
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

We three blonds!

Anne of Green Gables lamented that " It's so difficult finding a kindred spirit these days"
 Poor Anne! If only she'd had a blog! I have been privileged to meet two of those  aforementioned "kindreds" this last weekend. Isn't it the best of the best when your penpals turn out to be just as wonderful in person as they are in print?!!
We three blonds.
Our Mary ( the blond with the brilliant smile), me, Jeri (the dishwater, greying blond in the middle), and Christie (  the statuesque, pretty blond on the end)

This weekend my husband and I participated in an Art Festival in lovely Historic  Franklin,Tennessee. I was looking especially forward to this because we had plans to meet up with these 2 great ladies from  blog land, who live in this area.
Christie of "Grammys house, a quaint Victorian Cottage" was going to escort James and I to the home of Our Mary, ( that is our pet name for her) of "Heritage Stitchery", for an evening of good food and a LOT of conversation.
Mary is the most gracious hostess of all time, in her foyer AND on the dining table, she created a beautiful vignette of bunnies and florals,( in honor of  my " Hopalong Jack" via my "Hopalong Hollow" book series, thank you Mary!)
 She served us an elegant meal..
starting with this...
"Carrots and peas,
Beneath the trees,
 And jolly good company, 
If you please!"
Even the plates beneath the food were gorgeous... 
The  main course and DESSERT were scrumptious too,(ice cream, pound cake with tangerines and cream puffs!) but I found myself so lost in conversation and overwhelmed with delight in my new friends, that I don't think I cleared my plate. I wish I had more photos to show you, but my batteries in camera were dead, what an idiot. I am. ( Christie shared these pictures with me.)
 It is such a joy to meet your kindred's. You know them from their blogs, comments and emails, but there is something so special about meeting in person, giving a sisterly hug and visiting the homes in which they dwell.
 Mary is a magnificent needleworker with a heart of gold, and her walls are covered with Samplers and Heritage Stitchery beyond compare.
  ( this is where you must imagine a photograph of some fabulous embroidery work)
If you have ever gotten an "Anonymous" comment from Mary on your blog, YOU are a lucky person, for she always leaves the most interesting messages, ( it's like receiving  a poem, written just for you)
She gave me this little bun "topiary".. green, my favorite color.
I popped him into my impatiens as soon as I got home.

        Christie's home is just what she claims it to be, a quaint Victorian Cottage, each corner filled with every imaginable tiny  teapot and bit of filigree, antiques and romantic floral furniture, and 12 foot ceilings
(photo courtesy of Christies blog).
Christie is also the creator of a new series of books, cards, patterns and recipe cards with her imprint of "Rosewater Cottage Press"
Her stories are of "ELIZA" a wee cloth mouse, that lives in her house. Visit her blog to see what it's all about. http://christiegrammyshouse.blogspot.com/
I told Christie that her artwork feels so comforting.. like a sugar cookie fresh from the oven, and it's true!
  Each book is made with thick, high quality paper, classy, but with a homespun look.

 So, we had a most wonderful weekend, and to top things off, our 3 husbands, got along very nicely, talked politics and exchanged stories,
 and left we 3 blonds alone to chatter away the night.

When we got home, 
I was pleasantly greeted by Miss Merryweather, first time mother of 3 baby chicklets!  She clucked and cackled in pride.
 I was so happy to see that one of the chicks favored it's daddy, MONET, 
who was put into a casserole by that dastardly fox  last month!

 I found that my strawberry bed had not been decimated by the Peacocks,

 AND, my gardens had grown even bigger in the last 4 days!
My Potager is full, herbs, roses, lavender, oxeye daisy the arbor is covered with wisteria.
This front yard garden is blooming with dozens of varieties of bearded Iris. This used to be lawn, now it is completed as a long flower border. I will show some before and afters next week.
Ground cover roses and bitty little viola faces are in full throttle and
the delphiniums are blooming.
My favorite flower of all time,
 the FOXGLOVE, has returned>
For years I have tried to grow these.
 I have finally got a nice bed growing in perpetuity.
 So all is well, here in Hopalong Hollow.


  1. Jeri, my girl! Oh how wonderful to see us all there! Might we mention...we looked awfully good considering the late hour of this photo session:) Was it 11:30 or midnight...not quite sure:) ...and now I am the one blushing..such generous words, my dear..."a sugar cookie warm from the oven"...There will never be another review that melts my heart in an instant.
    Blogland is even more magical than Disneyland... especially when it brings kindreds together. Our Mary truly out-did herself! I told you she was a treasure...and I am certain you were still overwhelmed by her hospitality, her wisdom, her exquisite eye for detail...a treasure, indeed!
    On to YOUR home, and gardens, and hopalong hollow residents...
    The baby chicky-chicks are darling, and your gardens are magnificent!
    The green topiary bunny is precious there, amongst the flowers.
    Delphiniums...in Tennessee?? I am now on a mission...and foxgloves are my favorite (and Francis Fox loves them, as well;)
    The glow (or shall I acknowledge it is from the afternoon in the sun Sunday) has not left..and I have twirled through the house all day long.
    Much love always,

  2. I love that you got to meet those two blonds. What a treat. I would so love to be able to meet YOU sometime. That's so sweet that you have baby chicks. I bought some more babies to add to my flock and they are growing fast. Your gardens look amazing. I am having a plant exchange this Saturday and I wish you could come. Have a great weekend.

  3. What a delight to meet your bloggers!
    I am evr so envious of your garden. It has been a VERY cool spring here in Michigan. Anything in bloom makes me wishful.

  4. What a wonderful and exciting weekend Jeri, it looks like a lovely time was had by all....

    Your gardens are looking so pretty, voluptuous no less ;)
    The Foxgloves are in bloom here too, but sadly my Delphiniums have not yet poked through the soil, I have a sneeky feeling Mr. Mole has partook of them for his dinner...grrr.

    Such sweet little chicks and moma, always a delight to stop by and visit my friend.

  5. How fun!! You three have such sparkles in your eyes telling of joyous times together ;-)

    Your gardens are looking quite pretty.
    And ooo the baby chicks soo sweet!
    Blessings and Hugs, Linnie

  6. I'm hoping my high desert garden will soon bloom like yours, Jeri! And that the critters leave my berries alone too.

    And yes, meeting blog friends IRL is so much fun! Now I need to drop in on Christie and Our Mary to visit via the Net.

  7. Humbled is she by the gracious
    comments (blush,blush) and blessed
    even more by touching and being
    touched by these two enormously
    creative spirits. Only wish I
    could receive all the kindreds to
    our home to partake of the joy.
    Jeri is everything and more of
    the gracious Lady of the Hollow and Christie leaves one with the
    glow of her effervescent joi-de-vivre. How blessed I was this
    weekend by their presence, not to
    mention three very dashing
    gentlemen in attendance...
    The door is ever open to gather
    Your garden, Jeri dear, bespeaks
    its mistress...Oh the foxgloves..
    Tasha would be proud. So beautiful.
    Welcome to the new chicks~ they
    have arrived in paradise... what
    a heavenly setting in which to be
    Thank you for the gift of a
    memorable evening ~

  8. Ahfhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh if I would have been there, it would have been THREE BLONDS AND A MEXICAN...teeheee......is it NOT wonderful to meet up with our blogger friends my dearest? Do you know that I was lucky and happy enough to meet our PENNY two summers ago? I was in heaven. I do not know Mary, but dearest Christie is a special friend as YOU ARE, and it is a joy to see this post, to see you come together. As our personalities vary, our art expressions differ in beautiful ways. You bless my heart, all of you. THANK YOU JERI for the joy you give us all.

    LOVE THIS! Anita

  9. Oh wow! Looks like such a wonderful time was had by all Jeri. Indeed it is so wonderful to meet in person. :)
    The new chicks are adorable and oh how I love your beautiful gardens.
    Hugs to you and all the critters at the hollow.

  10. how wonderful for the three of you to meet and enjoy an evening together! that salad looks mighty lovely to me.

    wow, your garden looks gorgeous... we are so behind you in growing season! It could still frost over at night. Or snow in the day, more likely rain though.

    congratulations on your new babies, so cute those little birds are.

  11. Your foxgloves are lovely. I managed to get some to grow one year and that was that...never again.

  12. How wonderful to meet two friends. My dad grew up in Franklin. If I ever have the chance to return to Tennessee I believe it would be to Franklin. Everything looks beautiful, but I am so sorry you lost your rooster to the fox. I hope you have a marvelous week. Bonnie

  13. Oh happy day! The three blonds.How exciting to meet two blogger friends in person. I know I was beside myself when I meet dear Anita and Ruben.. I sure would like to take a road trip one day and see you..
    Oh Jeri, your garden looks just beautiful... and look at the baby chicks! So very sweet.. I love your roses and violas... Everything is in bloom!
    Enjoy your week.
    Love and blessings,

    1. Penny...our Angel...wish so much that you and darling Anita could have joined our little reunion along with dear Linnie. Hopalong Hollow Bebe was so tickled to see her Jeri. She had her place on a small porcelain leaf, with her gardening tools, on the dining table;)

  14. Dear Jeri, what a gift to meet these beautiful kindred spirits face to face!
    Thank you for sharing your magical time together!
    I get so giddy imagining the day I might get together with dear bloggie friends...
    I am so very blessed that precious Anita is so close.
    And in regards to that cool lemonade...yes Jeri, please...if you are ever in our neck of the woods, we would be honored! Penny, you must come too! :)

    I love your sweet mama and babies...
    Your gardens are out of a fairy tale, Jeri..so beautiful.
    Love and blessings,
    - Irina

  15. Jeri DARLIN'!!!! Thank you precious one for visiting yesterday. HEY! I HAD A MOTHER DUCK IN MY FRONT YARD YESTERDAY WITH HER BROOD OF 10 DUCKLINGS! It was a tender moment. She waddled off with her tail FANNED OUT...I think she was in PROTECTION MODE!!

    Have a beautiful day!! Anita

    1. Oh, Anita! Ducks and duckings! Too precious!
      Much love, my kindreds:)

    2. Oh, Anita! Ducks and duckings! Too precious!
      Much love, my kindreds:)

  16. Good morning Jeri
    What a welcome I had this morning. Thank you so much for joining me for coffee and listening to Frank Sinatra. So happy you enjoyed my wee mouse coach...
    Love and blessings,

  17. That was lovely and you must have had such fun...
    and wonderful welcome home... with chicks, blooming flowers, beauty,... isn't it always surprising how our gardens grow when we are away for a while.. we see each one with new happiness.

  18. Oh Jeri, the delphiniums and foxglove make my heart happy... how beautiful with all the spring colors! I would love to be there, but blogging satisfies my need to see the baby chicks and all that Hopalong Hollow has to offer!

  19. Hi Jeri, Your garden is such a delight. My very favourite flowers - delphinium,foxglove and viola. That greying blond you describe looks soft and gentle from over here! Happy days to you. Chris.

  20. Good afternoon precious friend. Isn't that the truth; we spend our younger years saying we are NOT going to be like our moms and then a wonderful thing happens. We finally realize how loyal and true and wise they were all the time, then in that realization, we become like them. Thank you for coming to visit with me today. I WAS IN THE GARDEN YESTERDAY, pruning and cleaning and I had SO MUCH FUN with a robin hanging over me in defense of her nest in my bittersweet, two large rabbits watching me and squirrels all around me! I felt like Snow White!!!! LOVE! Anita

  21. Love your story. Three blonds! What a great get together this sounds like..and your garden..my dream garden. I'll have to post some pictures of my old gardens..bc (before condo)! Nothing like yours..but some were definitely works in progress. We were near you again end of April. Hope one day to visit your little paradise when we're in town and not working under Larry's whip (JUST KIDDING!)! Thanks so much for sharing..

  22. Oh Jeri, sounds as if you had a wonderful time and your garden looks a lot like mine!
    I too have been training my wisteria to cover our porch. You probably know that it does time effort to get it right!
    Sending you a warm hug and thank you for your visit!

  23. JERI, I keep seeing that a new post has come up on my blogroll, but I do not see it! Anita

  24. LOVELY PICS:) I really like your blog and I want to follow, do you have twitter or FB??

    If you want some swedish decor inspiration, you can check out my blog:)
    Have a great week.

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

  25. Hi Jeri,

    How wonderful that you got to meet up with your friends, and have a fun evening together, life is good.
    Everything is so beautiful at Hopalong Hollow, from the sweet little baby chicks, your gorgeous potager garden to the foxgloves.
    Always a delight to come and visit you.

    Have a happy week

  26. Dear Cousin Jeri,

    So glad that you had a great time with Mary and Christie! How sweet the bunny "topiary" looks in your garden!

    The chicks with their Mama are so adorable! Your strawberries look delicious and your gardens are wonderful!

    Your cousins,
    Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant


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