throughout the year and I want you to know how much I appreciate your efforts and generosity. Looking forward to another beautiful year visiting you in 2013. Hugs, Judy

    1. Judy, It has been a pleasure to entertain my friends in the Hollow thoughout the year. I have more tales to tell and critters to introduce next year!

  35. Jeri, your home is just lovely! The decorations put Williamsburg to shame. There is warmth and love all over, not any of that fussy stuff and no Walmart/plastic stuff in sight - yeah!!! The chickens seem to enjoy their tree, but why wouldnt they, its just perfect. I would love to share a cup of tea, my Dear. I just love the teapots.
    Merry Christmas to you and James,
    Deborah R Mercy

    1. Deborah, I left the plastic stuff in the attic! (I do wish those chickens would get OFF the porch instead of playing ring around the rosy, all day long, beneath their Christmas tree.)

  36. Thank you so much for sharing your beautiful home! I love the smell of fresh pine trees for Christmas and when I saw the oranges with cloves..all my wonderful Christmas memories came flooding back to me. Happy Holidays to you and yours! Warm hugs, Esther

  37. oh how I feel like I've had tea in your parlour before, warm & familiar. thank-you so much for welcoming us into your home for a tour, I scrolled so very slowly & with each new photograph was wishing for more!! till next time... ;-)

  38. I've been following your blog for sometime now...so inspirational to me as a fellow artist...it's just wonderful...Happy Holidays Jeri and keep up the good work...
    Singing Wind Rose

  39. Thank you for the Christmas tour of your beautiful home Jeri. I so enjoyed it (and got some ideas too). Your trees are wonderful!
    Merry Christmas to you and Yours, including all your furry and feathery friends too.

  40. Thanks to all who have "visited", and for your very kind and generous comments. I wish I could have all of you over for Christmas Tea! There is still time for more to enter the drawing for the Paper Garden, keep those comment coming ladies... gents too!

  41. My oh my! What a delightful tour of your lovely old home, its charming nostalgic offerings and some of its inhabitants. Thank you for opening up your home and sharing your talents. Such an atmosphere of yesteryear abounds! (Thank you too for dropping by my blog). May you and yours experience a joy-filled, meaningful Christmas.

  42. What a beautifully decorated home!

  43. glad you linked up to FF ... great fence shots. beautiful home ... love the decor. nice blog ... love the header shot. Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year in 2013. big hugs. ( :

  44. Yes your home was made for Christmas. It looks so charming and warm. Have a wonderful Christmas and Blessings for the New Year.

  45. Your Christmas decorations are a joy to behold. You have reminded me about pomanders too, something I did once or twice in the past. I must look up the instructions again, nothing so Christmassy as their smell. I look forward to our tea party in the New Year, in the meantime have a wonderful Christmas.


    Oh Jeri, we watched the 1951 version of SCROOGE last night and it was so gentle and wonderful. May the Christmas SPIRITS fill us this year and throughout 2013! And will you be having a Christmas ham, goose or turkey? Shhhhhhh.....I won't tell the feathered ones!!!

    MUCH LOVE! Anita

  47. I love your paper gardens, so clever and unique. Your photos really put me in the mood and made me regret not digging more of my decorations out from the attic, but I've been fighting a bad cold and didn't feel up to it.

    1. They will be waiting in the box for you, next year. I don't always go ALL OUT, sometimes just a wreath in the windows will suffice. I really depends on my mood. The good thing for you is, the cleanup and "putaway", will be minimal this year!

  48. Ooooooo!!
    DELIGHT DELIGHT!! I just savored slowly at every picture and then again a second time! Delight indeed!!
    And I saw little Ezra too!! Hee ;-)
    Everything is so lovely and in the spirit! I can smell the cloves in my mind and all the hand made touches are wonderous!!
    I have the same type of Nativity but someone very important was missing from the group! So now there is a very modern ceramic baby Jesus being adored by the paper mache figure!!! Hee

    Jeri I sure have missed being able to leave you comments but this old computer loves to freeze up and stop cold. I do visit here as often as I can when I am out with the cell phone where I can get reception for it doesn't work by my house!! Hee...sigh..
    Well Santa can't get me that new computer till the other house gets sold!!
    Well,Jeri I am sending you and James and all the Farmyfolklings
    bunches of warm holiday HUGS and many many BLESSINGS for a JOYOUS CHRISTMAS!! Linnie

  49. Linnie, Happy you were able to come by and see little Ezra under the feather tree. I dearly love him.

  50. hello pretty lady! thanks so much for the wonderful tour of your christmas home....it suits you so well!! your art, your books, your gardens and your home....you lead a charmed life!
    wishing you a very merry and blessed christmas, dear one.
    p.s. perhaps we will have some snow here soon! i sure hope so.

    1. Erin! I would love some snow... at least we have the drizzle, it is very "winter-ish".

  51. Well, just dropped in to wish you a very Merry Christmas..Frohe Weihnachten..and found the tour of your Christmas decorated house. So many memories of my growing up years in Germany..especially the candles on the tree..which I HAVE seen lighted..inside! Thanks so much..your whole house is delightfully decorated with much love and hard work I can see..and is so "Old Worldly"..if there's such a word.

    Have a great Christmas and New Year. I expect to spend Christmas in Tennessee next year!


  52. Dear Cousin Jeri,

    Your home looks old fashioned Christmas cozy inside and out! So festive and lovely! The old dolls, toys, and ornaments are wonderful! What a delight it would be to win one of your "Hopalong Gardens Under Glass"!

    Your cousins,
    Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant

  53. How lovely to spend a little bit of Christmas morning looking at your wonderful home. I enjoyed all of your Christmas things, and it was almost like peeking through your window (even though you said it's not necessary!) Love your shop bells, the beeswax bunnies, the handmade ornaments, that LOVELY old fashioned Santa... I hope your Christmas is the best ever, Jeri! May you have a wee snippet of time to spend with your pencils and paints today. I wish you happiness overflowing!


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