
Monday, October 29, 2012

Fionna Goosefeathers, super model!

   Greetings and a hearty honk honk, from me,
 Fionna Goosefeathers, resident goose gal and garden guide here in the Hollow. 

 And, as you know, MODEL, extraordinaire. 
Yes, ever since My modeling career began, when the Mistress used MOIS, as a Perfectly, Perfect example of goosey Perfection, I have been much in demand.
   I have modeled on the runway of Croaky Toad Creek,
sporting all manner of frocks and bonnets for the fashion-conscious feminine, feathered folk of the Hollow.
I have been the spokes-goose for pedicure products and nail glosses.

  I've promoted  countless beauty products for the Wildflower Toilette Perfumeries, makers of the finest in meadow scents.

  Yes.....me, Fionna Goosefeathers!
But the biggest feather in my cap ( pun intended) is the new sculpture, commissioned by the Mistress, to immortalize" yours truly".

 Not since Rodins "The Thinker", has an artist captured the spirit of the model to such a degree!
Paris 2010 - Le Penseur.jpg
 Please note,
The beautiful shade of pumpkin in my ever-lovin clod hoppers... (also known as webby toes)

  Just look at this profile.

And what of this long elegant neck...delicate and graceful.

    Simply divine.. if I do say so myself.

 Here, you can see my soft and fluffy wing feathers  shown to best advantage.

 No one has a backside as firm and perky as mine.
 Notice how my tail feathers taper into a perfect peak.

Not since the Venus de Milo, has a sculptor captured such feminine beauty!
Venus de Milo on display at the  Louvre.

Don't you agree?
Of course, nothing is complete without my signature bonnet.

  And here it is. Unveiled for the first time in history! 
Tis I, Fionna Goosefeathers!
Not sculpted in marble, oh no, not sculpted in bronze, pshaw!
But sculpted in wool... soft, fuzzy, sheepy-coat, WOOL.

 DO I NOT MAKE THE MOST Refined and awesomely charming sculpture??!!

Indeed, I have come a long way since the Mistress brought me home in a chicky-poopy laden  cage, and set me free to roam the Hollow...
  But one thing is for certain, I have lost none of my humility. 

 Sending  HONKS and KISSES to the, Artist, PENNY WHITE, for capturing my goose gal essence, totally!

A note from the Mistress: This is another delightful creation by Penny White, painter, sculptor, maker of fun and wonderful things!  I have so many of them and it is never enough. PLEEESE check out the little mousie ballerinas on her blog right away, you will smile, I promise! 
 Here is the link:   http://angelsdoor.blogspot.com/


  1. you are all three so much fun
    wooly one
    feathered one and you ms. Jeri
    thank you for a smile

  2. She is fabulous! (And how did you get a bonnet on her in real life?)

    1. Kyra, I had no trouble putting on the hat, the problem was keeping it from falling off her tiny head while I shot the photograph.

  3. Ohhhhhhhhhh Jeri! Can you see me blushing? Humbled, honored and truly grateful I am for this.. What a wonderful post you have made for Fionna.. I am thrilled that you are so happy with her.. Your photos are great. The real Fiona looks so lovely in her bonnet. I believe that is one of my favorite close up photos of her. Oh, and the top one is a real hoot!
    Thank you my dear friend for loving my art enough to bring them home to the hollow. I hope Fionna brings you years of joy.. I treasure our friendship, and I am overwhelmed by your kindness.
    Love and blessings,

  4. Une publication qui a apporté bien des sourires sur ma face... Les oies ou les canards me plaisent beaucoup. J'aime la manière qu'ils se dandinent en marchant... et la manière que leur cou se courbe.
    Merci pour ce très joli reportage photographique.
    Gros bisous à vous

  5. Oh my gosh! How wonderful Penny's goose looks and Fionna Goosefeathers herself is an absolute charmer in that hat!

  6. I AM FINALLY HERE. I had heard far off tales of this great work in progress, but this is the unveiling I have been waiting for!!!! JERI, IS NOT OUR PENNY JUST THE BEST?????? I always say that if anyone can CAPTURE CUTENESS, IT IS PENNY WHITE. Fiona IS JUST BEAUTIFULLY CAPTURED and I am also the lucky recipient of Mother Goose...so I too can see the details she put into the feet and the body....WOOO HOOO FIONA, you are one plump and voluptuous goose! That backside of yours....holy cow! But one beauty you are and you have inspired this artist to capture and immortalize you!

    BRAVO PENNY WHITE - my dear and wonderful sister, and HUGS TO YOU JERI LANDERS for the love you share in your world. I love Fiona, BOTH OF THEM!! Hugs, Anita

  7. I think Fionna will be prouder than a peacock to see her likeness. Her head will probably swell enough to keep her bonnet on now! :-)

  8. Oh my Fionna you have done gone and put them city models to shame!
    Your beauty is a forever thing now and will no doubt remain in the history books of glamour.
    What a delightful creation by the artist.

  9. Fionna, you are immortalized now! I can't imagine a greater honor than being sculpted for eterity!

  10. Oh Jeri it turned out so wonderful. I am always amazed at the lovely work she does with wool sculpting. Fionna will need a bigger bonnet now to fit her 'big head'. LOL!

  11. What a lovely representation of Fiona!! I knew that had to be one of Penny's wool sculptures. She does beautiful work. But then, she had a beautiful model posing for her!!!

  12. I just found you through Marqueta's blog and I am so glad I did! What a beautiful place I have found! Wishing a beautiful Fall day!

  13. Oh Jeri - Fiona is truly lovely...Penny did a gorgeous job immortalizing her. You must be proud to display this lovely sculpture and the hat is certainly a must. Thanks for sharing. Love this post as always.

  14. LOL! Those little mice are awesome! Most of all, the picture I saw off to the side with the small tea cup and mouse all stuffed from afternoon tea. It was just perfectly crafted with its little belly popped out like a pot belly pig and its arm hanging off to the side. Thank you for sharing that link. Also, the goose she made is perfectly fitting for such a fabulous garden goosy goose. :)

  15. teeeheee....I so love this post, I SO LOVE FIONA, both of them! And I am so proud to have my own MOMMA G. as I call my Mother Goose that Penny made and I immediately swooped up!

    JERI DARLIN'! It is always a delight to see you come by for a visit and yes, there are many wonderful things about growing UP...we start to realize that it is not worth it to HANG on to things, to FEARS especially or else we simply will never know what we can achieve unless we try. But becoming of age is the only way to do it, unless you are blessed to learn this as a young thing!

    BE BOLD and keep going. You are fabulous! Anita

  16. Wow! I "met" you at Parisienne Farmgirl...and came over...well I see you are SO like my friend,Christy and I'm here to introduce you!
    She lives in Tn and my backyard is...but front is in KY!!! Haha :)
    You might want to be part of the barnsale where the two of us met recently at the Hayloft in Port Royal...we are doing it again in May. Now, I'll go tell her about you :)

  17. oops! here:

  18. Dear Penny did Fionna PROUD! Jeri, what a fabulous post!!!
    Penny is a marvel...as are you!
    Blessings to you all,
    - Irina

  19. Oh Fiona,

    With a figure like yours, it was bound to be noticed some day! What a beauty your are, and now to be remembered forever.

    Bravo to Penny, wonder-crafter of humble fleece!




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