
Monday, July 2, 2012

LIBERTY! and a giveaway

 Independence Day
" The second day of July, 1776, will be the most memorable epoch in the history of America. I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated by succeeding generations as the great anniversary festival. It ought to be commemorated as the day of deliverance, by solemn acts of devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with pomp and parade, with shows, games, sports, guns, bells, bonfires, and illuminations, from one end of this continent to the other, from this time forward forever more" John Adams
              Well, we actually ended up celebrating our LIBERTY, our Freedom and our INDEPENDENCE on the 4th of July, not the 2nd, and I think this year I will celebrate with a giveaway.

  The above painted paper-cutting is one that I finished some years back. It is my folk-art interpretation of a bit of American History .  I sold the original many years ago. It is in the home of someone I am pleased to call a friend and who actually worked in the Reagan Administration.
However, I do have some beautiful prints of this piece and it is about time we had a give away, don't you think??? Size is 18x24, unframed and it is signed and numbered.
 Okay, Let's do it. 
Leave a comment, tell the world what you like or love about America. Anyone, anywhere, can enter.

On July 10th, one of the critters will pull a name out of a bonnet, or eat a cookie with your name on it ,or whatever other silly little game I can come up with.

 In the meantime, fly your flag, eat corn on the cob and watermelon, kiss your gramma and Have a wonderful INDEPENDENCE DAY!

“A Republic, if you can keep it.” Benjamin Franklin
Fellow Americans, let's keep it!


  1. I have been discussing this very topic with my grands. They are 8 & 12. I asked them if they thought they were fortunate to be Americans first and then why? The 8 yr old, who is Autistic and wiser than most adults I know said that he doesn't know enough about other countries to say his is better than others but he is proud to be an American because we can do so many more things without getting in trouble with the government. Thought a moment and said, tee hee, except speed and people break that law all the time.
    The 12 year old has friends from foreign countries who have let her have more of an insight into her blessing of freedom and choice here and that is what she is grateful for the most. I can't see the flag, her a patriotic song, or see a person in uniform without swelling with pride for being an American. Happy 4th of July. Oma Linda

  2. I don't feel I should enter your give away because I am from England but I will tell you what I love about your country. I love NYC, its energy and diversity. I love the way that class matters less than ability. I have always felt that you celebrate success in a more generous way than we do. I love your mountains and lakes and natural wilderness, vast open spaces and big skies and above all I like your people.


    You know what I wish I could do? TO see your farm, community in action on the fourth of July. I remember when I lived in Boston, WHAT A SIGHT on the fourth!!! I WANT TO ENTER to see if one of the critters nibbles at my name! AND WHY DO I LOVE AMERICA?

    It is my home. I have traveled many places in Europe and Asia and I have been enchanted. But my home is here, where I was born and raised and have made my dream.


  4. Love the blog as always. It's like a mini-vacation. As much as I fuss about our government, I would live no where else. I have the freedom to fuss about it and that what makes our country great! I love how different people are in other parts of the country but we are all the same too. Hope you have a great 4th. Carol

  5. I love America, a place where I can raise my children, grow my garden, shop when I want, buy gasoline when I need it, go to church every Sunday, and enjoy the country life!
    Have a blessed 4th and stay safe!

  6. America is like my mama. No matter what I say or do, just like Mom, America always wants to claim me as her child. I'm not sure that's the case in other countries.

    Thanks for the chance to win the beautiful print!

    Diane in North Carolina

  7. Oh I would love to enter. I so admire your artwork.

    My love of America runs deep. I grew up in a military family. I learned early that Americans come in all shapes, sizes and colors. We walk different paths and tackle challenges in different ways. We may rise up and applaud our leaders, or me may rise up to speak against our leaders without fear. We are free!

    We may go our separate ways and battle among ourselves, but when we are attacked from the outside we join hands and become a fearsome force with which to deal. Why is America so special? All you need do is look out over a crowd....
    anywhere....New York, Boston, San Francisco or Little Rock....we work hard to embrace our differences and our oneness. We are not perfect, we stumble, we fall, but we are not afraid to stand back up and search for what is right. We are America, land of the free.

    Oh so sorry for the essay;)

  8. JERI LANDERS...always so good to see you dear heart!

    YEP, Ruben, he's the man....a great one. He loves animals: CHECK! He loves to be silly:CHECK! He is smart and likes to BUILD THINGS: DOUBLE CHECK!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful day my sweet friend. Anita

  9. OH MY!!! I cannot believe this detail in this piece! Oh yes, please, please, I would love to be included in this most generous giveaway Jeri.. Thank you dear friend for the opportunity.

    America, a place where anything is possible with determination and hard work.. Everyone is intitled and free to speak their mind.. A beautiful place to raise our children and enjoy life. There is no place like home.
    Wishing you a joyful 4th!
    With great admiration my friend,

  10. I am loving your comments, please keep them coming. All of you are terrific!

  11. We are so blessed to live in a country with so many opportunities. I wish everyone who complains about our government would step back and realize all the freedom we have that others don't enjoy.

    I'd love to win your print!

  12. Your art is so lovely! What a talented artist--
    I love America for so many reasons. We are a diverse people who are able to freely follow our ambitions and dreams. It is my home and I am proud to be an American!
    Martha Ellen

  13. Diversification, dissention, pride,
    loyalty, courage, compassion, debate, inventiveness, brotherhood, charity,
    unity, patriotism, forgiveness,
    spontaneity, welcome, humor,strength,
    creativity, struggle, ambition,beauty,
    inclusiveness,faith, reward, wisdom,
    endurance and understanding. The many
    facets of this prism, America...and
    with it all, she manages to keep her
    people free. I thank God for this
    beautiful nation I call home and honor
    those who safeguarded and redeemed it
    with their sacrifice.

  14. I love America because every single day I wake up I am free to live my adventure. I can travel from state to state to state and be friends with whomever I choose. Freedom to be anything I want to be is my most favorite thing.

  15. when I think of all the places in this great world i know that america is the only place i would live! it has a bit of everything that the world offers and it belongs to all of us! I LOVE LOVE AMERICA!

  16. To sum it all up, the experience of school as a young girl, having the Presidents pictures on the wall, and putting our hands over our heart, and saluting the flag out loud. We stood united, in reverence, and it was a daily ritual, to have the freedom to do this. What a great foundation for childhood!

  17. Well, Jeri....
    That is just another lovely piece. You are so amazingly talented, I think I might have to stop reading your blog. JUST KIDDING!!! I love ya!!


  18. What is there not to love about our country? We have freedoms other countries only dream about. We can live where we want, work at what we love, worship how we choose and we don't even think about it. We are so very blessed to live here. Thank you so much for giving us the opportunity to tell how we feel.

  19. What do I love about America? I love the American people. If you've ever had occasion to talk to people who live elsewhere, they'll say that Americans are fun-loving and laugh a lot, they they have big ideas and love to back the underdog because here in this country, it really is possible to start out from behind and finish first.

    I also love small town America and the American countryside in its many varieties, from the Maine coast to the mid west hinterlands, the American south to the San Francisco Bay. There is much to see and do here and wherever you go, you can find a friend or someone who will help you along the way.

  20. What do I love about America? I love the American people. If you've ever had occasion to talk to people who live elsewhere, they'll say that Americans are fun-loving and laugh a lot, they they have big ideas and love to back the underdog because here in this country, it really is possible to start out from behind and finish first.

    I also love small town America and the American countryside in its many varieties, from the Maine coast to the mid west hinterlands, the American south to the San Francisco Bay. There is much to see and do here and wherever you go, you can find a friend or someone who will help you along the way.

  21. Hi Jeri ! I hope that you lived a very beautiful Independence Day. Bravo for your work and your talent, your paper-cutting is a real masterpiece.

    For us in Europe, United States of America represent the New World, with its contrasts, lhe diversity of the landscapes from Hudson River to California. It is never skyscrapers either rifles, or howling sirens but children who on their red bikes which distribute newspapers near houses and bottles of milk on doormats. America is such as I dream about her, the movies of Hollywood, the illustrated albums were signed by Norman Rockwell. America says to us "Good morning!" with a big smile, serves us as some warm coffee, as apples with vanilla...
    América, it is Christmas in Tennessee, Autumn's colors of the on the East Coast... And when I hear the American Hymn, or "Glory Glory Allelluia", my heart is touched, this is the way I like America...

    Nice Week-end Jeri in your wonderful contry

    Nathanaëlle x

  22. What I love about our beautiful country is that we have choices. We can choose what we want to do, where we want to live, how we worship, and on and on.
    Beautiful art.

  23. Dear Jeri...oh I am so late here!
    I hope you had a wonderful 4th celebration!! We spent a lovely evening with family, which culminated in a thrilling fireworks show put on by our town.
    How generous of you to gift your gorgeous artwork...what a joy and honor it would be to have my name nibbled...ooh...feels weird to be in this "contest" with beloved friends!! :)))
    America...well, this is an especially emotional subject for me. This amazing country of ours welcomed my little family over thirty years ago. What a blessing that was. The freedom, the people, the opportunities are so unique to our splendid country.
    My gratitude goes out to my parents, of course, who made the courageous move...and to America the Beautiful...
    Blessings, dear friend...
    - Irina

  24. America is eating Indian Fry Bread, Phad Thai, Cashew Chicken, chocolate eclairs, pasta primavera and chile chicken cheese enchiladas as well as steak and potatoes (just not all at once). I know that our newest immigrants are learning the same lessons my grandma did when she sailed in through Ellis Island. Long live diversity and the pioneer spirit!

  25. These were all wonderful and uplifting comments, thank you all so much for telling us what you love about America!


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