
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back to the book...

For two years I have been working on these drawings, at every available moment... at last they are finished.
This pile of pencil drawings represents 36 pages (12"x12") , end paper art, and a book jacket (front, back, flaps) for my third Storybook.

 I am so happy, at long last, to line up the paintbrushes, the pens and watercolors, to begin the last step in finishing this book....
 by painting each and every one of these persnickety drawings.
 I would love to show you a few bits and pieces of some of these drawings. I 'll  present a few full pages when they are completely painted.
Above, is a "slice" of the book cover...

and below is a "piece" from an inside page, Mopkin's garden.

  And here is a "glimpse" of dear Fiona, Goosefeathers.. you do remember Fiona, don't you?
 She is so excited about being painted in full Technicolor... well, watercolor actually.

another "peek" at Mamsey and Mopkin at bedtime.

Oh, and I must show you a few of the little wood folk...
Gathering acorns, of course.

And here is look at  Mamsey's kitchen, where she whips up bowls and bowls of "bangers and mash",
 brews pots and pots of Irish Breakfast tea,
and is sometimes surprised by a little guest in the pantry.

Perhaps you recognize this fellow?  Sir Percival... a dapper, but landless gentleman.
 He looks somewhat short without his top hat.

If you have read this blog for any length of time, you will recognize these little creatures. It is the only piece I had painted thus far. It is the title page.

  Now, I am working on painting the copyright and dedication pages. Here you will see  the house in which the two bear dwell.

This should be complete in a few days, and I will show you my process from start to finish.

I have loads of movies to "listen to" as I work.
I am really trying to stay on task. I must finish this book in the next few months. 
 We here in the Hollow will keep you posted. Mavis Mudd (head chicken lady) may have to take over  the Gazette for a wee bit!
 In the meantime, I thank those of you who visit me here, and a special thanks to those who leave comments!
 See you soon, IN COLOR!


  1. Jeri you are such an inspiration in every way!!!

  2. I just want to say I always enjoy your blog. I have followed for a while but am not much of a commenter. As a ES teacher librarian I know children will love it. Especially as you have this wonderful blog to share the process with students and the glimpse into your studio-I loved your little bird. Too many quthors have horrible publisher created or no websites at all. Thanks!

  3. Hi Jeri,

    I can't wait for the new book...I will be in line to buy one for sure!!! You have an incredible gift....and we are so very lucky that you share it with us.

  4. Your work is fantastic, I like your style and your Art,it is very very beautiful...
    You are a wonderful artist Jeri !

  5. Amazing, wonderful, magical. I don't think there are enough words to describe your beautiful artwork.

  6. What a talented artist you are. I can't wait to see them in color!

  7. Jeri, you have so much talent! your lines are so lovely..
    and the patience and perseverance you have to complete these detailed drawings.. sheer beauty!

    what joy you give to your readers.. The very best to you this new year.. Happy painting!!


    There is none like you. Your detail and commitment from start to finish is impressive, inspirational and down right magic. I am so proud to own two of your books and you are just super my dear.


  9. Dear Jeri
    Well, I am just speachless! Anita is right, there is no other ~like you~.. I feel so very blessed to have one of your books to touch, read and ponder over... Just cannot get over the amount of detail that is on one page alone... Your books awake the child in me and for that I thank you...
    Happy New Year my friend, thank you so much for your visits and kind notes you have left at my door. What an inspiration you are.
    p.s. Bebe sends her love to Dimity Doormouse

  10. Dear, dear Jeri ~ Your posts always make me feel happy. This one gives me inspiration and much delight seeing your hard work coming to colorful life. I love Mamsy's kitchen and can hardly wait to see it in wonderful color. I love the needlework piece you've completed with mice and birds. Oh so sweet.

    Thanks again for sharing your life and friends with us here in blogland.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  11. Brava, Jeri!
    A slice here, a piece and
    peek there and I am salivating...You are so
    remarkable. Cannot wait to
    put down the set-aside
    legal tender to at last
    obtain No. 3. The process
    has been mesmirizing...
    God speed!

  12. Oh Jeri it is going to be so fabulous when it is finished. I may have to purchase a copy just for myself. LOL! I always love watching your pictures come alive with color.

  13. Your work is beautiful. Loved viewing the different pieces.
    Cher Sunray Gardens

  14. Ohhhh, how I love this place. Your farm, the sounds of the animals, the magic in each stroke of your brush and your wit,Jeri!!! THANK YOU FOR VISITING ME MY DEAR!!! I am always so honored that people still come to visit, for everyone has been and IS very busy. But thank you for viewing my attempts to "be an artist" and yes, CINDERELLA is my all-time favorite, and BLUEBIRDS! Ohhhh, I am having to make a ton for sure; I just got a big order for some yesterday!

    ENJOY ENJOY ENJOY creating your animal world that enchants MANY OF US so much. LOVE TO YOU!!!! Anita

  15. Such an incredible & inspiring project! Love the drawings - I don't know how you can wait to paint them! I look forward to seeing the process!
    Hugs & Happy 2012,

  16. What an undertaking. The drawings have so much charm and now we can look forward to seeing them brought to life with colour. Clever you, Jeri. x

  17. Jeri! this is wonderful! congratulations, that must feel like quite the accomplishment. the pages look enchanting and as though a child or adult could look at the details and see new things endlessly! and at the end one would want to read it again!

  18. Dear Jeri,

    We're so excited to know that your book is almost done (I'm sure we're not as excited as you are, though!)~ may you be blessed with lots of time for finishing.


    Marqueta and Children

  19. Oh, Jeri, you have outdone yourself!!! I agree with Melody, there are no words to describe it. LOVE this. Can I line up to buy an autographed book from you when it comes out? Will you mail?

    What a pleasure to watch it come to life and see you putting so much of yourself into it. Can you hear me cheering you on from afar?

    Keep on going, Jeri! This will be the best book ever.

  20. I am in awe, what an undertaking! You must be so excited to finally reach this milestone. Please keep us posted as you bring life to these characters and their story.
    ps - I love to listen to John Travolta's movie "Michael"
    ps - are you left handed?

  21. Judy. I love that movie too! Especially the dance scene. No, I am right-handed.

  22. I saw your brushes laid out on the left, so I thought you might be another lefty, that's where I keep mine.

    Your drawings look like your life - I think you are living your dream!

  23. Hi Jeri, thank you for taking time to visit my gardening blog. I am speechless viewing your talent!

  24. Dear Cousin Jeri,

    We can't wait to see all those wonderful illustrations coloured in! We just love Mamsey's kitchen!

    You are right, Dimity Doormouse and Tillie Tinkham would have a grand at a little mousie quilting bee! The sheep on our blog in the barn, in the pasture, and the one I'm giving a hug are Hampshire.

    Your cousins,
    Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant

  25. Dear Dimity Doormouse
    If you are in need of chocolates for valentine's day, please wander over to Nowhere... I am selling my homemade chocolates!

  26. Marvelous work...and now for the magic to happen when you are painting..it will be sooooo amazing!!!


  27. Your talent and "persnickety" drawing discipline reap amazingly detailed results. Although I am not belittling the artistic work of coloring, I would think the painting part will be the icing on the cake. Beautiful.
    Karen A.

  28. Jeri, how delicious. I am always so fascinated by your work & all the wonderful detail you include. I look forward to seeing the finished book!

  29. Amazing! I am such a LAZY artist. You are awesomely inspiring..did I just make that word up? Two years! Such dedication, imagination and detail..it's why you are and will be successful! So glad I found your page while searching keywords; art, Knoxville, Tazewell Tn.

  30. my friend tammie, of spirit helpers, just shared with me your wonderful blog & beautiful art!! can't wait for the new book to be done...it's wonderful!!!


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