
Sunday, November 20, 2011

Ode to an Acorn

There is just something about those little acorns that drives me nuts! I love them. When I stroll through the woods, instead of enjoying the towering trees adorned in their Autumnal filigree of  brazen reds, bronzes and coppers,    my eyes are scouring the ground, searching for ACORNS.
What a happy little nut is the acorn! Why does it appear so jolly? WHY are there acorn images all over my house?!!!

 I feel inspired.....
to honor the ACORN.

Ode to an Acorn

How do I love thee, little acorn?

 Let me count the ways,

I love thee on teapots,


 I love thee
Acorn finial,
Inside the potting shed,

 I love thy perky patterned cap
Atop your acorn head.

From the artists perspective
the acorn is respected,
(While  walnuts and filberts  are woefully neglected.)
Of all those in the nut world, 
Tis the acorn most adored 
While peanuts and cashews are vehemently ignored!
Indeed little acorn,
all artists sing your praises,

The potter takes his sculpting tool to carve your little faces .

Your image has been cast..
in IRON,


and WOOD

An even cast in concrete,

In paint, clay, or stonework,
No nut doth compare.
To the innocent acorn,
 So charming and fair.
And though, to the human,
  Your taste is quite bitter,
Just the mention
of your name,
Makes tree-folk twirp and twitter!

In acorn stews, and muffins too, 
No ordinary nut will do.
Acorn souffle, acorn pie
Acorns piled way up high!!!

For breakfast, supper and afternoon tea,
scouring the grounds neath the old Oak tree,
They gather you acorns three by three
and stash you like gold,
or honey to the bee.

And so, humble nut,

So tried and true

From the depths of my heart...
 I honor you.
(Okay, so it's not Elizabeth Barrett Browning or Shakespeare..... but it's REALLY, REALLY close.)



  1. Aaahhh, That twas a Bonnie ode
    Acorns RULE tee hee!

    Happy Blessings and Hugs, Linnie

  2. What a beautiful Ode you've written, Jeri. I, too, love acorns and always gathered them when I was younger, but you've shown me a whole new way of looking at and for them! Delightful as always!

  3. I love your ode to the acorn. Alas, they drive me nutty, too! I especially love your acorn lamp and dishes. sigh Alas, my soul craves more.
    Happy Thanksgiving.


    OH dearest, you are wonderful, just WONDERFUL! And I'd say, you were VERY CLOSE to Shakespeare!!!!

    I get a kick out of watching our fat little squirrels carry these nuts to our yard and just sit there on my bird bath, eating away!!! How are the farm folk? How is Hamish my beloved goose? JEMIMA? May your table be 'a plenty and joy overflowing my sweet Jeri!!! Anita

  5. That was wonderful and I loved all of the photos.

    May you and yours have a wonderful Thanksgiving week and holiday.

    Love and hugs ~ FlowerLady

  6. I absolutely loved this post. Wonderful pictures of acorns, one of my favorite fall things.
    The pie plate is to die for.

  7. Just as good as Shakespeare any day!! I love it!!

  8. Oh Jeri, this was wonderful!! If anyone can bring joy from a tiny acorn, it is you.. Oh how I love the acorn plates..
    Wishing you a blessed Thanksgiving.
    fondly, Penny

  9. Pure poetry! I love them too, they cover our driveways right now and the squirrels arrive 4ish for early buffet!

  10. Oh Jeri, what a wonderful collage of beautiful examples of acorn art. I too, love acorns. I wrote a story about a little brown ant and an acorn for my first grandson about fifteen years ago. Little Brown Ant was resting on an acorn cap when along came a crow and swiftly carried him away higher and higher in the sky. My how scared was Little Brown Ant! The story goes on for a while when at last the crow drops the acorn and Little Brown Ant while being attacked by a house wren whose territory the crow had invaded. Little Brown Ant escapes injury. Later I stitched a wee brown ant into an actual acorn cap. The acorn cap sits on my bedside table and reminds me of my grandson and the story. I keep three acorns in my car for good luck.

    You have made my day with your scrumptious pictures and I surely will return to the "Ode to an Acorn" many times.

    Love from Diane in North Carolina

  11. And to think from that little capped seed, a seedling, a sapling, and a mighty oak tree. What a wondrous treasure. I loved your ode to the acorn. Oh so much fun!

  12. Hi Jeri,

    Such a beautiful post and ode to the sweet acorn.
    This is lovely and I enjoyed seeing all your delightful photographs.
    The acorn dishes, china and lamp are fabulous.

    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours
    Hugs Carolyn

  13. such a wonderful tribute! amazing how many acorn images and goodies you have.
    i love acorns too! last week i spent an evening drawing acorns and oak leaves and looking at photos on line.

    When i moved away from Calif. i knew i would miss oak trees and i do.

    thank you for this wonderful post.

  14. Oh, I agree! They're such happy and sweet little things! I need to paint more acorns :) nice to meet you, you have a lovely little blog!~

  15. Love them all! Especially the lamp!
    Looking forward to meeting you this weekend! :)

  16. It's better than those others. I can feel just what you're saying... so very delightful and so engrossing. It is wonderful.


  17. DEAREST JERI!!!!!!!

    Oh, I just showed your ODE to Ruben and we both love it so! GLAD TO KNOW that Ruben's or rather, TEA RAT'S passion for the fermented substance inspired you! Ahhh....the joy of creativity! I AM SO HAPPY to finally be off for Thanksgiving vacation. We had long parent conferences and meetings that lasted into the night, but I am SO DONE! CELEBRATE MY FRIEND! Anita

  18. Dear Jeri,

    I LOVE this...and of course I love acorns too. I keep about 30 different species of acorns in an old print drawer. What could be more gorgeous.

    Please tell me about the brightly colored creamer with the acorns? Is it from the thirties?

    Joyous Thanksgiving to you and yours,


    P.S. My laundry tub and dryer are always full of acorns and caps this time of year.

  19. It's absolutely CHRMING!! Oh, how we love acorns...because all of God's little Bushkys feed upon them;)). Xavier now, not only looks for Eliza, when he comes, but he has to make sure his steiff Bushky is at his place on the wicker table between the wicker rockers on our back porch!
    You are truly an inspired human being!
    Happy Thanksgiving wishes, dear kindred sister,

  20. Jeri dear ~ You stand like
    a mighty oak of imagination
    over the beguiling acorns..
    You are an inspiration to
    us all. This post is a
    particular gem...what an
    array of acorn images! It is
    not surprising this response
    from kindred spirits.. we
    might have all once dwelled
    in that forest fair and are
    just simply, wistfully remembering that of which you remind us.

    A blessed Thanksgiving to
    you and yours.

  21. Very good Jeri - I agree, acorns are lovely and spotting them is always a treat! x

  22. Dear Jeri,

    Yours was the fairest ode of all! The others would swoon from envy. :)

    You do indeed have an impressive acorn decor, and the poem was just perfect.

    A happy belated Thanksgiving, and here's to a low-key Christmas!



  23. Dear Jeri, it sure made me smile too! i love acorns & just have to collect them when i am out walking in the woods. So many delicious acorn adornements you posted here, a wonderful tribute.

  24. Thanks Jeri :-D
    We had a great ThGng with Mommy and Brother (at the new Home)
    i thought of you and wondered if you had a big gathering around the new table? ;-)
    Blessings Hugs and Love, Linnie

  25. oh how sweet, I love acorns too. I found your blog via Michelle.

  26. Hi Jeri,

    So lovely to see you at the book signing over at Shells blog.
    How wonderful for you to be able to meet and how lucky she was to go home with the your beautiful book and gorgeous Art creations.

    Happy week

  27. Your blog is beautiful and I'm glad I was led here by another fan of yours. For some reason I can't get the followers page up but I will bookmark your blog and be back!

  28. Acorn candy treats - just for you
    Miniature Nutter Butter cookies..
    Hershey kisses..
    Chocolate morsels ..
    Chocolate frosting ..
    With frosting, glue a morsel on the flat side of Nutter Butter, then glue Nutter Butter to a Hershey kisss, and voila a candy acorn. Delicious!!! I loved your poem. Shell sent me to your site. Judy C in NC

  29. Michelle and the bunnies say Hi and because of them I found your wonderful blog. Just wonderful

  30. Hi Jeri, What an AMAZINGLY,MAGICAL world. So happy to have been led to your little Hollow. Thank you for your inspiration. Chrisb.

  31. DEAREST JERI!!!!!!!!

    In your busy schedule with your art and your critters at the Hollow, I am so happy to see your visit!!! THANK YOU DEAREST! I can only imagine the wonderful coziness and beauty of your home and farm at this time of year. Are you in the process of producing a Christmas book? May you be blessed with joy and fun this season!!! Anita


  32. Gode billeder.
    Smukke ting.
    Tak for kigget.

  33. Oh wonderful ! The Kingdom of Autumn ! All these acorns are fantatics, I love these creations and the Fruits of Lady Nature...

    Nice evening Jeri !

  34. Aloha Jeri,
    Oh I just love this post. It's always so fun to visit your blog. Not sure what is so special about this tiny acorn, but like most people I too love this nut. We don't have any in Hawaii, so I have to ask friends on the continent to send them to me.
    Thank you for stopping by for a blog visit, it warms my heart that you do. I believe you're right, women are more creative than they were 20 years ago. Also, there are many more of us that are creating now than 20 years ago. It's an amazing phenomenon.
    Warm hugs to you...

  35. Oh I love visiting you here, Jerri.. I feel comforted and cozy.. always so many things to see, even if I saw a page from your books/ sketchbooks before there is so much detail in your paintings I am always delighted to see even more new surprises .. your work keeps on giving!!!

  36. Oh, I just love love love your blog. My heart is right there with you.


  37. I thought of you yesterday when I bought a small acorn salt shaker.

  38. Dear Cousin Jeri,

    Love all those acorns at Hopalong Hollow and your Ode to an Acorn!

    Your cousins,
    Diane and daughter Sarah at the Corgyncombe Courant


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