
Friday, June 15, 2012

Fondly from the Hollow...

We are off to the Lavender Festival this weekend, and when we return, I hope to have some lovely photos to share, that, combined with the building of the Pergola. In the meantime, I hope this farm video will put a song in your heart and a smile on your face!  Turn on your volume!
Fondly from the Hollow


  1. Oh my .....you know how much I loved your video. The sounds of the animals,the lovely yard and then the music.Thanks for a delightful visit.
    Have a wonderful weekend.

  2. thank you sooooo much for sharing your fairytale world with us....the critters, the feathered friends (especially little chicky standing on her mama!) the old fashioned gardens surrounded by that magical picket fence, the music, and all surrounded by the beautiful tennessee country side...it all feels warmly familiar to me....you have made me so happy today.

  3. Thanks for the visit! Did I see four little beaks in the nest? The peacock was the perfect ending. Bonnie

  4. Todays visit was a much needed respite and I thank you and all your lovely animals for the soothing moments. Oma Linda

  5. I can't tell you enough how much I enjoyed your video. Your critters obviously love you so much. I am an amazed admirer of your artwork. It is such a treat when you post a new message.Thank you for the joy.

  6. Thank you Jeri, your vidéo is a jewel ! Peaceful and charming garden with lovely animals... I love animals and to live with us is wonderful. Thank you for music, I like your choice ! I was very happy to watch you vidéo (two times ! :)

    Nice week-end Jeri, Thank you again.


  7. Hi Jeri,

    Enjoyed my visit to your beautiful place, thank you.

    Have a wonderful weekend at the Lavender Festival.


  8. My beloved friend, as I sit here on a sunny morning in my studio, I am transported to your wonderful world of great beauty. Take a LARGE WHIFF of lavender for ME, please? See you when you get back...Anita

  9. I loved every second of it! What a joy to see all the animals and all your flowers. The music was exquisite! Your posts are such a treasure to see, Thank you so much!

  10. Soooooo enjoyed visiting your blog Ü Luv your blog header too.

  11. Transported...that is what we are ~
    How you can bear to leave that
    setting for any festival is beyond
    me...that background of rolling
    hills is a painted landscape unto itself...idealic ~ Much
    success at the Lavender - wow them!
    but hurry back to us. I'll take one
    ewe, a peacock, two waddlin' ducks
    and save me a chick!
    Blessings ~
    Our Mary

  12. Hi Jeri,
    So sorry it took me so long to get here.. Have been without the use of my computer since Thursday.. Ye old monitor went poof!
    Oh my heart needed this... I just loved the video, so beautiful and relaxing to watch all your sweet gals gather at the fence.. I really enjoyed the show of FEATHERS at the end... Perfect timing!
    Enjoy the lavender festival.
    Take care dear friend,

  13. Dear Jeri,

    The lavender festival sounds wonderful, and very aromatherapeutic!

    The animals must have lots of adventures when you're on trips; they look like they've been plotting things together. ;)



  14. Hi Jeri,
    Welcome home.. Thank you so much for seeing Bebe off as she makes her way to Holland.. I was just coming over to invite Dimity to come along... So happy you enjoyed.
    I too have Dutch on my dads side..
    Have a wonderful day.. I cannot tell you how much I enjoyed your video!

  15. JERI!!!!!!!

    DID YOU LOVE THE ROSE OUTFIT? AND THE FESTIVAL....lavender dreams my dear? You know, I so hope you succeed in growing rows upon rows of this magical flower. Did you take a whiff of the scent for me? teehee

    I cleaned my house this weekend and I spritzed water infused with lavender oil all over my curtains and rugs. The scent just makes me calm and it was a magical weekend with guests coming in to take in the scent. I WISH YOU LUCK with these new plantings and enjoy! YES, I am having a blast creating. I am learning daily how to get over the bumps and bruises of TRANSITIONING from a secure paying job to the unknown and yes, the penniless life of a wannabe artist and poet. I will learn but wow, some days are tough. But when YOU HAVE TO CREATE, it would be more painful to not do it.

    Thank you dear for your friendship; it means the world to me. OH! I see you saw LITTLE MISS TULIP BEBE! Isn't Penny a riot?


  16. I tried to post and it would not let me. I will try again...

    Jeri, you truly live in Heaven right here on earth! Thank you for the wonderful video, my blood pressure dropped 10 points just watching it!



  17. OH DEAR...I cannot get into your new post, ONE MAN AND A PERGOLA...back later! Anita

  18. Okay, now I've watched this video three times and each time I'm transported to your farm. Did you happen to see me waltzing with the geese, cavorting with the sheep and donkeys, or struting with the peacocks? Or maybe you saw me just saw me rolling in the grass drunk from the music. Sigh.

    Diane in North Carolina

  19. So Diane, that WAS you! The geese said you are a real party girl!

  20. Jeri,
    I have been trying to get to your new post since yesterday.. It reads... The page does not exist! Drat! I will keep trying..

  21. Penny, I had a premature post loading, then I took it off, sorry! It will be up tomorrow.

  22. If God asks me at the end of this life where I would like to go, what my ideal Heaven would be, I would tell him Heaven is a little farm like yours. You can keep pearly gates, streets of gold and boring mansions. I am not good enough for those things anyway, let better people have them. I just want a little farm like yours. It is beautiful and so is your blog!

  23. How splendid a life you live !
    I am smitten with your farm, so enchanting and magical...
    Your animals are well loved, and know it, I couldn't keep from smiling when moma donkey and her baby trotted up for their treats :)
    A little piece of heaven right here in Tennessee...

  24. Jeri
    I don't know what happened... Your blog vanished from my blog list.. I had to go to a comment you had left to get here.. I hope your computer did not poop out!

  25. Dear Dimity,
    Livingston I presume? No, I have not seen him… I will keep my eyes open… Oh not to worry, I am staying close to camp… I have a little hut made under a big tree… I will be safe… I was going to ask you to come along but then I thought maybe the Mistress of the Manor would not be pleased about you wandering the jungle… Now...you know what mum did? She accidentally DELEATED your lovely comment… Don’t ask me how she managed that but she did… I am so sorry!
    p.s. Mum says thank you so much!

  26. Jeri
    I just added myself to your follower list AGAIN.. For some reason you are not showing up on my dashbord.. You were there and now you are gone.. See if this works.
    Have a great weekend


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