
Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Country Living Fair in Ohio and a Shameless Plug

  It is, once again, time for the WONDERFUL "Country Living Fair" In Ohio Village Columbus, Ohio.

 This fair is sponsored by Country Living Magazine, whom, along with "Early American Life" magazine, had been  the introduction to county decorating, country cooking, antique collecting and  folk art, since the early 1980's. 
I Have exhibited in their Atlanta Market for 2 years, but this will be my first Ohio Country Living Fair. I've been busy making lots of lovely paper delights to sell from my booth.
Snipping, slicing and cut, cut, cuttting!
 So, here is my shameless plug:
 I will be set up in booth #108,

 I will have much mercantile for sale... such as my storybooks.

I 'd love to sign a book to you with a special message from Hopalong Jack
 or Bushky Bushybottom.
I will offer 
 my line of greeting cards :
"Hopalong Greetings"


For your  cozy cottage or castle walls , you will find:
 My varied selection of lithos and prints reproduced from my painted papercuttings, 

these are just 2 examples

I have, just a few, LARGE,
  Original black scherenschnitte pieces.
Teeny tiny papercut bookmarks and pendants
as displayed by my assistant, Peddler Kitty.


" Indeed, we have a bookmark for any book in your library from "Little Tom Kitten " to "Tabitha Twitchett!"

We offer you
 sweet little  shadow boxes ,
portraying  life in Hopalong Hollow.
 Paper Gardens under glass.  

  I am bringing 18 of these .

 I like to call them, 
 "Bunnies and Birds in a Bell Jar"

 If you are in the Ohio Area, if you love antiques, folk art,
 country decor, cooking, gardening... this fair has it all!!!!   Please come to the fair, you will love it. Be sure to stop by my booth,and say hello!

And bring along a big wagon to haul home all those treasures you find.

Come to the Fair,  see you there!

  I will be taking a lot of video to post!
  In the meantime, check out  Country Living's Pinterest page, here:



  1. I've always wanted to go there and I think you're booth would be the highlight.

  2. Dear Jeri ~ I've been a fan of Country Living magazine since they first came out. How neat that you are going to be in one of their fairs. Who knows, maybe they'll end up spotlighting you in their magazine.

    It sounds like you have ooodles of wonderful pieces for sale and I hope you do very well.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  3. Dang, can you stay there until the following weekend? We will be going through there for a blacksmith conference.

    Good luck!

  4. oh how i wish i could come see you there! you are offering an amazing array of artful treasures! wishing you a grand time.

    ciao from Italy~

  5. Dear Jeri,

    Oooh, what fun! If only I were a few thousand miles closer. :) You have been hard at work, and I'm sure everyone will love your offerings.

    Looking forward to those videos!



    p.s. Tennessee is indeed a very beautiful state, and my husband IS a part-time Elvis impersonator. . . You never know, we may end up there!

  6. plug away! so many treasures and all handmade by you, the best kind...my favorite are the paper gardens under glass...do you do any shows near nashville?

  7. I agree with Erin.. Plug away my friend.. Your art should be the hit of the Fair.. Gosh I wish I could be there.. Up front and center..
    For the life of me I cannot figure out how you manage the paper cuttings.. They are so detailed and tiny.. Masterful work Jeri, and I just LOVE your paper glass gardens.. I am sure those will fly off the tables.
    Have a great time, wishing you the best of sales, and have a safe trip.
    I will be thinking of you.

  8. Hi Erin, I will be at the Dickens Christms In December in Franklin, TN. Jeri

  9. Lucky, lucky friends that are close enough to come by...I can only wish and dream. Your booth would be first on my list and probably my last since I'd max out my Visa!

    Looking forward to hearing all the details, Jeri. Have funfunfun!

  10. BRAVO BRAVO BRAVO my darling and talented friend. I am so proud of your accomplishments and YOUR HARD WORK that got you here. As I struggle daily to find my hidden abilities that will not only enchant me but OTHERS, I see how long it will take for me to get to this point of recognition. If you have not seen her yet, come on over and click on my "WEBSITE" button under my header to see my very first paper mâché character. She stand about 20 inches tall and is under a bell jar as well. I am quite proud of her.

    You are fabulous and if I could, I would be there in a jif to see you.

    Tight hugs and warm wishes for a successful exhibit! Anita

  11. Oh Jeri I hope you have a terrific show. I love everything I see here and so wish I could be there.
    Much good luck and hugs.......

  12. I know it's going to be such a wonderful show! I truly wish I could be there. You plug away all you can my friend. Your art is some of my most prized possessions.


    Thank you for coming to my website construction site! You viewed PENELOPE MATILDE (in honor of two fabulous blogging pals). She was fun to make and I am making a smaller version to sit atop a little box. She will be offered on Etsy for Halloween. I am also making a RABBIT!

    Ruben found the 20 inch cloche on-line!!! However, there is a fabulous antique store in my area that has loads of them. This one that she stands under is nice and thick where all the other ones out there, though beautiful, are more delicate. She is my mouse for keeps!

    Thank you again for your encouragement. I really means a lot to me.

    LOVE, Anita

  14. Good evening Jeri,
    Well, it seems as if little Audrey the mouse, aka.... Breakfast at Tiffacheese, has been impersonating Bebe.. teehee... I will have a talk with her. But you are right Jeri, Bebe is very well rounded. I appreciate your encouraging words. Thank you so much my friend for coming by and leaving such a sweet note!

  15. I hope the fair was wonderful for you!

  16. May the Heavens shine upon you, dear
    Jeri, and may you return to TN all
    sold out. I am still in awe of your
    exquisite scherenschnitte and anything else you turn your hand to
    do.... the cloche creations are so
    charming... Have a ball with Country
    Living and as Flower Lady suggested,
    CL would be wise to feature your
    beautiful work in one of their issues. Fame hard-won and deserved.
    Our Mary

  17. Hi Jeri,
    I hope you have arrived home safe and with a PILE of money from your sales at the Fair.. I sure wish I could have been there.. You were in my thoughts this weekend.. I can't wait to see photos of the fair.


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